Why are Gold bugs so retarded?

Why are Gold bugs so retarded?

If the dollar collapses people will buy land, cryptos, stocks and other currencies (euro).

Nobody will buy that useless metal in this digital age.

Attached: Gold_Ingot.png (208x208, 406)

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Gold has more uses than just being a shiny metal user, it’s used in electronics

yes good sell me your worthless shiny rocks that have no value

>If the dollar collapses people will buy land, cryptos, stocks and other currencies (euro).
with what?

With what will they buy gold?

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what do you think backs some of the big boys dollars up?

Let me ask you, back during hyper inflation during the great depression, Albert Speer one of hitlers greatest friends bought bonds in gold and mange to come through on the upper. Do you know why?

There will always be an economy in society and therefore it must have some for of primal backing and what has more value then something of limited circulation, and no degradation.

Do you know how society works user? If everything went tits up gold would probably be used as currency again


Why do you guys get so butthurt about people buying gold? Gold is a great store of value. Its pretty, inert, heavy, malleable and rare without being obscure. Almost perfect.

Yep. Dollar just collapsed. So what will people buy all the stuff with?

People won't suddenly use it as a currency.
They'll go to cryptos or use another currency (euro).
You're deluded if you think stacy will go around bartering with gold.

What if when everything goes tits up and the fucking internet goes down?

Foreign Currencies. That's what people use in Venezuela since they're own currency has hyperinflated.


>implying when the dollar implodes the world economy wouldn’t collapse with it

Absolutely pointless thread. All it takes is one glance at the all-time gold chart to see that it invariably increases in value in times of economic uncertainty. If you can't make the connection of why it would be a good hedge than you simply don't belong on this board. Go to /v/ or something, simpleton.

I mean that’s literally why the jews have used it as a store of value for millenia. Currencies are backed by government but gold is backed by its own properties, properties that appeal to humans and their markets.

Man this thread makes me want to buy gold. Uh, nice job I guess, OP.

What is the best way to buy gold?

Agreed user. Gold is obsolete nowadays. Silver, now that’s a different story.

>If the dollar collapses people will buy land, cryptos, stocks and other currencies (euro).
>If the dollar collapses people will buy land
With what? The dollar collapsed remember?

what if the fiat system itself collapses

look up fractional reserve banking, you niggers

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>be american, post fiat system collapse
>walk to store to buy milk
>carrying a bunch of little 1/10 oz gold coins worth about 50 gallons of milk each
>get shot

>nobody wull buy that in the digital age
Care to know the current price per ounce

Sir you are a retard

This is not how a crash works. You still have US dollars, only a 100$ will just be worth .000000000000000001 ounce of gold - the global store of wealth

Petro yuan futures March 26th.
The collapse is happening before our eyes and no one is talking about it.
I’ve been liquidating my assets to gold.

Itll take a while for it to supplant the USD as the trading currency for oil. Wont happen overnight, if at all.

The 26th is the beginning of the end for the USD oil domination. Saudis already accept yuan.
Russia and China have been stockpiling gold to get this to work. Petro yuan will succeed the USD petro deal of the 70’s

Would love it if u r right. But there is zero chance anything happens to the USD as the global currency due to the Petro Yuan. USD is much more stable.

I know u dont agree but thats what make the world exciting doesnt it.

Come to the silver side.

Attached: uploads%2F1498846969883-chart1.png (899x488, 131K)

I got silver ... working up to 300 ounces. Less risk than gold but with more upside. I follow Harry Dent so silver is a hedge

Oh god don't buy physical silver. You have to pay a big premium to buy AND sell. Just buy Ag stock.

Its a hedge against the crash of precious metals derivatives. Kinda defeats the purpose if its not physical.

USD gets printed as debt piles.
While the Chinese and Russia are improving and strengthening its economy. While also excelling in technology. The USA will be on a downward spiral for years to come.

From a certified seller. It's bulky, expensive, risky to move in any serious quantity, and if you own X quantity - where X is a significant number - it's assumed - which is code for 'you will, or you won't be allowed to buy it, you dumb motherfucker' - the new gold owner turns to a significant bank, and/or security company for storage and inspection of the gold. The inspection part is usually free, and mandatory, but storage can cost silly money if the bank you're storing your shit at isn't one that you've had very long-term dealings with (15+ years). Insurance is all but mandatory on gold, but the rates vary heavily.

If you're getting serious fucking business amounts of gold, you'll have to contact the local version of wells-fargo. Unless you're in a complete shitheap of a country, you'll always have at least two options: the local not-wells-fargo brand, and some kind of specialized security solution with tacticool rigs, 5 dollar shades, and guns that are too big to effectively deploy or use from the transport truck. The specialists may, or may not, be brown, incapable of speaking english, show signs of not actually knowing what they're doing, but they're guaranteed to shot anyone who tries to rob them. Not-wells-fargo look like ordinary blue collar workers, but are more like the secret service or an alphabet agency, and have plenty of experience doing this one particular, very niche, very silly job Unless the price difference is astronomic (many parts of Africa and central America), go with whoever has the longest record of handling this shit, which 99% of the time ends up being the rebranded well-fargo company.

Also, there's a fuckton of restrictions on how, when, why, and with what you can transport gold. Check with the local big bank. You'll need to fill in a lot of paperwork, and in some places, you'll be legally held accountable if the transporting crew suffers any kind of injury or death.

TL;DR gold is complicated.

Attached: goldcoins.jpg (300x300, 48K)

China is in the biggest debt bubble mankind has ever known. Australias economy is as big as Russias. My money is on the US coming out better in a world market disaster.

China has the ability to produce, innovate, renovate, and grow. It's endured a lot of hardships, many of them so recently that there are people still alive who remember them.

USA consumes and imports. The infrastructure ranges from obsolete to third world. Copper cabling is still used to carry a lot of traffic, 'because it's too expensive to get fiber, man!' Highways and plumbing have remained largely untouched since the 1960s, as well.

While China has debt, USA has appetite. If there was a collapse, USA would starve and freeze. There's not enough food to feed everybody, and not enough arable land to grow more. The country has a silly problem where it doesn't really make a lot of produce - rather, most common goods are imported from places like China, where it's cheaper to make, while also ensuring the superior American people aren't burdened with trifle things like making shoes.

just because the currency isn't backed by gold doesn't mean gold ever stopped being money

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I’d bet on either of the other 3. IMO US is on a very bad path and it don’t look good.
USA recap
The banks ain’t giving anyone loans. Even the most qualified. Fresh out of College grads have no jobs and $100k plus debt. The cost of food is highest all time in American. 1 dozen eggs cost $3.50 , gallon of milk $4.40.
The cost of real estate is at ridiculously high prices and it is not realistic for millennials to buy at high prices.

The United States has everything it needs on the continent and from Anglo allies (Aust).

I think Americans are capable of making shoes, they just outsource to less developed economies while they create the revolution of the information age.

Not to mention that historically, gold has been the first thing that was confiscated from people. And it's suprisingly hard to find/buy gold that won't get you logged as a buyer, i.e. in a way that won't get you flagged as "physical gold owner".

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I didnt say the USA asset bubble wont pop. It will. Just as the China one will. (You wanna see a propety bubble go to China). Which country do you think will go to a revolution first? Those things can wreck an economy.

Also, to the faggots who think gold will 'save them.' It won't.

What will save you is, in no particular order, a safe haven, weapons, ammunition, supplies, strong connections with people in your community, having/operating a business of some sort, actual adult real life experience.

That's all assuming a silly world ending economical collapse, which isn't gonna happen, no matter how many idiots chant it. Right now, gold is used by really fucking paranoid white men as some kind of store of value. Unfortunately, the associated costs with keeping the gold safe, insured, and even stored, kinda eat away at any supposed prospects of it being 'a store of value.' The whole thing is very silly, really.

Gold in reverse, in moderate quantity? Sure.
Gold in storage? Avoid it.
Gold as 'store of value?' Only a handful of people who go here have the money and connections necessary to attempt this, but don't do it. It's stupid, and your name will get mentioned in places full of criminals.

8÷ of gold supply is used in industry rest is speculation. Gold is the biggest bubble ever. Gold should actually be valued 92÷ less to reflect its real value.

No, it's very easy to find and buy gold, but the gold you 'find' and 'buy' will need to be carefully inspected, then turned into bars or coins, which are then inspected after casting. Finally, they'll be marked with their batch, serials, purity, and etc.

Governments don't really give a fuck about gold hoarders, unless they're like Bill Gates rich, but all the money's in gold. Then they sometimes care, but not always. I mean, come on, now. When Mugabe plundered his shit country like only a black man can, he took pretty much everything that wasn't on a tobacco farmer's ranch, bars of gold (because they'd long since left the country), and machinery that would need repairs.

20 years ago, he might have turned over entire homes 'lookin' fo' mah precious gold, dawg,' but that was then, and this is now.

Also, if you're worried about having your gold seized, remember that if a state of emergency or martial law is called, EVERYTHING you have is at an actual risk of getting seized by big brother. Yet another scenario we're not likely to ever see.

That so-called formula is stupid. Silver is volatile, but the value of silver held, from 1500 (and before probably) to 1964, and since 1964, overall the value of silver has just been creeping up against the dollar, or the dollar has been slow collapse, while silver just holds it's value steady, plus some wild swings up to 50 dollar an ounce. That retarded chart means nothing.

Make a US dollar chart "according to the 1980 inflation index" it will look like something falling of a cliff.

Attached: US Dollar Steady Decline over Years.jpg (633x457, 62K)

>Also, to the faggots who think gold will 'save them.' It won't.

You are an idiot.

>What will save you is, in no particular order, a safe haven, weapons, ammunition, supplies, strong connections with people in your community, having/operating a business of some sort, actual adult real life experience.

You are a double idiot. Right now South Africa proves all that shit you said above is retarded. The whites will be driven off their farms, and if they use their "guns ammo etc" they will be genocided, while the world watches and gives zero fucks.

If any farmer in SA got his money in gold enough years ago, boom, sneak that gold out of the country and he's clear. No gold? He leaves South Africa penniless, if he keeps his life at all.

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>That's all assuming a silly world ending economical collapse, which isn't gonna happen, no matter how many idiots chant it. Right now, gold is used by really fucking paranoid white men as some kind of store of value. Unfortunately, the associated costs with keeping the gold safe, insured, and even stored, kinda eat away at any supposed prospects of it being 'a store of value.' The whole thing is very silly, really.

BLA BLA BLA you are really fucking stupid. Right now the only whites in South Africa who keep their wealth, are the ones with gold. You going to export 1,000 acres of land when an army comes to kill you? Fucking retard. Only the man with gold keeps his wealth when a country goes to shit, and it happens and we're watching it today (South Africa today, Sweden UK tomorrow?)

>Gold as 'store of value?' Only a handful of people who go here have the money and connections necessary to attempt this, but don't do it. It's stupid, and your name will get mentioned in places full of criminals.

Yeah it's stupid. Just hold on to your farm, and when the army comes to massacre your whole family, die like the idiot you are because you made no plans.

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how people can buy anything id he`s dollar collapses?
Why (You) so retarded?

Attached: purchasepower.jpg (250x231, 59K)

USA has very little of what it needs, and the population has never fought a modern war on their own soil. They're incredibly unprepared, and while there are a lot of guns in USA, very few owners are what I'd call 'experienced shooters.'

If everything went to shit like - BOOM - crypto and gold are worthless, because you can put neither in your stomach. Barter systems develop rather quickly, but due to the low average intelligence of Americans, the first few months will be anarchy and greed; gangs robbing stores, vigilante justice, and so much more. Once shoes, shirts, socks, and so on started wearing down, reality would set in, and a primitive barter system would be born. So what would the money be? IOUs at first, and simply things like 'you stand guard this night. Your payment is breakfast and dinner tomorrow.' Simple things like that. The local currency might actually suffice for trade, as well, depending on how the world fell apart.

Gold wouldn't become a currency. Too heavy, and too much fuss to keep. Ammunition and basic bitch survival gear (flashlights, helmets, good quality knives, padded clothing, backpacks, batteries, etc.)

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>If everything went to shit like - BOOM - crypto and gold are worthless, because you can put neither in your stomach.

This kind of stupidity is impossible. No man is this retarded, it must be an agent of some kind, whose purpose is to lie about money and lie about gold.


(all that being said, bitcoin was ten thousand times better than gold over the last ten years)

Hey, man, I saw a tread. It full of shitposts and questions.

I decided to answer some of the questions, and explain what would happen if martial law or a state of emergency were to be called.

Its off all records, liquid and I can pay someone just by handing it to them.

What will they buy those things with?

>I decided to answer some of the questions, and explain what would happen if martial law or a state of emergency were to be called.

do tell me because I saw yugoslavia collapse in 91.You are a fucking idiot.

>Hey, man, I saw a tread. It full of shitposts and questions.

>I decided to tell people my completely uninformed baseless opinions, while ignoring facts and history. I don't actually know anything about gold, and I have no gold myself.


>If everything went to shit like - BOOM - crypto and gold are worthless


>low average intelligence of Americans

>helmets, good quality knives, padded clothing, backpacks, batteries

Fucking ebay commando

>Nobody will buy that useless metal in this digital age.


You keep your helmet OP. You can run around naked with it and your fucking backpack for all I care.Strap it on good. I'll keep some gold.

Neets. Seriously the responses in this thread must be all larps.

Gold, like paper fiat, has no intrinsic value. If, and it won't happen in our lifetimes, one of the major currencies does collapse then that country will adopt the currency of another through the form of debt. I.e. Their trade is bound to a foreign currency.

Gold will not be traded for the reason the gold standard died off - its too hard to trade in small increments. For it to get to that point we would be in a state of world apocalypse where things like food, shelter and ammunition become a form of currency anyway. Who the fuck wants a shiny ass stone when it is physically a survive or die.

> muh fiat is ponzi
This is why it won't get to that point. Talking fiat, at worst the USD will become the one world currency. Most likely because burgerfingers will nuke, impose sanctions, defraud, invade etc. to install their central banking system. There will still be a currency and more dollar bills will be printed to keep the economy afloat.

> what about crypto user
At some point there will be a transition to 'digital money' which will be framed as 'convenient' and 'revolutionary'. It's halfway there with credit cards r-right. Paper money will be taken out of circulation and it will be timed to avoid 2008 2.0. Crypto has no intrinsic value just like fiat and gold. It's the next natural step for civilisation to take in trading a 'currency' for commodities. We all know life and everything in it is a big ponzi scheme. We trade something which has perceived value for things we want all while lining the pockets of the 1%. The age of crypto will be no different.

>I am an imbecile with zero knowledge of gold or history, but here read my long tl;dr retardation opinion---



> references Zimbabwe
Kek good one Mugabe, enjoy eating dirt while panning for rocks

Let's not kid ourselves, gold will plummet with everything else if a crisis happens. It's the opposite of useful during a collapse, it's not a convenient currency. If (IF) something gets adopted as a currency instead of people going back to bartering until government fixes its fiat, it's gonna be crypto.

When the crisis is over, gold will most likely recover. But so will other things. So, unless you're preparing for a cataclysmic scenario where anything you don't physically own will get ripped away from you, you can stick to other assets just fine.

Best bet as far as I can see is to stick to different government fiats and panic migrate somewhere else once the first waves of the crisis hit. Gold, stocks and other assets will definitely plummet first before fiat starting to hyperinflate. Once they come down, it's safe to move into them. And if all fiat really goes to zero after that, everything's gonna be fucked worse than ever before - not a world I'd consider even worth living in, not gonna prep for something like that. All that's really needed is to just stay more alert than the masses so that you can act accordingly, whatever the situation becomes. Locking your net worth in gold isn't the best move for staying liquid and I don't see many situations where it's gonna "save" you without you having to take some action either way.

>> references Zimbabwe
>Kek good one Mugabe, enjoy eating dirt while panning for rocks

South Africa happening right now. Proves all the "All I need is guns and bullets" retards to be dumber than retarded, fucking total imbecile level.

>Let's not kid ourselves, gold will plummet with everything else if a crisis happens.

This is so counter-factual and counter history, you have to wonder what kind of retarded mind can believe such stupidity?

Oh really, is that so? Can you tell me, what happens here during every recession since the fifties? Have you even looked at the charts ever?


>South Africa happening right now. Proves all the "All I need is guns and bullets" retards to be dumber than retarded, fucking total imbecile level.
Yes, and Venezuela proves that everybody will flock to gold as currency, right?

Why do brainlets think the only two situations are modern day and fucking mad max.

If the economy collapse that doesn’t mean civilisation will necessarily completely end you fucking idiots.

Look at those tiny little flecks of gold. That seem practical to you? Only reason they're using it is because they're mining it locally.

>Gold will plummet.

Idiot-- Gold has not 'plummeted' ever in 5,000 years. And you link a chart with made-up numbers? Give me a gold chart with prices that are not made up and changed. Fucking amazing.

I don't know what Venezuela proves, other than Latins are retarded, but your post proves you are immune to facts and history, prefering 'your opinion' of what you figure would happen.

South Africa, today, proves that land is not money, and that land can be stolen from you easily, on a whim, with almost zero effort from any government, any time. The man with gold, has a fighting chance to make a run for the border and get to a safe country, with his wealth intact, only if he has gold (or safe overseas assets of course)

"practical' or not is moot. The video demonstrates that gold is money, during a complete cluster-fuck collapse, with people literally starving, the ones with gold ate, without gold, starved and died.

It is an illustration of the timeless value, of gold. (Government paper, and promises, can lose 100% of their value any second of any day, like property rights for whites in South Africa)

All their "guns and stockpiles of food and etc etc etc" are worth fucking zero. They will leave their farms with nothing, or be killed by overwhelming force of an army, and the world will stand by and do nothing, because white countries are cowards and cucks.

>Gold, like paper fiat, has no intrinsic value.
It has intrinsic value you just don’t understand what intrinsic value is relative to a currency.

It’s intrinsic value is it’s natural properties: it can’t be easily synthesised, it’s durability and resistance to chemical reaction and it’s relative scarcity (This is ignoring its other non-currency related intrinsic value). These properties make it an idea store of value and a good currency.

Bitcoin is easier to transport but has other negatives such as potentially losing your password, virtually zero recovery of funds if a mistake is made in the address, transaction fees, reliance on access to the internet/computers/power.

Fiat currency has literally no intrinsic value aside from one thing: government enforcing its use to pay taxes (or just making other currency illegal).

>Gold has not 'plummeted' ever in 5,000 years.
Sure it has, its price goes up and down all the time in relation to fiat.
>And you link a chart with made-up numbers?
I'm fucking done.

I can see gold helping if we somehow keep hovering, avoiding the next crash, for a long time. Fiat would inflate in the meantime as governments print more of it. But even then, all currencies can't keep going downhill for long, eventually stocks and other assets will collapse to buy-in prices. It's all about spreading out and being ready to shuffle your value around however the situation seems to require, not burying your head in the sand and sitting on gold. Sure, gold works, but I don't see how it can be more effective than the active strategy, unless an actual apocalypse happens.

>Idiot-- Gold has not 'plummeted' ever in 5,000 years. And you link a chart with made-up numbers? Give me a gold chart with prices that are not made up and changed. Fucking amazing
Gold has plummeted since 2010 in value.

The only thing that has 'plummeted' in the last 200 years is the value of paper money. Saying gold has 'plummeted' ever when it's up from under $20 an ounce is super-retarded.

And you are done, because you have made no point of any value nor stated anything that was true.

Show me a one hundred or two hundred year gold US$ chart of actual, real, historical numbers, not made up fanciful ones to compensate for the dollar collapse over time??

>Here is a gold chart, but it's not real numbers, it's fake numbers that never existed, but it will pretend the dollar is not collapsing!!

Yeah that's helpfull.

>Gold has plummeted since 2010 in value.

Gold 1918 $20 per ounce
Gold 2018 $1,300 per ounce

Yeah I take it back, gold practically fell off a cliff. Gold BTFO.

>The man with gold, has a fighting chance to make a run for the border and get to a safe country, with his wealth intact, only if he has gold (or safe overseas assets of course
Actually he would be likely stopped at the border while lugging huge bags of gold across the border. And capital gold controls has happened in America before during economic collapse so your little gold empowered fantasy doesn't happen in real life.

>huge bags of gold

You're a fucking idiot. Anyone with "huge bags of gold" indicates someone with millions and millions of dollars. Such a person already has homes, bank accounts and aircraft in many countries.... not likely to be disturbed by any single countries collapse.

You are either knowledged and thus lying, for reasons we can't know here, or you are totally clueless, and own no gold, thus do not understand the value of gold.

Your focus on a superfluous method of speech is proof gold bugs are idiots and can't handle a conversation about their stupid asset.

Hint: the macrotrends chart is inflation-adjusted by default. Sure gold stores its absolute value, but so does owning stocks during economic upswings and owning currency during economic downturns. In fact, that stores your value much better and doesn't require much active management. Sure you can chuck everything in gold, but as long as you understand the general principles of economic cycles, you'll have a lot more upside, and the timing is not that hard. At worst you lose a bit buying equity too early or starting to hold cash too soon, but you can easily avoid the massive crashes of assets, essentially increasing your wealth every time where gold would merely store it.

this will soon be true for bitcoin.
$100 will be .00000000000000001 btc

At least you admit your are an imbecile.

Here you post arguments to nothing I ever said.

You can create new cryptos. You can't create new elements.

Just in case anybody wants to see what a collapsed shit teir rock with no intrinsic value looks like, here is a 100 year chart of the collapse in the value of gold. Shit tier asset to be sure.

US% historical chart, real numbers. (starts at $20 per ounce on the left)

Attached: 100 Year Gold.jpg (1126x673, 53K)

>At least you admit your are an imbecile
You don't know what superfluous means do you sweetie.

How much gold do you own imbecile?

that's the inflation of the USD. needless to say, you don't need to store your value for 100 years in the USD as long as their strategy is to keep inflating the shit out of it. instead, hold assets (equity has been by far the most reliably performant) when things go well and try to hedge with fiat when the cycle seems to be nearing its end. you'll be left with much smaller losses / much higher increases of effective purchasing power than by passively holding gold. nothing wrong with owning some gold on the side, though.

I never argued against any of that. I am arguing the timeless value of gold, and in comparison to land especially, and showcasing South Africa as an example, which proves all the "My land is worth more than all your stupid gold and you will pay me ten ounces of gold for an loaf of bread when bla bla" arguments. They were all retarded arguments. (Not to say you made them here today)

But South Africa proves, that when things go south, all the food stockpiles and guns and tons of ammunition is worth fucking nothing, and they will leave their farms with tails between legs, and zero assets. At gunpoint of an army.

Then their farmland will be sold to China. The biggest theft in our lifetime, an entire country, stolen by "democratic process" then sold to China, which the dictators of SA will pocket the money.

implying if a war ever happens, jews wont ship endless waves of (((FREE))) weapons to both sides...

well, if you simply wanna be able to bury some metal in the ground in various positions, forget it, and be sure that you can dig it up later and it will still be worth something, that's where gold is great and unmatched. but I've been arguing that it's not the optimal strategy in almost any scenario assuming you're willing to stay on top of things and occasionally move your value around into different things. for instance, those people in south africa could have bailed any time when their retarded president started talking about those things, and they still can. it's unwillingness to acknowledge a negative situation that gets you into trouble, not storing your value in "traditional" assets.

Then people aren't going to use currency at all for awhile because they'll want to trade for things they knkow they can use. Most gold bugs are historically illiterate so they'll claim that gold was used as currency through all or most of human history or civilization. This is incorrect. Gold was not popularized as a currency until the neo-babylonian empire. Before that (and after in places gold coinage hadn't reached) the usual currency was grain or herd animals such as goats or cattle.

Why do people think the dollar would "collapse" in an economic crash? If banks would fails 90% of the dollars people thought they had would vanish.

A gold bar cost over half a million dollars now. In an economic collapse, when people's bank accounts balances vanish, retirement holdings vanish, equity in their home's plummet, who is going to have $500,000 to pay for a 7'' piece of useless metal?

Cash is king in an economic collapse. Unless the government prints money and causes hyperinflation. But that just mean Gold will be worth more dollars, its actual value will still be worthless in an economic crash.