Weirdest way you've ever made money (i think this is the right place to post this?)

i was going through my old pictures today when i saw i had saved some of those old Veeky Forums coupons that people would use back in the day and it got me to thinking, what is the weirdest or worst way you've ever made money that actually worked? also picture not really related

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Used to buy old music organs on craigslist and sell them at a loss or breakeven if lucky cuz no one wants a fucking organ. I do get to tell people I used to be in the organ trade biz tho

A client once asked me to review his academic essay and see if there needs to be anything done. It looked pretty good, which I said to him. He sent me a $20 tip with the comment "thanks for honesty". Apparently he got overcharged in the past by proofreaders.

Oh also this

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I used to buy unwanted ink cartridges from printing companies and sell them on ebay

My autistic friend tried to sell me this pyramid scheme. When I told her she said "don't be silly user...pyramid schemes are illegal in Australia". So obviously rehearsed. She'll be poor forever and so will her children.

Yeah, OP here... i started selling stuff on ebay around Halloween time last year, it worked great for a few months but then this month a guy ended up putting the screws to me and scammed me out of $200... so now i don't really want to sell expensive items on ebay anymore... so im looking for stuff that i can sell that is still worth selling, but if some dirtbag scams me i won't lose the farm on the deal..

I used to hack Satellite systems so they didn't need a card to work. Got every channel and PPV for free. People were throwing money at me so fast I couldn't keep up with demand.

I used to sell the method to get free flights on airlines. I even posted it for free a few times on this site but most people are too chicken to try it.

I stopped when some lady bought jewellery off me (~$600), then her husband raised a ticket with eBay because she used his cc supposedly without his knowledge. EBay sided with the bank and made me give back the money, they also kept the jewellery.

Does it still work?

I used to work in a bar but they had an awful checking system so I started creating double checks, one for the bar and the other one had all the things that the client asked for, so when the client asked for their check I gave them the one with their true check, and I gave the one with the missing requests to the cashier, so with that I kept like 30% of the money.

Good days because I was also able to drink free beer, drinks and free food and nobody knew

Yes, but requires non-autistic stuff like talking to humans for it to work.

enlighten us, I want to know

Id give my Uncle Larry footjobs for $3 every Sunday after church behind the barn

I was paid to act as a patient for a Korean guy who said he was training to become a doctor/nurse.
He would just practice using his stethoscope and ask me random questions to practice his English while I sat on a chair.
I think he may just have been getting off on the roleplay though.
Got paid like $50 bucks an hour for it too.

Can you explain?

My friend is into somewhat escort dating. You take the out on a dste and they pay you. Tried it a couple of times, up to you if you want to have sex with them or not. I earned pretty much ok, also gave them some pity fucks. Only did this back in college

K nvm

is this even legal?

I spent the night over to a friend and his sexy Asian roommate as I walked to the bathroom around 4am to take a tinkle this Asian cutie walk-in was impressed with my massive cock. She ran back to her room and pulled $5 ran back over and handed it to me and began to suck my cock.
Easiest $5 I’ve ever made.

Yes, it's very legal until ebay bans you after like, the 50th time you do it. then you just make another account and go all over again. but please don't do it. believe it or not but karma DOES exist.. i did it for a while when i was a major poorfag, later on in life i regret it though, i know i hurt a lot of people for my shitty anime figurines....

>people moving out
>leaving their books in the dumpster
>take them
>get like 150 books
>ten of them can be sold at retail price
>made 30$ out of it
>rest can be sold at 10c per unit
>made 14$ out of it

I do this every year

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I really really really like this story

So male escort?

I sold substances for a while. That's not the weird or fun part, it's the people you meet.

Some quick tips:
-Do not work with minorities.
-Do NOT work with minorities
-Good qualities a client should have: profession, age, family
-Family lets you put a wrench in negotiations if you're being coerced
-9/10 of the time you can dox a customer's real name and address with just their phone number
-Same applies to you, brainlet
-Exemplary service really impresses people
-Stop when you're ahead

Basically just deal with white men and nothing can go wrong.

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Explain it please user.

Some betting websites would run campaigns doubling your initial deposit up to an amount (like 200 dollars), but you had to place bets for a certain amount before you could withdraw

I signed up to 4 different sites with the same campaign, took opposing bets on 50/50 outcomes (meaning if I lost on one site, I won on the other). You play the winning sites against each other and you're left with one account that meets the playthrough requirements to cash out the 'free money' you got for signing up. ~800 dollars in a few hours.

did this with blackjack. just deposit 500$, get 500$ bonus, let a bot play 20000x a 1$ hand at maximum expectation value to win (49.5%), then cash out 980$.
once the bot was setup it even worked on multiple shady websites.


>Be 60k in debt
>Take out personal loan, max all credit cards, use money (~80k) to gamble on trump winning the election
>mfw 330k tax free

It's wasn't on a whim though, I followed the election for months like a job, and had I known what I know about finance now then, I would have shorted the peso with like 200x leverage & made several mil off the same capital.

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livin the dream

r u female

what site

Had a team with 3 other people working for me to ewhore. Acted like we were real girls and used some photos of different girls. Made about $40k a month. (we splitted it by 4)

I put 0.005 eth in etherbot presale loot boxes when anondev made the first topic and sold the common items from it for 0.08 eth a piece on release
Not all that interesting I guess but it's still weird browsing this board and throwing scraps at a scam-looking venture can make you some money

How can I do this? I'd ewhore the fuck out of myself for 40k.

Went to a big party until 6 in the morning, walked out drunk and fleamarket started bought 80 dollars worth of stuff sold it all a week later $500 profit

have you tried doing business with slavs?

this is good. wish i knew how to code.

I was an underpaid festival worker. Building stages, gates, fences, sound, light, anything. Too much job, too much 20 hours a day, too much drug addict stupid co-workers. Too much people who had no idea what we do so it was dangerous aswell.

While the festival lasted I collected cups at night (its easier, drunk ppl leave them by thier own tents) because there was 1 euro deposit on them. Izi 100-180euro for 4 hours of work. But It was physically exhausting, you smelt like shit but I really needed the money for my studies.

On my 3rd season I was high on meth with my mate (this is usually a 2 man job, one collects the cups, one bear the weight, and yes 150-300cups is heavy as fuck) and we couldnt resist.... There were wallets everywhere. So we stole the money. Not the proudest moment of my life. Easy 600in one night.

Why the fuck did I born poor... That job killed my right knee for life, my morals, my body and soul and did it for pennies. Never again.

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Could have just became a plumber son. Smoke meth, fish tampons out of toilets, a real trade.

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or I could have born in a total average middle class family with a normal mom and a dad.

But you weren’t and you fucked it up all by yourself. My dad is a literal clown escort faggot. Do you think I had a normal middle class family life? FUCK NO. I shattered my femur and still walk 7 miles a day to do my job.
Unironically keep smoking meth because it’s all your good for pussy bitch.

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i ran affiliate marketing pornsites for

its the worst gangbang bukkake you can find and it killed me inside. had to stop at one point and exited the business completely. it was like working near a nuclear reactor. made me 10k EUR in total but costed me psychologically and emotionally.

>has subscription to PBC
>saw the beginning of the October edition of PBC in my email but website was down
>sees “the PayPal of the pot industry”
>unironically buys 5btc worth of potcoin @ 30sats
>sells at literal top - 90sats..

It dropped back down to 20sats and turned out the ‘paypal’ was fucking dash and not potcoin.

Made 15BTC off of a shitcoin in 2 mins.

I used to sell booze, B.B. guns and knives to underage kids. Used to steal items from parcels in communal mailboxes and sell them at pawn shops. I felt like a scumbag, but free money. Stopped because I nearly got caught and it made me fucking terrified.

>Let people in my classroom mine runes in runescape.
>Buy them for cheap prices and runecraft them, selling them for jewish prices and if they couldnt cough up enough coins asked real money or candy.

This happend when i was like 11 years old.

how is it horrible. saw a couple of those and they don't look as extreme.

24/7 ball gags, brownie mix & clown porn.

they are a network and have some even more extreme sites, you get full access to all their content as affiliate.

if you do this stuff over a longer period of time it erodes you. it wasnt for me long term, its too heavy.

i also betted 25k on Trump election win like the other user but made only around 100k. our stories are pretty similar, i also maxed creditcards and ran into full debt for that. still living off that money today


bagged like $350 for helping some foreign freshman momma's boy settle down in my university town. I had to spend like 3 hours a day for 4 days helping him find an apartment, opening a bank account and such. He was dumb as bricks and his mother was the most annoying woman on earth.

I used to steal packs of cigarettes when I was 12, and then sell them to the older kids in middle school.

>get free 10 spins on some slot gambling website
>play it
>made 200 dollar
>keep making accounts on different websites
>only worked once

do you feel better about yourself now you ugly miserable cunt? where is the part where I said I smoke meth. I did smoke meth, like 10 times in my life. Sounds like your father did his best and you are the fucking clown. I dont had parents you nigger.

Im much better off now and did it all by myself you femur faggot.

That's why SYS will replace eBay

lmao look at part prices now