Ok so ive been with the project for a while and considering that there's been some pretty weak price action for the...

Ok so ive been with the project for a while and considering that there's been some pretty weak price action for the last few months I've really wanted to sell, Ive just got a gut feeling that this project isnt going anywhere. Well what do you know it isnt. They're now moving into rnd for sensors? Just where does this fit into the business plan and how does the token economics relate to this? I basically funded some swiss pajeets to fuck around with my money and maybe in 10 years it will bear fruit? No thanks amb im out and thumbs down!

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on paper it seemed like such a good idea, but it's just impossible to pull off. ironically, it's the fundamentals that are bad with this project, even though on first glance the fundamentals seemed like its strongest aspect.

countdown until Bear Modum faggot chimes in...3...2...1...

>Just where does this fit into the business plan and how does the token economics relate to this?
Who gives a shit? It looks rekt like every shitcoin, can it rise back up with the rest of the shit?

I agree and that's why I went allin MOD

AMB is so great, I heard the original Bitcoin devs started AMB to solve Bitcoin's problems. It's got nfinite scalability and zero fees too while decentralizing the internet, how can you not be all in? I know I am.

Yeah I know probably the #no1 project right now in crypto

lol samefag

Yes, you're gonna have to come with us and take your lithium. Buy Devery also.

NO price action for you AMBlets this month OR the next.

Also, fucking kek @ swissfaggot and that albert autist, thinking he could triangulate me from common Telegram rooms.

>Swissfaggot says BTC will be between $50K - $100K eoy
>Swissfaggot says BTC will be between $40K - $100K eoy
>Swissfaggot says BTC will be between $30K - $100K eoy


>BTC will be between $20K - $100K eoy
>BTC will be between $10K - $100K eoy

A soothsayer can only be wrong so many times before he is executed.

I told you brainlets MOD is the best supply chain project in crypto. It's already up 23% today and amblets are losing sats every day.

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Autistic moron KEK

That didn't take long. Jesus, what a fucking loser you are.

You know that MrBearWolf is actually pro AMB? He's performing weak fud to strengthen the project. This is next lvl. shilling

> do the opposite of what /biz says
he's spamming to raise awareness too

YUP spamming to expose what a big pile of shit ambrosus is

> rnd for sensors


Okey, Veeky Forums let me enlighten you. I'm a CS fag moved into material science and actually managed sensor R&D.

The moment you try to manage a sensors project like a CS project is the moment you will get fucked hard, because device physics does not care about your schedule. The device works better or worse (for most of the time worse) and no amount of software linearizations, corrections, calibrations etc. can fix it. Either your shit works at physical level or it does not. Thus, if someone is moving into sensor R&D then good luck, because it literally takes years to get shit working to the level you can use it to feed data into the system.

Just buy the fucking sensors off the shelf, because if someone sells them it means that they have already done the hard work and are reasonably sure about linearity and repeatability to ask for your money.

If you want to know what happens when someone runs a non-CS startup like a CS startup then look at Theranos.

it's not even just about purchasing the instruments, it's servicing them too. there's no way a set-up like amb could manage thousands of sites with multiple sensor devices.

amb is over. the chad ceo failed.

DAILY fucking reminder

>Developing new sensors

>Buy market sensors


anyone who didn't sell after CEO exit scams chooses to lose money desu

oh wow, the swissfaggot murdered your portfolio, who coul have thought.
yes op, amb is a good idea and i'm sure the academics there have a lot of fun slwowly researching new sensor tech with your money.
and yes, this shit will go nowhere in the next years.
thats's all future talk.
dna sensors for meat, jesus user, how stupid are you?
they will release a minor partnership or something next month, so gayetti and the team can dump their first teamtokens after the vesting cliff.


Plus, whoever needs a sensor network already has one. So if they need blockchain too then the logical thing would be to feed data from existing sensor networks into blockchain.

Now, there is that one coin which is about integrating blockchain with external data...

CEO exit scammed? When?

>always do the opposite of what biz says

Amazing amount of weak/creative FUD on this project.
Good buy signal.

>tfw biz NEETs think they know better than Vlad Trifa and Gavin Wood

Oh lordy the absolute state of NEETs


tfw biz smartneets think advisors are anything other than paid faces to lure money in
>check the dna of your salami on the blockchain, shit will be cash

shoo shoo

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Thanks. Just bought 100k

yes I'm sure they would loooove to be associate with a failure.
Man seriously, give up , you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and only pass as a very ignorant person.

swissbags getting heavy hm?

who said this will be a failure?
amb is an academics company, so no action in the next years
i don't even know what they want with the childceo

Well shit man , ask that crystal ball of your why my left butt cheek itches.
pic is you

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Shit tier fud or reverse shilling? Dunno

Thanks just bought 104k

Project going nowhere. Shilled non stop on here and Reddit. Already on Binance, sorry bag holders there's really nothing else to look forward to.

I sold when I read about them trying to go head to head with IBM. Lel yeah fucking right. Still made a small profit though.

maybe they just want to adjust existing sensors to their needs?

>mfw the legion CAN'T stop, no, WON'T stop GROWING
HOURLY FUCKING REMINDER: NO price action this month OR the next.
>mfw swissfaggot only shows up during inevitable ICX exchange listing to dump bags and create new bagholders on biz
There's a reason you only see swissfaggot around ATH prices for alts. He and his whale friends need bagholders setting sell targets at unrealistic prices to ensure you don't weak-hand sell during later pumps. Learned something new, TGfags?
>mfw swissfaggot is just AMB ceo shilling his bags before his tokens unlock
Don't believe me TGfags? Go check out "chad"setti's degrees and realize why he whines non-stop about politicians/elites in TG and has nothing of worth to say on crypto tech.
>b-but he really is a hedge fund manager
Even if he was, fund managers are not geniuses. Many get REKT. Based on his recent performance with your portfolios, it's obvious he is just another wannabe. Another amateur who bought some btc/eth early. I know Albertfag will go down with the ship, but I'm sure others in TG reading this have not found the 60-80% loss on their money very amusing but are too scared to start asking what the hell is going on.

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My sides.
> The absolute state of MOD shills

Academics lol. ETH is not a uni, it's a hochschule, it's a technical engineering school that produces world class engineers with an incredibly strong theoretical basis. The people that leave that school can quickly adapt to any problem and with the deep mathematical and subject oriented knowledge they can develop pracrical solutions faster than any unifags out there.

Source: I study CS at the ethz

> Swissfag wants to drive the price of ICX up so he can sell his bags
Did you see the volume on ICX dumbass? 22k BTC. How rich do you think the swissfag TG is?
I will tell you here since you don't know: ICX was listed on two Korean exchanges yesterday and has partnership news.
Maybe if you'd stop hitting F5 in biz looking for AMB threads to autistically shit on you could know things like this.

>H-he couldn't be dumping on me
>F-fund manager taking time to help me become millionaire
The most gullible ones will fall the hardest

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I question your choices in life.

Mmmmmm BBC

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MFW = my face when. Not "feelings". Newfag

good that the people at ambrosus are the same who stayed IN the hochschule
do you think dr. blockchain works a sweat at the little startup between his lectures and countless other endevours?

They don't even need working sensors. They just need to announce some partnerships when the bear season ends. Look how much VEN went up, and it doesn't do anything

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they will announce
according to their vesting schedule to dump on you

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>sold at 10k waiting for a good entry point
comfy, thanks for the sell redflags a few months ago

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