What am I going to make out of this Veeky Forums?
What am I going to make out of this Veeky Forums?
wtf is it?
What do you make out of face chunks?
a kilo slab of pork belly
Some Filipino dish, no doubt.
we cut it into delicious fatty strips
sorry.. 85 pounds worth
Yeah, really difficult conversion to @ 2.2lbs amerifat.
'Murrican education, everybody!
>85 pounds
whats that in stone
You don't need to learn conversions when you're American. Just like I don't need to learn foreign languages. Anywhere worth being speaks English, because the most influential country this world has ever seen speaks English.
85 lbs = 6 stone
All countries and all science (which is why you're on the internet) uses metric. 'Murrica holds on to it for the same reason they're laughed at by the rest of the world: a stupidly stubborn nationalism that values inaccurracy and inferior products for the sake of "muh tribe," over quality.
t. 'Murrican citizen
>being afraid of fractions
How much is that in kilo
>two r's in murica
>"being laughed at by the rest of the world"
european impostor detected
They can use metric all they want. They speak English.
why do you post an image of a 1080p phone screenshot of a 400x600 jpeg stretched out on reddit?
Because, as I've told you, in America the only conversion we care about is to Kek.
>the most influential country this world has ever seen speaks English.
Actually only a bit more than half of the French are proficient in English.
First of all France isn't the most influential country, and if it was, substract those who murder your clergy men and kill your children and it's a bit higher than half....
Whoever said I was French?
>battery almost completely drained
>4G mobile data turned on while connected to wifi
Phone posters are fucking retarded.
Couldn't imagine someone claiming France was the most influential country without being born French.
WW2 proved that. There's a reason every white nation supports Germany over France. Cowards are always cowards.
Welcome to America where we don't have data limits and can have multiple phones, faggot.
>calls the french cowards. Has no understanding of the Napoleonic wars. Would not only piss and shit his pants if existing under the conditions of an early 1800's Napolean campaign, but would be left on the side of the road blubbering and simpering like a 2 year old babby.
Yeah, your a tough one allright. Now, after you finish your cheetos, mammy will order you some tendies.
Cut it into strips n make kbbq
please keep updating this thread OP :)
the french cowardice meme is just a meme. they always fight hard, sometimes way beyond the point of what is reasonable to expect ( siege of Menton fort, battle of Arras, to take just two examples from a war which is held up as the foremost example of French cowardice)
wanna talk cowards? The BEF retreated from France, upon direct orders from Churchill and against the wishes of Haig, leaving the French in the shit. They did this when they still had >90% of their fighting force (vehicles, men, supplies) intact, which decision ended up in the shameful rout at Dunkirk. now THAT is cowardice.
something that tastes better than pussy
That's not how it works but okay
get your bait outta here faggot