stop eating sugar
Stop eating sugar
Wtf I hate carbs now
No. Be aware of how much processed sugar you eat, and try to limit it as much as possible, and try to replace things you eat which are high in processed sugar with things which are naturally high in sugar.
That said, processed sugar is one of the greatest achievements mankind has ever made. I count it up there with space exploration and the wheel. Like, when we find alien life, my first question is gonna be "do they know how to make refined sugar?".
>dropped out of studying physics and engineering
>majoroed in journalism
>now reduced to writing "fancy" diet books
Oh god i have a comms degree. What am I doing?
Ive been working on it. But its in everything .
This is why "diets" always fail. because all I ever see with dieting basically boils down to "eat boiled cabbage and you'll lose weight" treating anything refined like it's made from the devil's Jizz.
there's no two ways around it; processed sugar is fucking tasty, because it's filled with life sustaining calories. eating too much? that make you start to store fat in adipose tissue. but if you know what the fuck you're doing, you can lose body fat percentages while still eating total garbage. I should know, I dropped a good 15+% of my body fat eating shit, and am working on the last 3% i want to lose.
"stop eating sugar" is a losing proposition. it takes a fuckload of discipline to basically take on the life of an ascetic in order to lose weight quickly, but if you don't balance it out, many people's disciplines will fail them, and they'll feel like if they fall off the wagon once, it means they're doomed to failure, and they give up. meanwhile, smart people can end up having a day where they've buried themselves in chinese takeout containers and just shrug, relish the memory of said unholy binge, and just work back to where they want to be.
it's a maxim, not a rule
you try your best knowing that you cannot be 100% efficient
stop eating sugar faget
You speak of it like it's a rule
I will be over here eating my tasty garbage and losing weight, while you cry in the corner eating your sorrow cabbage.
Do you always take everything too literally ?
>not doing a keto diet
>keto diet
tried it, wasn't my thing. I like mayonnaise like any reasonable faggot, but there's a point where it gets obnoxious.
you can eat shitloads of cheese and eggs and bacon on keto, i don't know what you're talking about
No, you don't understand. I am a literal faggot with a massive sweet tooth, which wasn't included in the diet plan I had. otherwise, it got rather tiring running myself out of meat every few days.
Then eat beans?
your sweet tooth is an addiction, break it and you'll viscerally realise how disgusting it is to eat large amounts of sugar
This thread brought to you by : The council for ultra sweet chemicals produced as a by-product of various industries.
People have been eating sugar for centuries with no ill effects. Aspartame IDF raus.
Just checking, how long do you theorize this would take?
beans were not a part of this equation friend. I was that restricted. it was meat, leafy greens, and endless self hatred
shouldn't take any longer than a couple weeks, possibly less
cheesy omelettes and bacon is a solid cornerstone of keto, a nice sharp cheddar should keep you from hating yourself too much
there's a difference between eating sugar, and having sugar (and complex carbs) be a major component of every meal and almost every individual food for decades of your life
If both posts are of the same origin, then I must say, my 4 month breakup with sugar made sugar taste like 15 times better. Monster went from dull crap to the beverage of the gods, and I've lost about 20-30 pounds since I've been able to drink it again
diff user but I went from like 5 teaspoons of sugar in everything I drank to 1 (gradually) in 2 weeks maybe. Then I just stopped adding sugar altogether. I wasn't hard, and I don't miss sugar at all. When I feel like eating something sweet I eat a fruit.
What if I told you that you could eat a tasty diet with hardly any added sweetener of any sort?
Honestly completely stopped eating sugar a week now. And this is coming from a person with a pretty big sweet tooth, there's still packs of birthday cake oreos and lucky charms and poptarts around my room and that bottle of brown sugar that I sprinkle on my tounge and eat. Only sugar I've eaten in the past week has been from milk and cantaloupe.
But I'm beginning to wonder if its really worth it... I dont feel any different.
And I got a blood test a few months ago, and my glucose was completely average so it's not like I was at risk of diabetes or anything. I always drank a lot of water anyway.
Someone convince to to continue.
I mostly stopped eating sugar for a year (limited myself to 10-20g a day and now most desserts at the supermarket as well as soda tastes too sweet, almost sickly sweet in a way. I don't feel like eating them anymore because it doesn't taste as good anymore and makes me feel like shit. If I eat like 40g or more carbs of sugar in one sitting I start sweating and feeling uncomfortable, while that never happened before. I can't believe how desensitized you get after a while.
That doesn't sound good.
Yeah, it also might be because when I cut out sugar I also cut out a lot of the carbs in my diet. Been eating mostly meat/fish, vegetables, and sometimes whole wheat bread for more fiber. These foods with more than your daily intake of sugar (should be 30g daily) are fucking cancer. Every once in a while is fine, but if you eat sugar for such a high amount every day you risk metabolic syndrome.
If you care about your health you should continue. Many of the problems people face later on (severe arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, etc) are because they ate this shit every day. Unless you plan to kill yourself early or something, you'll end up suffering a lot.
Ever since they upped the attack on sugar I've been getting cravings for it. Fuck you, soccer moms!
It takes about 2 months of abstinence to stop liking and craving the taste of refined sugars in my experience. It's a taste receptor/brain chemistry reset. At this point, sugar is disgustingly sweet with a bitter aftertaste. It's like pouring a packet of Sweet n Low on my tongue.
>That said, processed sugar is one of the greatest achievements mankind has ever made.
Explain how.
>stop eating sugar
I stopped about 8 months ago. Lost 70 pounds and no longer have anxiety. It's incredible
Yeah I'm sure that had everything to do with the evil sugar and not significantly reducing your high GI carb intake
You're right. And it's incredible! Never felt better
Yeah no, several scientific studies have proven absolutely that sugar is toxic to humans, but the sugar industry paid to keep the research secret so they can continue making money by poisoning people.
>sugar is toxic to humans
>M-muh keto
Hi micro dicked balding cuckold piggy oinker.
It's true, go look for the research yourself. It may be hard to find though, since the sugar industry actively suppresses it, but I was one of the researchers, so I know.
Sugar is necessary for the body, but the amount of sugar processed food has is ridiculous, you are better off getting sugar from fruit.
Water and oxygen are toxic too. What's your point?
>that sugar is toxic to humans
*refined sugars
shit that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables is fine
He's talking out of his ass. 'Processed sugar' is literally chopping cane, wringing it and then letting the sugar water crystallize in the sun.
once your truly in ketosis you naturally eat less. i'm basically eating one meal a day with no hunger and food is my "thing"; not poorfag and otherwise a straightedgefag
eat a bag of oranges in one sitting your liver has to work hard to convert fructose. extreme yes but vegans actually believe the opposite.
also look up nonalcoholic fatty liver diease
also sugar fucking devastates teeth
not hfcs