You can't predict the market

You can't predict the market.

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You actually can, but your need sensible info. You wont specially predict the market by looking at titles on some stupid forums filled with stupid people that fight to get a +1 to raise up their filthy self-esteem

Not with shitty FA you can't. Doesn't mean you can't predict short terms trends with valid TA.

reddit permabulls are so cringeworthy

But you can steal content from r/buttcoin apparently

>but you need sensible info

well, am i glad i'm browsing Veeky Forums then!

>sensible info
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "sensible" info?

buy high, sell low.

from worst to best
>Veeky Forums
>fundamentals & official project channels
>aggregated international news feed
>insider info
>Veeky Forums with filters

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long term experience (not just watching one youtube video) with elliot wave should top that list

Gotcha senpai, I know exactly where to put it

from worst to best
>long term experience (not just watching one youtube video) with elliot wave
>Technical analysis
>flipping a coin
>Veeky Forums
>fundamentals & official project channels
>aggregated international news feed
>insider info
>Veeky Forums with filters

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>You can't predict the market.
I bet you believe in random walk theory, fucking loser

>aggregated international news feed

What is a good one of these? I've got a really clunky way at the moment.

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wish I knew, but one that also follows articles in asian languages would be awesome

You can with sentimental analysis and reinforcement learning algorithms

Whelp Amerimutt ICO crackdown destroyed the market.
The Nips hastened it along by hustling Binance

Wow stealing this straight from reddit.

You guys also stole the bog meme, do you ever create original content?

So it's pretty much confirmed that we're still in the denial phase.


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You can't because the second someone finds a reliable, reproducible way of predicting market trends, it will become widespread among investors and be rendered useless.

Think of it this way, if everyone knows in advance that there'll be a huge amount of traffic on a highway, nobody would bother going there, and so there won't be any traffic.

Nah. Even if you win a 100 trades in a row, tell them how to do it, and demonstrate it to them in real time they'd call it a pajeet scam trick or just being lucky.

A lot of people are adverse to learning.

You're forgetting the silent minority that watches and takes notes.