Why are so many young millennial women unable to cook?
Why are so many young millennial women unable to cook?
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Because you assume women to be naturally good at cooking and notice them more than beta males such as yourself who also cannot cook.
That said, baby boomers may have invented fast food, but millennial and gen y have perpetuated the happy meal and single-served staple.
TL;DR Because it's too convenient to not.
feminism told them its sexist to do so
because feminism has satanized all the femenine behaviors of them
>implying it's just women
>implying it's just millennials
American boomers and their parents are almost singlehandedly responsible for the "white people food" meme.
1. they're young
2. they're milleniums
and C. they're women
Yep thats the only reason. You don't cook, you eat burgers.
What if I just did both?
Is your infinitesimal brain going to self-annihilate?
Looks like he struck a nerve
which 3rd world country do you live in?
Also the fact that women don't stay at home any more. Having a grandmother who stayed home and cooked as a hobby was probably the best thing ever.
We're way too busy as people, trying to pay off all those mortgages, credit card bills and so on, and always trying to keep up with the Jones.
there's nothing particularly feminine about cooking
>learn 1 thing to impress a man
>show tits to impress potentially hundreds of millions
Women should be banned from social media and posting their pictures on the internet
they are even proud of it nowadays
Sheboonification and Duraczenie.
My female caregiver who has been alive 5x as long as my classmates has life experience, therefore there's a feminazi SJW conspiracy to keep me down (also they won't sleep with me because I'm too nice)
That about cover it, op?
who cares if she looks cute while doing it
Yet within the same generation you have people who are the antithesis of this...
Mainly those of us who are too 'cheap/poor' to even have someone else make coffee for them...
Women were never especially great cooks. They just had the job of boiling potatoes and baking pies because it's a simple enough job for their small brains.
because cooking fuckin sucks and no one wants to do it if you don't have to
>you cook your own food all the time and everyone at uni thinks you're some kind of hippie wizard caveman for having this basic life skill
Who here /knowthisfeel/?
No because I don't live in America.
So do I, but everyone at the grad school I go to in Boston would rather spend their spare time marathoning shitty netflix shows instead of taking an hour every day to make sure they don't blow all of their student loan money on restaurant food.
>He still angrily wonders why he's a virgin
I'm not and what I said is a simple fact.
All chefs are men. Women don't understand complex flavour techniques.
Not me, I go to school in America
It could be due to the fact that men seem to be more experimental and courageous when it comes to trying something completely new.
My fiancee is probably a better cook than I am technically but it seems that I'm the one who is always pushing to try new recipes with new ingredients. A lot of women I know seem to get stuck in a rut of just doing the same thing over and over again while the men seem to be bolder in their choice of recipes to try.
you're an idiot
preservation technology and refrigeration, and war time eras reduced freshness but increased convenience
women didn't have to stay in the kitchen all day just to prepare one meal, so of course it caught on
also, since everyone loves to shout 'America' with no food culture, the ones who created American food culture called themselves Italians, French, German, Spanish, or English instead of Americans
it doesnt matter because of mass marketing convincing people that they are cheaper than making your own coffee (almost no one does real math who eats like this, and remember grocery stores are filled to the brim with ready to eat pre made shit as well as box meals). and in addition this is the age of the huge fatty who wont eat anything healthy so they wouldn't ever touch a home cooked meal because its not gaurenteed to be liked by their 2 year old palate
Actually back when we where property our main job was spinning yarn for our owners to sell. women worked mostly in textiles because many of them could affort to set up a small tool at home to do the job with, and it lead naturally from womanly skills like sewing in order to deal with day to day tasks.
Actually all chefs are men because the life of a chef does not appeal to women. it is dirty, inglamorous, and full of hard drugs. it offers no creativity to most women who enjoy cooking; to please something or someone and express themselves. Cooking at work is a job, a production line job. Only a real passion for food and a lack of better options will end up working in a restaurant back end.
because the stereotype of the 50's homemaker isn't one they view as positive so they try to distance themselves from it
While it's true that the modern woman is an entitled slut, it's mostly a consequence of the average man being so fucking impressionable.
It's a consequence of beta males being the new norm.
All these hipster faggots with beards think they're manly because of facial hair, whereas in reality they are nothing more than cucks.
>More than a third of females and less than a fifth of males with moderate symptoms of depression take medications to treat their mood problems, according to the report.
>Yes, traditional gender roles were oppressive and confining!
>Your mothers were all miserable stay at home baby factories!
>Don't forget to take your prozac today!
>I had a troubled childhood
>they gave me pills
>I'm still broken
>it was a scam!
That's not how mental illness works m8
Pastry chefs are primarily women while savory chefs are primarily men.
/soeposting/ on Veeky Forums?
And being a pastry chef takes a lot of attention to detail. Both take skill.
Meanwhile, they're getting laid and socializing while you spend your time bitter online complaining about them.
But hey, your fat and poor hygiene is manly. Why can't women see your immature, moody, brooding, creepiness as dark, mysterious, and intelligent? You were born in a wrong time, where men aren't respected *tips fedora and vanishes *
>those tattoos
What a waste
>you don't want to see your cum on her tattoos after you fuck that ass doggystyle
The fact that a healthy man will pretty much fuck anything that moves doesn't make ritual self-mutilation attractive or commendable
Pardon me, while I take my fedora back from my golden retriever and go get laid. Enjoy your cheeto stains and the musty smell of mold in your mom's basement.
*tip o' the fedora*
Her tats look more artistic than some others I've seen. My main hangup behind tats is when it's something too personal for me to relate to, because that's what tats are for. They're art you put on your body permanently. People get them specifically for that reason, and especially to remind them of some part of their life. They are beyond just having a photo or memories.
Did you read the article? Antidepressant use has quadrupled since 1988. I'd be skeptical that "better diagnosis" is the sole cause of that.
A lot of millennials are trapped in an existential hellhole because all of the reasons to live (survival of your religion/culture/race and pursuit of a family this fulfilling your natural urge to pass on genes) have been heavily eroded by various societal trends for the last 30 years. Why were they broken in the first place?
The brunt of this trend is mostly borne by women. All of their natural instincts to nest, to be maternal, to be nurturing are being suppressed by cultural and economic factors and depression at an epidemic level is the result.
No, I didn't. But I had classmates who were drugged up when I was in primary school in the 80s. Back in the day it was ritalin. Now it's amphetamine of the week plus SSRI of the week.
Life is suffering, you should thank your favorite pharma company that at least they're trying. Sucks that we don't have the magic pill yet, but they'll get there.
More like O B E S E
You didn't really address my point. I'm not faulting drug companies for providing these products but I am faulting societal trends for creating an environment where people are routinely living miserable lives.
Some of the most miserable people live in some of the wealthiest areas of the US (NYC, LA, Boston) while some of the happiest areas are the most impoverished (Richmond, VA, for one example). People are being forced to live perverse lifestyles out of touch with their natural instincts.
Ugh, you're one of those "poor simple people are happier" people.
I've lived in far poorer places than Richmond and I can assure you, wealth is a good thing. Taking pills is not a symptom of a "perverse" lifestyle.
Then why are so many women more miserable than ever? My point was more that women focusing on materialistic things like "muh career, muh independence" isn't making them happier and is having quite the opposite effect.
Your lived experiences also don't really matter, studies have been done that confirm exactly what I just said about happiness.
Because armies of researchers now exist to catalog every phenomenon related to modern life, and we have names for all these things now.
It's like how PTSD didn't exist in "the good old days". The personal experience didn't fundamentally change, it wasn't depleted uranium or fancy LCD screens or precision guided munitions or whatever else some people like to blame. We just got more comfortable talking about our feelings, and more aggressive about trying to find a solution.
>PTSD didn't exist in "the good old days"
It was called shellshock.
And before that it was called "cowardice"
You see where this is going?
I think shellshock was vaild, because then nobody was prepared for shit that was going down in WWI, however currently US military in particular doesn't create strong soldiers, it's a fucking boy scouts feel-good with low physical and mental requirements.
They shit themselves because they weren't properly trained.
Yes because 250,000 underaged soldiers from Britain alone means that they definitely had the most stringent requirements at the time...
>TL;DR: Feminism is cancer and every woman I've known that's rejected it has become happier as a result.
Yeah m8 I'm not so sure that "better diagnosis" has led to a 400% increase in people feeling so dysfunctional that they've come to depend on a chemical substance just to get up the motivation to bathe and not kill themselves daily.
My own fiancee was on antidepressants for years when she was still determined to be a career woman and kicked the habit shortly after we got engaged and she began to indulge some of her motherly instincts by agreeing to be a stay at home mother until our children are in school. Fortunately I make the income required for this to happen (dentist) but I'd argue that this is the real benefit for happiness that extra income has. It allows us to indulge in our natural instincts.
Now I come home to an orderly house, a homecooked meal, and a happy wife every day while nearly every single one of her friends our age (late 20s) is either taking some kind of anti-anxiety drug or is chemically dependent on food or alcohol just to feel like a human.
Most of them are just endlessly in some kind of graduate program trying to give their sad lives meaning while racking up endless amounts of student loan debt they'll only be able to pay off by the time they're 50. Meanwhile, they're convinced that they're """"happy"""" because they're """"making it"""" as a rent slave in a big northeastern city while their ovaries slowly rot away. Many such cases!!
>we're rich and my wife can lay around all day making organic smoothies for our spoiled brats
>poor people trying to pull themselves out of poverty should just suck it up like we do! how dare they experience anxiety or depression!
Level of self awareness: zero
I think the changing nature of warfare also contributes to it
enemies not carrying uniforms and blowing you up while you're driving down the street makes for an entirely different deployment and return than knowing who your enemy is and where their lines are
>until our children are in school.
Enjoy your dumb kids with no real world knowledge and your wife cheating on you. lel
We aren't rich, we're middle class. I take home about 65k after my student loan payment because I owe about 350k from dental school. We could be much wealthier if she went to work but the benefits from her actually being a mother are priceless.
She also lost a lot of friends almost overnight when she announced she was planning on staying home because they thought the only reason why she would choose such a thing is because I was controlling her.
>dumb millennials blowing thousands on BAs
>trying to pull themselves out of poverty
That's rich.
>being this assblasted
So, how many drugs do you need to take to feel normal friend?
Also, whoever said I was homeschooling my kids?
I'm not saying those are gross but they are probably gross.
I don't take any, nice projection.
Learn to read, my man, i am mocking you for NOT homeschooling your kids.
I do, but at work. I cook everything I bring in for lunch and people are torn between impressed and thinking I'm some kind of health nut. Someone seriously asked me why I eat so much healthy food when I brought stroganoff. Hard not to lose my shit when someone thinks downing like a pound of pork and sour cream is healthy.
>they thought the only reason why she would choose such a thing is because I was controlling her.
Could be the fact that you seem to have a weird preoccupation with the "feminism" boogyman, I mean I don't know you and maybe you're not like this IRL, but it makes me wonder.
>complaining about the cost of a BA while you owe $350k
Last year I made $95k and I have $17k left on my loans, seems the math in your universe is a bit off...
I make 140k before the loans take the rest. 65k is comfortable enough for now until its paid off.
What's your BA in? and when did you get it?
Philosophy, and 2009
The idea of over a quarter million dollars in student loan debt is blowing my mind
Then what's your fucking point? My point is that as a millennial who has chosen to live a traditional lifestyle despite potential financial gains I've noticed a huge increase in happiness in my wife who is acting in accord with her natural maternal instincts. Meanwhile, everyone I know who is doing what they're "supposed" to be doing is more miserable and debt ridden than ever.
It's not so bad when you make over 6 figures as an entry level salary. You have to play the long game, it'll be paid off within a decade at the current rate.
Point is you should've opted for homeschooling.
It's not too late, they're only 2 and 3. The area of the country in which I live is pretty non-pozzed so I'm not so worried about public school atm.
It's not just women. The only men I know that know how to cook were raised by single mothers.
None of the roommates I've ever had knew how to clean anything and most could barely do their own laundry. One of them bought enough cheap screenprint tees that he could wear a shirt every day, throw it on the floor when he got home, and not run out of shirts to wear for literal months.
Parents aren't teaching their children how to do anything for themselves anymore.
Assumed you're a burger and have your children be pozzed with "racism bad, democrats good" as a part of common core.
dafuq is "pozzed"? Is this the new "cucked"?
infected with progressive aids
Progressivism is actually a new type of religion and they'll evangelize your kids if you aren't careful.
This is why your friends think you're doing the wahabbi thing on your wife. Not because you got married.
The only family I was able to learn from were my great grandma and great aunt. The rest were too "I'm an independent woman who don't need no cooking." Some of my fondest childhood memories are of simple things, helping in the kitchen rolling dough and making sauce. It kinda fucked me up though, because I had no male role models and learned all my life skills and habits from those 'greatest generation' women--right down to my collection of steamy bodice rippers. I never gravitated toward my gen-x mom, because she was single, thus too busy and never around. Never, ever be cool-friend-mom to your kids, just don't.
have ideas that are in no way possible in reality ingrained so deeply in your brain from conditioning that instead of questioning whether your ideas are incorrect you shout and yell at the world being wrong.
Imagine telling a child
>this text is in red
from the moment he starts learning vocabulary
pozzing is a sodomite term for having unprotected sex with an HIV-positive man.
>being conservative and knowing that modern feminism is making women miserable is equivalent to wahabbism
I've never said shit to them about my politics, all she did was announce she was quitting her job to be a stay at home mother for 6 or 7 years and they sperged out. Funnily enough all of the ones that did don't have any children. The ones that do wish that one of them could stay home.
Jesus, this bitch can't even cook a simple meal without taking a fucking series of selfies to make sure everyone knows she has the cooking skills of a blind retard.
I'm certain they picked up on more than just the fact that she was quitting her job. I've had most of my friends get married already and people sometimes talk shit, a little bit. They're mad that they won't be able to hang out with their friend anymore. So they focus on whatever they can latch onto - the guy's looks, perceived personalty deficiencies, or whatever. In your case, evidently, the most logical thing to bitch about what that you seem like a weird control freak.
Of course they can't cook. They always have a cellphone in one hand, and preforming a non-stock circlejerk with the other.
You can't cook if you don't have hands!
That reason, and general decline in morality had led us to our current situation. I just don't have enough energy to care anymore. Lead my life to my own tune and to hell with everyone else and what they think. Been happy ever since.
Hmm its almost like progressivism functions exactly like a religion and her friends feel like she's being stolen away from the faith. At least they aren't preaching death for apostates yet.
>At least they aren't preaching death for apostates yet.
Yeah, that would be your line, Mr. Wahabbi.
not the same guy. It's either that or her newfound happiness is immensely threatening to them.
>calling people names instead of addressing arguments
This is how you know you've lost mr. philosopher.
>At least they aren't preaching death for apostates yet.
No, they just call for assassination of them.
You got me there, Dr. Menengle. Sorry about the mistaken identity.
>muh ad hominem
You must be a really shitty philosopher
What the fuck do you do with a degree in philosophy? Is the philosophy factory hiring?