Do you force yourself to cook while depressed, Veeky Forums? What's your go-to?
Do you force yourself to cook while depressed, Veeky Forums? What's your go-to?
lots of scrambled eggs and toast
protip: beat your eggs in a plastic cup with a plastic fork, and wipe out your pan as soon as you're done so you don't have any dishes to not do.
yea because im hungry as fuck
either a ramen noodle soup, oriental flavor
or migas, pic related with ketchup and/or mustard
or potatoes and eggs with ketchup, and i eat it with tortillas like the filthy spic i am. i cant eat that shit with a fork i NEED tortillas !!!
I usually eat cereal
When I'm depressed I eat 2 bowls in a go [spoiler]there was a day I ate the whole fucking box and I was so close to hang me in the fucking roof[/spoiler]
All my Life have been of eating cereal at least in the morning or at night, I hate everything else
Yes honestly. I do very quick easy dishes. For instance pan roast chicken breast. Preheat my convection oven to 400F, rub the chicken with salt, pepper, dry herbs and generous amount of avocado oil, put it in a hot pan 2 minutes each side to give it nice colour, then into the oven for 8 minutes or so. It does not take much effort at all. If I have energy I will make rice or potatoes and vegetables but honestly sometimes I just pick up some ready made sides from the supermarket which has a hot buffet sort of thing that is pretty good.
breakfast foods, normally. stuff like scrambled/poached eggs on a muffin or a bacon sandwich
or i poach some chicken, cook rice in the stock, and have the chicken and rice with gravy
rn i'm sick with a virus so i'm probably going to have a big bowl of mashed potatoes because i've lost control of my life
I usually get a couple friends round and do mystery fried chicken and other bits, whilst drinking gin and pineapples.
Works wonders.
what's ur go to?
I like rice bubbles with milo
To me cooking is great for relaxing after hard work and for calming down when angry etc.
Not so much when depressed, it's just too much work to do when depressed.
White rice and sauted whatever
I force myself to do everything while depressed.
Not like you can go any lower when you're at bottom anyway.
>To me cooking is great for relaxing after hard work and for calming down when angry etc.
>Not so much when depressed, it's just too much work to do when depressed.
Well said. I think it takes a kind of creative energy to cook up the fun recipes at home. Effort when I'm tired tends more towards some convenient items that I might have premade, but my tastes don't go to the bland at all, if anything when I'm down I absolutely crave variety and some of my favorite recipes that I have not had recently enough.
I'm never depressed. Not even having a semi-down day.
But way back when I did, I didn't eat&lost weight.
Btw: not on medication.
why would you start scrambling the eggs before cooking them, you're just making an omlet then
What the fuck are you talking about
i can't make this much more clear user
Having down days isn't depression.
you might be an idiot
I'm always depressed. Cooking is how I escape it all. I cook at least 2 hours every single day.
Cooking is one of the few things I can do when I'm down.
But I just can't bring myself to clean up, so I tend not to cook much and get depressed because I can't cook since everything is dirty.
cleaning is the bane of cooking for pleasure
Peanut butter and toast.
Other than things that are frozen and just need to be microwaved or don't need to be cooked, I pretty much only make plain pasta. There's no way to mess up cooking it, you just leave it alone and set a timer for how long it says on the box, it doesn't go bad so I can keep boxes around for however long I want and don't need to have gone shopping recently, there's only one ingredient, it's pretty cheap, and since all you're doing is boiling water you don't need to clean anything afterwards.
there's a lot of other food that's almost the same in simplicity, rice is almost identical for example
meanwhile a lot of equally simple foods like sausages or boiled eggs can be a good basis for a meal and they're made in the exact same way as well
yeah, i have to. most of the time it's something with eggs because i love eggs and breakfasts.
i usually just scramble eggs, some kinda cheese and maybe meat. most of the time i put a bunch of hot sauce on it because i'm one of those people. some of the time i put it into a tortilla and have burritos.
fuck my life.
I used to eat a lot of rice, but then I moved and didn't clean my rice cooker first and it's been around two years so I'm too scared to open the box.
With meat you need to make sure it's cooked enough, move it around so it's evenly cooked, have the pan be the right temperature, make sure it doesn't burn on to the pan, hope you don't set off the fire alarm and wake up all your neighbors or set the stove on fire and burn down the building, and you need to clean afterwards.
I also like that pasta is so quick, because by the time I'm motivated enough to make food I've been hungry for a while and don't want to wait.
>rice cooker
>I am incapable of putting one volume of rice and two volumes of water into a regular pot
I can, I made rice all the time when I didn't have it, but if I'm going to make rice I might as well use the appliance that's meant for that since it's sitting in a box on my kitchen counter. Also, my bag of rice is in there with it too.
Takeaway kebabs.
When I lived in Tokyo for five years working as an animator for a well known studio I never used a rice cooker for my home cooked rice.
I often resort to frozen and canned food in my depressed phases. But cooking really raises my mood and takes my mind off other things. I like to make chili while drinking beer, pouring it into the chili whenever it needs some more liquid. Straciatella soup is also good for your soul and it can be done within 5 minutes.
Nah I dont usually, I get a container of soup from kroger, usually the potato one or I eat some shitty fast food like Taco bell or wendys
Yes? Isn't that pretty much the definition of escapism?
Beef stew. I try to always have some beef stew in my fridge
It's not an omelette if you scramble it in the pan
I dont do much when im depressed besides think about killing myself.
ok, weeb
>too scared to open the box
just open it. It can't be that bad, it's just some starch and water. eventually, the mold can't sustain itself. go clean the nonstick pot of your ricey dreams, user
That's my mantra, too, friendo!
I either don't cook and don't eat or fret about how much/little I've been eating, work myself into a panic, end up making something of shit-tier quality, eat way too much of it, and hate myself.
It's not a good cycle.
Are you literally retarded
that's the point
Get high as fuck
Get munchies as fuck
I just eat frozen meals and tortilla chips
>tfw only cooked twice in the past 6 months
When does it end
cheese toasties and white wine
white wine because the hangover isnt as bad
alternatively if i am really depressed i just buy slices of cheddar and slices of salami and eat them together then drink a load of vodka while shitposting and pass out