Why are most people attracted to the opposite sex instead of same or both sexes?

Why are most people attracted to the opposite sex instead of same or both sexes?

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Because thats just how god made us

Because the one's who aren't attracted to opposite sex won't produce offspring with those shitty genes. Also, most people are attracted to both sexes to some extent. They just won't admit it.

u got face?

u got an elaborate answer to my original question?

because cis scum brainwashed you

They are?

Because I really want to stick my dick in that ass.

Historically, at least according to my friends in the humanistic "sciences", sexual preference has been more of a socioeconomic factor than a biological one.

>inb4 xDDD
I'm bi.

I fucked up big time with that green text. Well... whatever.

I don't know, but it probably has nothing to do with the fact that penis in vagina results in baby.

>being this fucking retarded


I have taken L-theanine + caffeine + NSI-189 for the last 4 days and my penor sensitivity is going through the roof, I'm just a bit away form jizzing my pants and can't browse facebook or youtube without seeing girls and struggle to not cum. I think is no a good idea to go to my class tomorrow in this state and your pic is not fucking helping.

Did someone say more patterned leggings?

We are attracted or want to things we don't have. (greed, it codded in our DNA and expressed in varying ways and strengths per person) It's possible that sexual attraction is an expression of this. The opposite sex, is a body that's very physically different from your own. In this way, greed and lust utilize the same mechanism in the brain.

Also, it's possible everyone is a little physically attracted to their own gender, but they become desensitized to that attraction simply by living in their own bodies and through separation of the sexes on a social/cultural level.

I've been taking L-theanine + caffeine every day for a few years and never had that reaction. I never even heard of NSI-189.

wait what? tell me more about that stuff

> le hat meme
>checkmate athiests

Laci green is the only woman I'd hate fuck desu

She just seems like she'd be the only feminist who would take it intimately

Laci-chan isn't for sex, but for holding hands

Good god that looks nice. Here's a question I want answered scientifically: why do patterned leggings turn me on more than tight jeans or even normal leggings?

where did you buy NSI-189 from?

Seems like a dumb, obnoxious hoe to me. Perfect hate fuck material.

tell me Veeky Forums

why do I want to breed with a sheboon so badly?

Gotta love those sierpinski triangles

True white men crave to colonise and explore
The blood of your ancestors flow through your veins
You know a non-white is larping as white on Veeky Forums when they say they wouldn't fuck a T H I C C exotic beauty as all true whites have genetics that make us crave conquest of foreign lands and foreign pussy

For the simple factor of domination over the blacks

Why are people attracted to women at all? Why didn't science try to cure this disease that essentially ruins the lives of men by leading them to live a horrible life with a brainless parasite known as a female?

Makes sense to be attracted to the sex that you can produce offspring with. As to being attracted to one rather than both is because one is simpler.

>won't produce offspring with those shitty genes
Yet it still happens.

But all women are shitty genes. They're useless idiots who should all be shot.

Agreed but need to keep the lineage going and all that does wonders to fuck with outlook.

I've seen girls who looked real pretty but were horrible people nearly worshiped due to their looks but average looking girls who are really nice and looked down on. Old as time itself.

The proof of His love and His creation are everywhere and everyone, you just need to open your eyes.

>girls who are really nice
Fuck off. Women are human garbage and you're a complete and utter brainlet if you fall for the "nice girl" meme.
There's a reason you never hear about a woman inventing anything yet always hear about them ruining men's lives.

Good point.

>I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams
It must be rough having no friends bro.

Not really, at least I don't want to blow my brains out compared to when I had "friends".
I know most people are intellectually inferior to me, but that doesn't make them tolerable.

I didn't know people were such losers to actually hate women and have this idea that they were genetically inferior somehow, and that they should be killed. Honestly, that is the so idiotic. Women are stupid? Here's a short list of women scientists in the seventeenth century alone :Maria Gaetana Agnesi,Geneviève Charlotte d'Arconville,Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Meiningen,Maria Angela Ardinghelli,Sarah Sophia Banks,Giuseppa Barbapiccola,Laura Bassi,Marie Marguerite Bihéron,etc.. That's just a few. Go outside and get a taste of the real world.

>My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
>My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
>Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

You sound irredeemably insufferable, you should probably kill youself anyway.

Insignificant dilletanttes who cribbed from their male partners anyways.

The answer op is that groups who don't make babies get replaced by groups that do make babies. Simple as that.

anyone have the video of this degenerate injecting cocaine?

why anyone would feel compelled to film that (((and upload it to the internet))) is beyond me


you mean ((THIS)) video?


Sit down son, you just have no fucking idea what are you talking about. ¨greed codded in our DNA¨... ffs I bet you´ve never read serious scientific paper regarding genome or anything related to molecular mechanisms of gene expression and its regulation. Either way, too much speculation on your argument.

Like all feminists, and women in general, she's crying out for a 'daddy' to smoothly and manfully shut down her antics and 'put her in her place', whereupon she will get Gina tingles and feel hopelessly and romantically attracted. Ie, to get the feeling and experience of having a 'high value' male as a partner ('high value' as filtered by female instincts that is).

She uploads a video of herself slamming illegal drugs because she wants, and needs, someone to 'put a stop' to it and 'punish' her for it. And when this doesn't happen, she experiences an existential angst that she herself likely does not understand, which is then projected onto either the nearest target (usually any male who fails to do this [there is no quicker way to make a woman consider a man unattractive and associate them with afeeling of visceral disgust]), or sublimated into various manias (like catladies, feminism, cutting, and so forth).

The funny thing is 'it' isn't even the drugs, or any thing else in particular for that matter; they are all simply vectors for the same animal impulse.

didn´t consider Psychology as part of serious science...

Probably because faggots can't spread their genes.

Womyn detected.
They have made negligible impact in the science world. Congrats on inventing play doh

I so want to smack that ass, just saiyan.

Because most people are idiots and want their lives ruined.

keke fuck off tard

Hows dat bait taste homesuck?

Just no.


what the fuck does that mean? if a biological urge to fuck the opposite sex didn't exist there wouldn't be any people... how can economics play a bigger role than that?

Some people fuck each other for protection or wealth or whatever, but that doesn't answer op's question.

Everyone is bisexual, thing is just of people need to be in extreme situation to realize of it.

One example: Prisons.

thing is that most of people*



>tips fedora: the post

>I know most people are intellectually inferior to me
I bet your IQ is under 130 brainlet lmao

ha ha not me :^)

i've practiced countless times on mensa and ravens tests

i can now consistently get over 140 IQ on any of those tests and even do well on tests i havent done before

it just goes to show that nothing is certain not even youre brain

Because thats the course of evolution. Non-hetero brainlets are not invited into the gene pool.

Evolution you dip. Homosexuality is a mental illness, more so than depression or "ADHD".

Those are not sierpinsky triangles. Triangle pattern =/= sierpinsky triangles.