Mushrooms, discuss
Mushrooms, discuss
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Today I put jelly on my hot god
Mushrooms are sometimes poisonous which is why I hate them.
Mushrooms are pretty cool.
Never been to keen on them, not sure why. But getting to like them, in some creamy sauce.
Literally 0 tasks since they are expendable by meat. Just buy fucking meat faggot. Are you a vegan? Go suck some dick. Oh right. Cum is "animal source" too.
Mushrooms go best with meat, dumb dumb.
Hahaha no they don't retarded shmuck
t. too dumb to cook a mushroom properly
I fucking love them as a pasta sauce with onion, cheese and parsley.
They're great, but if you're buying then fresh, take a note from Jaques Pepin and buy the drier, older ones because they have more concentrated flavor and you're cooking them anyway.
I wonder what Angie is up to these days
what kind of retarded nonsense is that? do you also dumpster-dive as a pastime activity?
What's to discuss?
Mushrooms? YES.
She's boiling her mushrooms.
MJeats are sometimes posioniuws
Only wild mushrooms has a taste worth bothering.
>ill pick a random topic and offer no personal opinion but demand that others discuss it for my amusement
Fuck you, this is not your ant farm aspie.
fucking great, especially roasted with shallots
Just got some of these bad boys to throw in my udon soup I almost can't tell the difference between them an the udon noodles, so I throw out maybe 1/3 noodles, and add more mushrooms and other veggies.
I think they taste pretty good, but I keep seeing weird shit and questioning my existence after eating them. Am I cooking them wrong?
King oysters are pretty tasty fry them a bit with salt.
Shrooms are pretty good raw but don't taste very good
I wanna make this
Mushrooms are the best. I like making shiitake and bell pepper brochettes on my fireplace during winter : )
No, but I want to.
And if they're dryish, one may deduce there is less water in them, therefore the flavor would indeed be more concentrated.
I think I joined Veeky Forums sometime after she was gone, around 2009 or so.
I wonder what happened to Sceak?
Dudes videos are maximum comfy
>tfw everytime I order a dish with mushrooms at a restaraunt, or buy them at a store, I'm paranoid they're going to have accidentally slipped in a poisonous or psychadelic variety
nigga i don't wanna die from my food or fucking trip without knowing I'm going to!
any good recipes for shiitakes?
threadly reminder that the meme that you can't wash mushrooms is nothing more than a culinary old wives' tale, and if you brush your mushrooms like a cuck you are stupid.
Enjoy diluting the flavor of your mushrooms
enjoy eating the manure that your brush will never fully remove
At least manure adds flavor rather than taking it away
I use the broth from dried shiitake to make soup bases for ramen and udon
The thought of eating fungi will forever fuck me off. Rarely use it in my recipes unless they state its a staple
fk that sounds delicious tho, ever tried making udon noodles from scratch?
I think you're confused. I'm not sure about what exactly, but it's either the definition of manure or how and where mushrooms grow and are grown.
Are mushrooms considered vegan even though commercially they grow from animal refuse byproducts? Thought vegans don't eat cheese for the same reason the rennet forms the cheese?
Not yet because I'm lazy, but one of these days I will
Roast with thyme, garlic, marjoram before blending into a soup with some simple other mushies such as chestnuts (pepper well)
Make a great addition to stews
If you have the patience and are willing to research, they work well as part of a mushroom demi
If you put a bit of colour on them and puree, is good with red meat
yup that's a mushroom trip all right
i really like mushrooms but once i ate champions as a whole and they reminded me too much about snails and i'm afraid of snails so i don't want to eat any more champions.
>not having mushrooms with your steak
Can I get psychedelic mushrooms in a supermarket?
Please reply.
no, but you can get them online or go out and pick them if you know a local spot that is good
>actually believing that restaurants would give you poisonous mushrooms by accident
>actually believing restaurants don't all use some variety of generic champignion mushroom that couldn't harm you even if it expired
time for bed, children