Why can't we drink this shit?
Do we live in the third world?
What needs to change?
Why did they increase the chlorine tenfold after banning fluoride?
Why does the water smell like pure bleach everywhere I go in the US?
What are people who are allergic to bleach going to do? Suck it up and die?
My tap water is just fine, here in godless commie-ville Berkeley, CA.
Awhile back, we decided we would pay less taxes towards cleaning it up and would just use that money to buy bottled water
In America, 'tax' is a profanity and we have a long proud tradition of voting against our own best interests.
I have a brita spout filter but will probably spring for an inline filter later in the year
I live in southern California, for reference. I know this stuff can vary by region
I'm way out in the mountains, but ten different states I went to had this problem.
>Why can't we drink this shit?
We can
>Why did they increase the chlorine tenfold after banning fluoride?
They haven't done that nationally, sounds like a municipal decision. And that's because fluoride is way better at keeping water clean than chlorine.
>Why does the water smell like pure bleach everywhere I go in the US?
Again, what?
America is one of the few places in the 1st world where the tap water is actually drinkable.
There's plenty of good tap water in the states. There's also a lot of shit tap water. Just don't live in a municipality with shit funding or hard water.
Move out of flint, nigger. West Texas here and my tap water tastes just fine.
>hard water
Austin municipal tap water is hard. The staining is annoying but it tastes fine.
Dunno what you're talking about. Minnesota tap water is great. Not sure what bleach smell you're going on about.
>grow up with my own well
>water is great
>had a girlfriend whose folks get bottled water (pretty sure they had a well but they're retarded)
>visit friend in Maryland
>brush teeth
>take shower
America sincerely needs to get their shit together as far as proper water goes
FL here, pretty much all our water is hard because it comes out of a limestone aquifer, I hate going to other states with soft water because I can never get the fucking soap off my hands, it's awful.
Our water tastes fine, though.
Dude I hate Florida water. I right on the southeast corner of Alabama so I go to Florida a lot. The showers feel all slimy and the taste is nasty.
well water. fresh as the Rockies I mean this is the most basic water, water. There is no characteristic to it..
The water is bleachy in the rockies, user.
>tfw my town still has fluoridated water
>tfw my teeth aren't falling out of my head
>tfw my water doesn't taste like a swimming pool
ITT: a bunch of dummies slowly realise that different parts of america have different legislation regarding how tap water is processed.
I have well water that tastes 10 fold better than any municipal water and better than bottled water. It brews hellacious beer too. I can't stomach municipal water at all anymore - tastes like a chemical concentrate.
not those rockies, the other good tasting rockies. :P
>people itt defending hard water
Fucking disgusting, water is not supposed to taste like that. Curse any place that has it and doesn't attempt to do anything about it.
>Hourly obsession thread
Why can't you drink tap water? I do it every day.
if you drink tap water you might as well just scoop your brain out with a ladle and send it to the federal government.
the only way to safely drink water is to distill it into pure water yourself. i do a few batches each year and keep it in a safe in the basement so the government doesn't get it.
people that drink """beer"""" are retards because 95% of that shit is government controlled water. only 100% alcohol is 100% safe you dummies.
I live in South Carolina and have a well and the water is amazing. I fill containers to take with me to work because I work in peoples homes and their water smells like a pool. I can drink liters of mine and it's the best thing ever for water but one liter of the pool smelling stuff and heart burn from hell.
The biggest thing that turns me off tap water is that it's at best like 45f. Water tastes so much better at ~34f straight out of the fridge or water cooler.
Hard water sucks and other people's water always makes your skin feel weird, whether you're used to hard or normal.
Florida tapwater tastes like chlorine though. It's clean as fuck and they're proud enough of it to send you the papers with the yearly tests showing their scores, but it tastes like pool water. Nice, clean pool water you don't mind drinking too much, but pool water.
Fuck FluorideFacters, I bet they think they still think the military feeds people salt peter too.
Strangely enough, in the so-called land of freedom, 'murica, you cannot have a private well in a muicipal water district. Every testimony in this thread indicates well water is exceptional. Yet, if your jurisdiction is controlled by the corporate water interests, the "peoples" legislatures have passed laws to prevent you from having your own well. Go figure.
Exactly true. I live outside city limits in the country where there are no public water lines near by so I'm on a well and love it. One of my friends is like 10 miles away on public water and hates it and loves mine and they wouldn't let him put a well in because he has access to the public water system.
>Grew up on delicious Long Island aquifer tap water
>moved to Houston, water quality is shit
>Go through a filter every 2-3 months
>Go back home to visit family
>First night finish brushing my teeth, rinse my mouth out
>Realize I'm rinsing my mouth out with sweet nectar from the gods
>Start slurping water out of my hands like a man that has walked through the desert for 3 days and found an oasis.
Feels good, doesn't it? Nothing beats a reverse osmosis filter though. My guests comment on how weird it tastes compared to the pleb water they are used to, but everyone eventually learns to love it.
Haven't had the privilege of reverse osmosis, but I'm getting by with a zerowater filter (not shilling, but Brita is dogshit in comparison)
bleach smell comes from areas where they use well water and fracking is taking place.
It's localized, but found in areas like PA, OH, MI.
Are there any decent tap filters for cheap-ish? My apartment has horrifyingly bad tap water, usually when I fill a glass it looks like somebody dropped an alkaseltzer in there
Yeah it's a conspiracy, not because having thousands of wells in close proximity is an engineering nightmare which causes billions of dollars of property damage when the shifting water table causes literally any underground structure to displace as the water table plummets.
SW FL here. Water comes out smelling like bleach or sulphur depending on how bad the water has been contaminated at the time. Tastes worse than it smells here. Shit hole town with shit hole water
>shifting platonics
Let me introduce you to fracking. You think earthquakes are cropping up in our god blessed state of Oklahoma because god suddenly willed it? Get used to it. The next 4 years will give us an endless number of them. And the chlorine flavor in your water will increase as municipals try to compensate for the complete disregard for the quality of your life as an individual at the federal level.
What the fuck is he saying
Convington County perhaps?
Got any opinions on Israel in that sack of unsolicited non sequiturs, user?
It's Scottish
living in Roachland the normal water supply is ok in here like the smelling is ok, looks pure, no weird color
Literally this
>we now have threads dedicated to it
My well water has so much iron in it feels silty, tastes like eggs and popcorn and has an orange color.
This is after filtration.
I use it for cooking and tea, but I buy jugs of water to drink straight.
That's a nice looking faucet. 9/10 would drink from.
Don't be fooled by the media, that whole country is run by the jews.
>America is one of the few places in the 1st world where the tap water is actually drinkable.
so much wrong in this sentence. ..
> 1st world country
choose one
>one of the few
never travelled outside America or inside america I see
>Why can't we drink this shit?
Marketing, same reason why people buy organic shit even tho it tastes the same and still has insecticides
>Why did they increase the chlorine tenfold after banning fluoride?
No idea but any carbon filter will take care of that
You have the worst tasting water I've had so far florida.
What are you talking about, nigga? that "don't drink the water" shit is about 90% molly coddling motherly bullshit and 10% "My city has its priorities fucked". Most places, you can drink the tap water.
last time I was there even the soft drinks from fountains or the ice cubes smelled liked chlorine.. horrible
Litrally this
You "waawaa it taste bad" faggots literally have nothing to complain about, because it doesn't make you sick or kill you. Suck it the fuck up you retarded children.
I generally buy bottled water purely for the reason because it tastes slightly better than tap (tap is perfectly fine, though) and most importantly, I can get a pint or so of chilled water without ice in a convenient container that I can throw out at basically any time for roughly $6-$9 a week.
For the longest time I had a big ass water bottle that I'd refill and take with me and that was fine.
However, it's just so fucking convenient to have a 32 pack of 500mL bottles of completely chilled water in the fridge at all times.
That being said, I fucking hate the tap water in Chicago and cannot palate it when I visit my mom in Chicago. I have to go to the store and buy jugs of water before I get to her apartment.
Lastly, the fucking leafs have the best tasting tap water I've ever had. Tastes like it's fresh from a fucking glacier.
Just get a Pur or Brita sink filter and you're good.
Ever since I got mine I've been saving money and my water tastes great.
ITT: Assblasted mexishit is jealous that the USA (the world's best nation) has superior water
My tap water tastes amazing and smells fine. My pur filter didn't improve taste or smell so I took it off.
Aurora, CO here.
>the only country is mexico because trump said so
>Raised on mountain well water
>Go to Grandma's house in the city
>Have to put water through a filter or it tastes like pool water
>Take shower
>Hair brittle
>Skin red and dry
I will never live somewhere with city water as long as I live
And China, faggot
Just dropping in to say my American tap water is pure and absolutely delicious and it is actually a law that testing of water and sources are made public information so I can look it up any time I feel like it, but to be quite honest, what comes out of my tap is literally better than bottled water by a long way
>be me
>be on Veeky Forums
>oh thank god it is spelled correctly for once and I hope also used grammatically
>cannot palate it
My water is fine unless you leave it in a Nalgene, then it smells like a swimming pool later
The amount of chemicals required to make it safe in most jurisdictions also make it unpalatable. If you try to brew with it without filtering or boiling off the chlorine, your beer will taste like shit if the yeast can even grow.
It's wa'er mate
>Not owning a reverse osmosis filter and water softener
Shit will change your life
>not having your own well
>I shiggy diggy
This, even a fucking regular water filter is a YUGE improvement