How true is this post from the Physics vs. Engineering Final Battle thread from last year?
How true is this post from the Physics vs. Engineering Final Battle thread from last year?
He's really right, but Veeky Forums has a big ego of muh maths/physics major
But you know that this website likes memes a lot so you will always see "hate" to engineers despite most of Veeky Forums are a bunch of engineers disguised as undergrad math/physics/chemistry
But eh, hit me hard Veeky Forums i know most of you are just weeb engineers that want to meme on here and if there are math/physics majors, there's 95% chance that these guys are going to get their masters/phd soon
Also i hope this thread is kept civilized and no shitstorm will happen
But that hate about CC is kind of exaggerated a bit as well, since with CC you could transfer to some university and get a nice job, etc.
Maybe he mean't getting a degree in a CC or something?
Not from CC but i would give some of STEM CC transfers a chance here
ccs sell shitty meme two year "electrical engineering technologist" degrees as paths to $80/hr union jobs at local utility companies and when this doesn't come to fruition none of the non liberal arts credits transfer to a proper engineering program
But there's something called transfer rates, brah
Not everyone can transfer from CC to a good university if you don't have enough credits and good grades as well, unless you want to transfer to a shit university that accepts anyone
transferring from a CC never works out well.
>Not taking QFT at undergrad
Wew lad. But seriously these threads are cancer.
Fuck man, I feel fucking shitty now with my mediocre GPA and my fucking B.Sc in physiology. I really need to get more experience and apply for a M.Sc in BIOMEDICAL...
Yeah, we all know that electrical/nuclear/chemical engineering are 10/10.
In general I agree
I recommend engineering with a minor in physics if you do not want to go double major.
With a ME degree everyone will have an idea of what you know and can do.
With physics or math it is more difficult to know your skill set.
Some math people studied numerics and are great matlab/c programmers.
Some can only solve things on paper.
I agree with most things except for the fact that NukeE is godtier and aero is top tier
I feel like both of those degrees are too specialised and niche to be that high up the rankings
Also I feel like materials engineering (not Bsci but Beng) should be in top tier
why not? I ended up having to take a few extra that didn't transfer, but I have a 3.8 so far and I'm in my 3rd semester at a pretty good school
How are my chances of getting into MIT to study Aerospace Engineering being spanish and not having much money? What other universities are top for that?
Aero is a meme that got a bit serious. You're better off studying Mech Eng and then specializing in Aero.
Yep, he's pretty much right.
Remember that 90% of Veeky Forums has zero experience of the world outside education.
>none of the non liberal arts credits transfer
This is a meme, at least in California
Went from CC to Berkeley and everything transferred fine, up to Diff Eqs. I did have to retake Ochem, though. This is ChemEng, by the way.
He is not talking about that you massive faggot. He is referring to the technician level (skilled labor) science courses.
You do know that employers will see that you started at a CC, right?
No CC is shit even for transfers. There are less research opportunities/internship and you're put under intense scrutiny when looking for jobs.
t. I was a transfer and I regret it.
Are you in Canada or USA?
I went to community college then UC Irvine, and no one has ever asked for my cc transcripts just my UCI recoreds.
Pretty true, with some exaggerations.
Honestly, my electronics lab was held together with physicists and they can't really pick up engineering as fast as people around here claim. Most of them can't really do that kind of work despite some of them being already in a physics research group. It needs a different kind of mindset. Lot of physics and engineers are only good in their narrow specialization.
Engineers are usually pretty stupid too. Probably I'm the one of the few who read books intended for physicists. (I like physics.)
There are exceptions with both degrees, but I think that depends more on individual ability than the degree you have.
I originally wanted to write a comparison here detailing my thoughts about differences between mindsets and my experiences with engineers/physicists but I don't have the drive so this is it.
i agree that engineering and technical shit is better than "Muh pure science", but why are you saying that EU unis are shit. most are but true good technical schools should be good. off the top of my head i can name TU Munich and TU Delft. i agree there aren't a lot, but there are quite a few here and there that are top tier. what would you say is the best place and university to learn proper engineering in europe. based on experience or student rating not bullshit ratings
meme drive completely BTFO physicists
What does he mean by applied science qualifications at the bottom?
It's not true, only hillbillys within that "muh accredited dugree makes me smart"
Also I hated my subject. Engineering degrees, even at good places, are, at best, just introductory chemistry / physics / mathematics introductory classes along with a shitload of stamp collecting corporate wagecuck training courses after the first year or two. Who the hell cares about that crap? Theres nothing fundamental about it. It is telling that Harvard and Oxford dont offer Engineering degrees, they offer Engineering Science degrees. They agree with me. Only fucking monkeys go to university to learn skills for jobs.
Someone with a physics or mathematics degree can do a PhD in engineering but not vice versa. That sums it up. Why would you want to limit your options with an engineering degree? For an engineering job, when all the smart engineers go in to higher paying finance jobs? top kek.
At universities like Cambridge and MIT, where students all enter with equally perfect grades and high intelligence, engineering has zero reputation for being difficult. Maybe it has more grunt work than other degrees. But at shit universities where people with varying levels of intelligence attend, many lower class (not judging them, but they do have less career advice than others) people go in to engineering because they see it as leading straight to a job. These are the types of people who get scared by Calc 2 and claim that it is a conspiracy to make them fail. That is why you hear so much about the "difficulty" of engineering.
Notice that I am not denigrating engineering PhDs or research, of course they have intellectual worth. But I have said that you would have to be stupid / uninformed to think that physics / maths degrees are not the best option if you plan to do an engineering PhD. On a side note, many engineering PhDs seem to be funded by corporations in what seems like a clear case of outsourcing work to PhD students at stipends at the same levels as low paying graduate jobs.There is a cucky dimension to it that cant be denied.
Because of the Washington Accord. It doesn't really mean they are better, but that every engineer has to be accredited in those countries.
Engineering in the UK is a technician job.
Why Switzerland and France are not """""worthless""""" ? And why Germany and UK are ?
>why Germany and UK are ?
Did you mean the Caliphate of Germany?
Did you mean the Caliphate of UK?
Oh, whoops! While memeing I actually unironically answered your question!
Probably the best place to post this, how worthless is a BS in chem? Just chem, not chemE. My plan is to go for a masters in chemE after my chem undergrad, are chem degrees really that worthless?
TU Berlin is a very great uni with excellent engineering degree. Same for TU Munchen.
What I do not get is why Switzerland and France are so different with Germoney or Bongland, OP does not explain this.
Chem degree only good for pharm school or else perm lab tech
I've taken mechE because I thought aero was a meme.
Anyway my goal is to do masters at a top American uni HYPSMC. What would be better, doing graduation from an average university in third world country or top uni in Australia?
>transferring from a CC never works out well.
>all the smart engineers go in to higher paying finance jobs? top kek
This is pasta and a shitty one at that. It appeals to those who don't really know what's going on.
That is true but they wind up working for the HYP liberal arts grad. The same thing happens with CS guys who work in the entertainment. My friend works at Disney/ABC, and he is a personal IT bitch for the Harvard/Oxford grad.
and it doesn't.
Don't feel shitty.
That post is afterall made by a 4kanker which is full with himself.
Having a STEM or medicine degree automatically makes you a good person.
>God Tier
KEEEEKE, fuckin cuckhead. Go NukeE best shit you can hope for is working as a glorified janitor in a fucking bunker.
I'm not convinced about the courseload difference.
It might just be for poo in loos and chinks, but at my uni they lower the pass grade for engineering students in core maths units to 40 percent. So it's easier to pass in BEng then BSci.
That was a sweet victory. Finally had silence from the physics major circlejerk for the first time in months no more major politics threads were posted.
Veeky Forums is ~50% engineering majors according to most survey threads.
No, fuck off. There's never a reason to attend CC unless you're an utter brainlet who couldn't scholarships/corporate bursars. Even then just get loans and go to a real school.
They sell associates, CCs are so dogshit they aren't even accredited fro technologists degrees like the technical colleges (which is a better option for brainlets than CC).
The guy that was posting his QFT and algebraic topos in all the threads was in the final year of his postgrad coursework. At good unis you will generally take postgrad courses hence it's god-tier status
You should kys.
I had to keep Purduefag happy, he was my only ally in those threads who wasn't a retard.
Materials is an over-specialised nano-tier meme, just do ChemE.
But you also wasted your prime years in a fucking CC.
With euro exchange you aren't as fucked as poor third wolrders, but even with scholarships you will definitely need to find a few jobs (I recommend tutoring) or take out a loan. Do you really NEED to go to MIT right now? I recommend going to a good EU mech school and applying Aero for postgrad (money is never an issue here, your stipends will cover living costs anywhere you go).
This. Everything this user said.
>some exaggerations.
Couldn't help myself.
>I think that depends more on individual ability than the degree you have.
Pretty much. Most people in all majors are dogshit, in postgrad too.
>why are you saying that EU unis are shit
They're going through an identity crises and they can't find the right balance between practice and theory like the West. Eng degrees used to be extremely practically like western tech degrees.
>what would you say is the best place and university to learn proper engineering in europe.
If you only want to be an EuroE it doesn't matter because of EU laws. If you want to travel the world go WA.
Remember you are always responsible for your own education and most of your tertiary education will be self-study. The reason you want to do your undergrad at top unis is to meet with and network with professors who are leading experts in your fields of interested if you want to go into academia (so you can get undergrad RAs etc., if you don't do this you're are wasting that expensive as fuck tuition you pay). If you are forced to go to "lesser" universities make sure you network through your profs and attend conferences as soon as possible so you can meet the people you want to end up working with.
If you just want a job then lower rated universities with better industry connections are often a better choice. But this doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Under EU law all the members need to accredited every other country's engineering degrees.
It is much easier to get a EuroE from a Washington accord accreditation than vice versa though, however, this has changed since I wrote that post in for example ChemE; IchemE has struck new deals with the Europeans.
The first paper disproving it with simple SR was by a meche just saying.
Ex. BSc Biotechnology; these degrees stream you into lab monkey jobs.
Interesting story, did you know that most of the MIT students _ generally came
I addressed this last year Imperialfag.
The WA degrees have a much higher standard on a bachelor level. The EU degrees generally need to go to masters before they are on a level to be mutually accredited by WA. They are too practical or too theoretical in the first three years and they don't do enough, in general too "lightweight" (with the exception of Spain).
Every time you read "you need a masters degree at minimum to get an engineering job in this economy" those posts are all coming from EU posters guaranteed.
>My plan is to go for a masters in chemE after my chem undergrad,
In WA countries you'll get a MSc (Applied science) in ChemE which is not a real ChemE degree. The reason for this is that your postgrad with focus on research in applied sciences and at a masters level this amounts to being a specialized lab technician (not like a PhD researcher). Engineers get a MEng doing this because they already have an engineering background so the advanced material science etc. they learn here will be applied to industrial scale problems. For people with pure chem backgrounds the only option is lab tech.
The MEng programmes which focus on things like reactor, CFD and control engineering you won't be able to get into with a pure chem background.
If you can get into an accredited ChemE postgrad programme do that. Just make sure they aren't tricking you to be a cheap labmonkey to get easy stamp collecting papers for them when they aren't even allowed to graduate you as an engineer (which they do intentionally).
>Having a STEM or medicine degree automatically makes you a good person.
And you call other people full of themselves? Some of the worst people are in STEM and medicine. People like me, only even worse.
> with the exception of Spain
Could you explain this further? It seems like you're saying something here is not complete and absolute shit-tier, and I can hardly believe it.
>>why are you saying that EU unis are shit
>They're going through an identity crises and they can't find the right balance between practice and theory like the West. Eng degrees used to be extremely practically like western tech degrees.
You do know that Western engineering schools got good when they started copying European schools back in the early 20th century, right? MIT for example started out that way.
Deep and varied theoretical knowledge combined with practical knowledge is what made European degrees so strong. Scientific background of engineers were taken very seriously in physics and math. At least that's more or less how it was done in my country and we produced a good majority of the individuals who made this new world we have today.
Many prominent engineers were produced around WW2 and before in Europe. It was after WW2 that the shit somewhat hit the fan.
Spanish egnineering curricula have an insane courseload. I'm not saying anything about the quality of the curriculum. They have a a lot hours per semester, more than some American universities.
>You do know that Western engineering schools got good when they started copying European schools back in the early 20th century, right?
Did you it is presently the early 21st century? Or did you grow up in an enclave where they still teach you Trivium and Quadrivium? Can I go there?
I was merely making an informational post.
>No, fuck off. There's never a reason to attend CC unless you're an utter brainlet who couldn't scholarships/corporate bursars. Even then just get loans and go to a real school.
Stop with the brainlet memes. What does it matter and why is going to a CC a bad thing? You will ultimately save money and can stay close to home taking some retarded prereqs and lower tier classes. After 2 years, transfer and take higher level courses. At the end of the day, employers don't care about where you went unless it's like top 20. Your GPA and experience will ultimately matter more and nobody will care if you transferred and excelled at a Uni after CC.
Taking out big loans just to go to a "real school" is completely retarded in itself
You might be right about loans. If you don't have enough scholarships to cover scholarships you should probably not be attending university at all.
Do something more suited to brainlets such as yourself. You will grow by about the same amount doing CC and working retail anyway.
>scholarships to cover scholarships you should probably not be attending university at all.
Not everyone is a loner autist in high school who revolves his life around stroking himself off through getting 10 scholarships. And anyone can do a shitload of community service to get those retarded scholarships. Not everyone wants to go through that or cares
>do something more suited to brainlets such as yourself. You will grow by about the same amount doing CC and working retail anyway.
>haha brainlet XD
Not an argument. What you said doesn't dismiss my point at all. It seems that you're just inflating your ego at this point
I was actually joking with that post, dummy.
You can get an internship, even from CC. I got one. Afterwards, I got one more and graduated fine. All employers wanted to see was just ny my 4 year GPA. Funnily enough, the current place I'm a process engie at actually had me fess up about CC during the 1st round of interviews, and they said they were just curious, since I my GPA was really high (probably from getting my shit together at CC)
So, I got to fuck around in high school (not even taken the SAT or ACT) and in CC, all the while cucking dumb full 4 year fags that fucked up in their freshman and sophomore weedout classes.
Did ChemEng at UCB for anyone that's curious. One thing that does suck is that I did have to retake Diffs and 2nd semester Ochem, which was harder at my CC, somehow.
> Spanish egnineering curricula have an insane courseload.
From what I've heard, it's mainly in the first year because of technical drawing (or whatever it's called in English) and calculus. The next 3 years are mild in comparison. But even then I don't think it's that much work.
>They have a a lot hours per semester, more than some American universities.
3 hours a day, and sometimes lab hours.
Maybe the uni I'm familiarized with is just pure shit, but it's supposedly one of the best of Spain, so...
The curriculum I saw from a friend had 40 hours per week classes/labs/tuts.
Different unis probably.
I was
By the way
>Biology degree aimed to biotech lab work.
Just fuck my shit up.
This. Physicists are incapable of any practical thought and struggle with real world concepts and experiments.
I'm an EE students who took all the regular EE courses like power, control, and electronics, but chose photonics for grad school. I'm definitely in the minority now, and my colleagues are mostly physicists. I'm actually appealed at how clueless they are in a lab. They are incapable to debug or fix stuff by themselves. They struggle with creativity and finding solutions to concrete problems. They have no understanding of the technology and instruments they use.
Physicists like to meme about their quantum physics classes and such, but there is nothing inherently hard about them. I'm a pure EE and picked up that stuff very easily by myself. I do prefer theoretical to applied physics, and I have already published theoretical papers on quantum and nonlinear optics. At the same time, I am eternally grateful for the practical experience acquired during my undergrad years, because that kind of stuff is something that you cannot pick up by yourself doing only pure physics. I will always have an advantage over them.
>The curriculum I saw from a friend had 40 hours per week classes/labs/tuts.
I actually wish I had that many hours. It'd be fucking brutal, but man, if done right you could become top fucking tier.
He's right for the most part.
Let me establish some credibility before I make my point. I majored in biochemistry in undergrad and realized I wanted to do inorganic chemistry. I am currently a graduate student that works in applied electrochemistry. I work in two labs under two professors doing both inorganic synthesis and materials engineering. I am in the chemistry PhD program at my school, but I have been allowed to take graduate engineering courses and to satisfy elective requirements for my chem degree. I am learning the ins and outs of boths labs which works well since the projects are so intertwined.
from his posts
>we've also seen that most chemistry graduates are in disbelief that ChemEs are already pubishing both in pure science and in engineering journals at an undergrad level indicating the vast disparity in quality of typical students in both these degrees.
I do research in both of these areas and can tell you with utmost certainty that engineering research *can* be much easier than chemistry research. in my particular arrangement, the engineering work does not even start without success in the synthesis, and without success the engineering portion of what I do comes down to basic experiments that can be used to study the properties of the materials we are researching. Ultimately there is no project without the other, but having worked in both labs I can tell you the chemistry is much harder. In a sense, this is applied chemistry and once we confirm that we have a material and it works, only then does the bulk of the engineering start.
There is not nearly as much math/physics knowledge required to do most materials engineering research as you might think. It's definitely there, but it does not become a part of your every day life from what I have seen so far.
as another anecdote, my mentor in the engineering field who has been showing me the ropes described his undergraduate research project as common sense. when I did my research in undergrad, it was like taking a shot in the dark and hoping to find something, designing experiments based on our chemistry knowledge, and seeing them through.
I'm not trying to downplay any one fields importance. theres a reason why I started working in engineering and that's because I agree with the tier rankings that user posted long ago + the obviously better job opportunities. But I do think saying there is a clear superiority between engineers and their pure science counterparts is wrong. in my case, the chemistry work i do is much more difficult to do properly than the engineering.
also, no chemical engineers do not take "all of the chemistry courses + their engineering ones. that's just wrong. chemEs take up to organic I believe and is more a physics degree than chemistry.
Well as you said in your post and from what I'm inferring it comes down to the field you work in and to the kind of work you do regardless of whether we talk about engineering or applied/pure science.
For you obviously engineering is in a support role to support your scientific research.
For example it's probably entirely different for someone who is interested in optics or semiconductors (new kinds of transistors for example) or something like radars or long range communications (wave propagation, etc.).
Not him, but I got my full ride (yes, just one scholarship) just by taking a two-hour test (PSAT). It's easy as fuck to get scholarships, at least in America, if you're not retarded.
Niggers in classrooms and niggers in basketball courts seem to pay for the university's expenses, so they don't have any problem with paying for good students to do the actual learning.
This reads like advice for people planning to make a career out of academia, or seriously underpaid white collar labor. Underpaid in the sense that it is fucking assloads of work for comparatively not so great pay.
If you're smart and socially capable you just need to constantly push for leadership positions and definitely get out of purely technical work within the first 10 years of working.
>Science & Math
>don't work a job that involves science and math
I think we all recognize that management is where the money's at, but the people that want to go that route go to Doing work that's enjoyable and meaningful is just as important as, or more important than, making dosh
If you work as an engineer of any kind and have any social skills, after a certain point you basically have to become management or you never advance again.
Some of my peers from my graduating class peaked their careers 15 years ago and have gone literally nowhere besides some ex-wives and kids.
in the end, anyone who tries to tell you one subject is unequivocally better than another has a bias. all these fields and subfields and specialties are not comparable.
>Not him, but I got my full ride (yes, just one scholarship) just by taking a two-hour test (PSAT)
well, not everyone gets national merit, especially for those who slacked off Freshman/Soph. And I know it's not difficult to get scholarships at all. As I said, you can get many just by doing community service or ECs. You can be fully retarded and still get several.
But most people don't get full rides, and one/2 scols won't always be able to pay off for tuition, books, and potential dorm/living/parking, etc. It's too much at a """""real school"""", and taking out loans to do it is stupid.
Sometimes, it's better for people to stay close to home and save money by going to a CC, since going to a higher up state Uni immediately is not necessary. As I said, GPA and Exp wins. Where you went does not matter heavily, unless we're talking household names or really low end Unis with a lack of career fairs/internship opportunities. Going to a CC and transferring to a decent Uni is fine.
And I'm not sure what your other point was. Niggers can get ridiculous scols by playing football and basketball, and Unis would want them for team sports.
We had 40 hours for the first two years and it was worth it, just the work ethic you develop alone, people are amazed by how much we know about other disciplines. Not just engineering, but finance, law, health/bio/food/chem/phys sciences, applied math, computer science, tech...
I'm really glad they pushed us in undergrad. Really solid foundation to do just about anything with. I honestly feel like I could communicate with just about any professional on the planet.
How do you know I didn't get a sports scholarship?
I didn't, I did play two sports on teams with people who did and I attended parties regularly. I still got near perfect scores throughout high and middle school while studying intro college level physics, calculus and philosophy in spare time.
It's fucking high-school, if you struggle with it all you definitely shouldn't be doing STEM. I don't recall ever studying more than 1-2 days before a test/exam. Never did homework if it wasn't graded etc.
>It seems that you're just inflating your ego at this point
Everyone on this board is the exact same as me, except you and the other one or two cc brainlets apparently, we're not talking to normies where we have to pretend to be humble.
>It's fucking high-school, if you struggle with it all you definitely shouldn't be doing STEM, I studied college physics and philosophy, look at me guys!
>more ego inflation
fucking kek
When was this EVER about how well you did and high level subjects you engaged in? What are you on about?
I'm talking about basic scholarships and being able to save money if needed going to a CC. Everything I said still stands.
>everyone on this board is like me
pseudo intellectual narcissists? you don't say
>Being so autistic you vividly remember some cancerous threads from.
Holy Christ user.
Ah, there he is.
That motherfucker.
What a tool.
>Y-yeah I was definitely "cucking" those stupid "over-achievers" who were mostly studying on my tax money while fucking qt. undergrad girls (this MILF in my class winked her eye at me once; shit was so cash) and having their young minds stimulated by superior faculty.
Congrats on not being a total fuckup and fixing your life though. With hard work even brainlets can catch up eventually.
(but seriously, good work)
A tier-list posted on an Alaskan husky training club should never bother you.
>When was this EVER about how well you
You implied that anyone who had a better academic performance than you had to be a "loner autist" who just works harder than you which is complete bullshit.
I find people like you pathetic because you're the kid that sat in the corner while convincing himself he's better than everyone else and he could beat everyone if he only tried or as you put it in typical your typical gaylord emo vernacular "care".
That's what my post was about; it's not about me or my classmates, it's about you.
You also community service helps you get scholarships which is pretty fucking stupid.
We're on an ANONYMOUS image board you mouth breather.
What does my memory have to do with anything? I remember irl conversations more vividly than internet ones.
If you think remembering a thread from a year ago is autistic I've been having arguments about entropy conservation and generation on manifolds since 2012 in various threads with the same user. It got to the point that we recognize each other's writing and we remember pretty much every post the other fag made. That faggot knows who he is.
This whole post is just sad. I'm glad I only come here to shitpost.
I am exclusively here to shitpost. My shitposting is just far more advanced than yours.
>You implied that anyone who had a better academic performance than you is a loner
When did I ever say that? We all get the random scholarships here and there (some from community service), but it's not enough to pay off for a "real school." You were even dumb enough to tell others to take out loans to do so. For some people, it's best to go to a CC first, especially when they don't even know what to major in, which brings me back to the whole question of: What's wrong with CC?
Physics is for autists and engineering is either for physicists in denial or brainlets doing easy engineering
Chemistry/Materials master race
>If you think remembering a thread from a year ago is autistic I've been having arguments about entropy conservation and generation on manifolds since 2012 in various threads with the same user. It got to the point that we recognize each other's writing and we remember pretty much every post the other fag made. That faggot knows who he is.
Why am I laughing so hard
Not at all true in my case. Electronic Engineering and Physics shared a large number of modules. The only difference was a couple of modules in signal processing and control theory in EE, and some thermodynamics/QFT/QM in physics. And no, neither course was shit.
Being a physics grad, I have also had no problem finding jobs.
>There's never a reason to attend CC
LOL. check out this brainlet. i bet you graduated "high school" too. i hope you had fun wasting 2-3 years of your life in a glorified day care facility.
CC is good because you can start college as soon as you can pass the entrance exams which for any remotely intelligent person is around 14 or 15.
On the topic of top unis and careers, could someone lend me advice?
I started out in a Uni out of hs where my grades were very spotty, largely due to my being ill prepared. I wasted a year there pursuing chemistry and after getting academically dismissed with a 2.2 gpa (depression, drugs, cutting class) I did two semesters at a CC while I was getting orthodontic work done.
My plan was to enlist in the Army and save as much as possible, as well as reap the benefits of the GI bill when my contract ends. I'd like to attend a top Uni; would military service and a few 4.0s from a community college help my odds of being accepted so I can finally handle my life the way I dreamt it?
Any other advice would be much appreciated.
Where are you doing your research if you don't mind me asking? Have you heard about how difficult it is to land a job after material science PhD?
I miss Purduefag and his NukeE shilling.
>When did I ever say that?
>Not everyone is a loner autist in high school who revolves his life around stroking himself off through getting 10 scholarships.
>We all get the random scholarships here and there (some from community service), but it's not enough to pay off for a "real school."
You've never gotten a real scholarships, you got the kiddies bin stuff shitty universities used to draw good students. The big boy stuff is corporate bursaries which covers all tuition, housing, textbooks, study snacks and gives you paid internships during your holidays.
>You were even dumb enough to tell others to take out loans to do so.
The brainlets who take out loans will still have a better life than you and likely have a higher netto present value than you due to having more opportunities. You worked out the numbers wrong and you also forgot to take quality of life into account.
>For some people
>especially when they don't even know what to major in
losers with no direction in life*
Like I said though neither of these groups should be attending university to begin with. Join the army, travel the world etc. Come back and try again when you're an adult since your dogshit public school and even worse parents failed to make you one.
I fucking hate CC kids so goddamn much.
Choking on my words right now. Good point finish up the intro credits early.
>When did I ever say that?
Yeah, I didn't. I never said anyone who did better than me is an autist. That was you. My point is not everyone gets full rides nor high end scholarships.
>you've never gotten a real scholarship
more assumptions
>those who take out loans will still have a better life than you
In what way? By spending more money than they have? In what ways will you have more so many more opportunities over a CC transfer?
>quality of life
kek. enjoy debt
>losers go to a CC
>only losers save money hurr
>losers with no direction life
Apparently 90% of high school grads are losers. Many of those who get tons of scholarships don't know what they want to dedicate their life to. Then they rush off to a uni and waste some cash on unneeded classes because of idiots like you who bash CC
You still haven't even answered the question: What's so bad about being a CC transfer over going straight to a Uni? All you can say is "loser" because you don't actually have a coherent argument. It's water under the bridge if you excel after transferring and get Exp.
>community college retards actually trying to make people believe that community college isn't for retards
I'm majoring in Geology. It certainly as hell isn't engineering. But I will guarantee Mr Fuck face that he's wrong as hell. There is not a single instance in the history of forever that someone would hire an engineer to do a Geologist's work and it is often required that a job has on site someone with a degree in geology. You can't even get certification as a field geologist without a degree.
And good luck building ANYTHING you stupid fucking engineers without first consulting a geologist. Bu ... bu ... muh argument is about physicists. Scientists stand together asshole and physics is very much a part of Geology. So you can go fuck yourselves.
nice argument
you probably voted for trump.
Your not a real scientist. I'd consider consider even engineers and *shudders* biologists to be scientists before I consider a fucking geofag to be a scientists. You are barely above polysci tier.
t. Physicist.
>he's still THIS butthurt after the election
>still no argument
Don't you have some OccupyDemocrat vids to post on Facebook about how Trump is mean or something?
Oh hahaha, I've seen that show too.
>90% of high school grads are losers.
Yes, we can smell the sub-par public school stench coming off of you.
nice argument
nice argument good debate.
My cc had a transfer agreement with my uni. Saved a lot of money. 10/10 would start at cc again.