Do you poop regularly Veeky Forums?
Do you poop regularly Veeky Forums?
Monday-Saturday: Yes
Sunday: No
I don't drink coffee on Sundays.
Once in the morning, and sometimes at night.
Not at all. 3 times since new years
i shit like once a week
how are you still alive
Sometimes 4x a day. Then nothing for another 2-3 day. My ass must look like mick jagger on a good day.
Are you underweight as well? Or is it just due to a garbage diet
6 or 7 times a day
Not underweight, and im eating pretty normal stuff, rarely fast food
i just feel the urge to shit once in a blue moon
Since I began taking fiber supplements, yes.
Before that, not as much.
A big, solid, fibrous poop twice a day is glorious, and the consistency makes wiping a simple 1-square spot check instead of a pine tar nightmare
Yes. 10am and 8pm every day, ever since I switched all my bread options out to wholemeal pitta and replaced all my snackfoods with apples and carrots.
Haven't done a truly solid crap in months though.
Oh, odd. I'm the opposite in that I'm underweight and when I do eat it's usually fast food. Been kinda worrying me lately since laxatives don't seem to do anything.
yeah about once a day
I pretty much "forget" I have to shit for days at a time, sometimes I'm so busy that I wait till later.
Only once?? I heard your supposed to go twice
Generally once every two days, sometimes once a day.
They're usually pretty fucking massive though.
Not as much since the start of the month.
the longest i've gone without shitting was four days
maybe because all i ate was beef jerky during that time
i go every few days. just cant be arsed to sit there for 30 minutes forcing out pebbles or air so i just wait until i'm nice and ready
twice a day.
I really don't know why.
Yes, but not daily anymore. I was eating oatmeal and lentils everyday for a while and the shits were amazing, but oatmeal and lentils everyday for boring quick.
Depends on how much I drink, if I go on a binge I will shit liquid fire like 6 times a day for like 2-3 days, but if now then around once a day.
Like clockwork every 20 hours or 6 hours after eating anything really spicy.
> pure beef jerky diet
Oh, lord. Story time.
> be newly minted EMT bombing around in the mid 90s
> find local source of stellar homemade beef jerky
> get paid, buy all the jerky
> eat an entire pound of jerky in one sitting
> go 48 hours, notice that I haven't shat
> go 72 hours, still no urge
> hit 96 hour mark, get nervous
> four days after jerkypalooza, I release a fart that made people lose faith in a benevolent god
> the urge hits....
> what followed was a two hour struggle to birth a turd that could very well have qualified for its own zip code
> it clogged the station toilet and had to be chopped up with a coathanger
> the whole thing gave me an anal fissure that still pains me to this day 20 years later
I shit like a goose. Medium sized tires all day long
188 55 R15 here
Are you sure you aren't eating hotsauce as well? That isn't normal m8.
I run 245/45/r17.
I will recommend nitto invos. They work like champs in dry and wet.
If you don't need wet don't bother they have much better dry setups.
My GP told me that everyone has different shit cycles, I poop usually once every 2 days, no problems usually.
I'm spouting lava ever since I stopped antidepressants
Not sure what to do
I bought some weird plant that is 80% fibers but it did nothing
wtf dude, go to a doctor
Yes, and my diet isn't THAT good
nice story
It's normal to poop once every one to two days. I used to go like, once every 3 or 4 days. Then I drank more water, and I smoke pot now (relaxes muscles in yo butthole) so I go once or twice a day now. This weekend it's been like 3x a day which has been annoying me but I've only eaten fast food
I suffer from cronic anxiety, might that be the reason I go to the bathroom so sparsely? My abs are always tight and not relaxed at all.
run some kumho semi's mane, arent nittos chink shit?
Either I'm constipated every three days or I'm pissing loowater. No in-between and it's been like this for years ;_;
anyone know that feel of having to shit on a date at a girls house or she's at your house but you dont want her to hear you shitting
bad feel
If you don't respect your date enough to enema you should remove yourself from the genepool
I can end up on the can 12 times a day. But it's not always a win, sometimes it's a dud.
Every day, pretty much every morning, usually before coffee lately, but it used to he after morning coffee and breakfast
Gonna poop in about 5 minutes
depends how much oat i have eaten
once, occasionally twice a day.
If I am hungover i will probably shit about 4 times that day, with each shit being more diverse than the people at Times Square
>Eat oatmeal with coffee every breakfast
>Eat a fruit with every meal
>Take fiber supplements
>Eat prunes everyday
>Still get constipated
WTF is wrong with me Veeky Forums?
Am I weird or is it normal that I think part of preparing to go on a date should be eating plain/healthy for a couple days before and not getting drunk, also making sure you shit, shower and shave in that order a couple hours before for exactly the reason to avoid this dilemma..?
Go for a run, fatty
i'm pooping right now
When you don't eat at all for 2-3 days and just drink beer and liquor you tend to shit out pure stomach acid or close enough to pure
At least once a day, occasionally twice. If i go more than one day without shitting, i end up clogging the toilet.
I'm running 275/55/R18 KOs on my truck for winter. I have my 265/55/R20 street tires I run in summer
Once a day my dude
I used to about once a week only but now it's more 2-4 days a week I have to shit.
My diet consists of rice, chicken, fish, water, and fast food about once biweekly
i shit 4 times today and it was liquid every time coffee and beer do strange things to my bowels to be honest family
I'm about the same. Low calorie diet plus way too much fiber means I go about 1-2 times every 2 weeks.
Less than once a day, probably 2-3 times a week or so? It kind of varies.
once a day. I have oatmeal and broccoli twice a day, I think that is why.
I shit twice a day. Once 1-2 hours after I wake up, then again after lunch.
What the hell is wrong with you people? How can you forget to shit?
Once a day, usually. Sometimes every other day or twice a day depending on my eating habits. I believe once a day is considered healthy, as a normal bowel movement averages around 24 hours of travel time.
I shit once a day.
I drink 2 cups of coffee and usually shit from 11-2 pm.
My shits are invariably wonderful affairs: good robust logs, which crown and deliver in a timely fashion and Leave No Trace. I can often shit within a minute, although I like to extend my bowl time just for the relaxation.
I think I have great bowel control and awareness. I can hold a shit for a very long time. Sometimes if I am very engrossed in my work, I put off shitting for an hour or two. Then I hobble to the toilet and feel my log within. Those are the most satisfying shits of all, Freud was right.
I had a great log last week, one of those great ones that come out in one massive pipe, straight into the toilet weir but so long that it comes out of the water about 1".
Sometimes its hard to flush those. I want to leave them for my peers to enjoy, but I know they could take it the wrong way.
Honestly probably 2.5 times a day. One is normally just to release gas more than anything, usually around 5am because I start work early.
I'm a moderate drinker (normies would consider me heavy but not proper alkies) with a lifelong anxiety issue but apart from booze my diet is very healthy, I just need to eat more roughage.
You drink water?
U drink water?
You can barely digest fiber so it should pass right through you. Your prob not drinking enougj water. Its seriously almost like a miracle cure for most minor ailments you can think of
3x a day. Twice in the morning (when I have coffee) and usually after lunch. But I eat a lot of vegetable fiber and drink water. Goes down to 2x a day if I eat a lot of meat and not as many vegetables.
Too much fiber can back you up as well.
Every day before I go to work because I don't want to shit at the work bathroom.
Haven't gone in two days. On a really low no carb diet, though. Around 800 calories a day.
Right after breakfast ever since I got my gallbladder removed
I'm pooping right now! But ya, once or twice a day.
twice a week max
I've trained myself to shit every single morning. Then I'll shit again sometime in the afternoon. I used to have an office job and I'd shit at different hours throughout the day, it was rather annoying
Used to shit only once every 3 or 4 days but for a couple of years now I started taking a shit every day and I feel overall much better.
I'm a girl and I was on a medication that basically gave me horrible IBS - I was the loudest in the bathroom that I've ever heard, tons of air, had to run to the bathroom 10 times. I was on a date and his bathroom was connected to his bedroom. I was so ashamed for the whole half hour I was in there.
One time we went to the movies and he heard me from outside the 20 stall women's room
> I was so ashamed for the whole half hour I was in there.
I got mildly erect from reading this
> tfw once a week or if im lucky every 4 days
> i eat one big meal a day at 6PM
> Bio/Med teacher says shitting 3 times a day is the optimal amount for a healthy human
so, /ck has no moderation?
Could be. I have anxiety which causes my muscles to be tense, mostly my back. I also hate pooping in public, or when people are talking. One day I had an accident trying to get home to poop instead of work (right at the finish line) and the experience made me decide I'd rather risk a panic attack than shit my pants.
I also drive to construction sites for a living, so I have easy access to porta jons, which also helped.
Every morning after breakfast, regardless of coffee etc. Has been like clockwork for as long as I can remember.
When I go out drinking it fucks with my schedule a little, but goes back to normal pretty quickly.
For months I've been pooping in little marbles and that's almost every shit I take and I don't know why I've been so constipated for this long
No, i do it standing in the shower.
You could have TOO much fiber, or perhaps you're dehydrated?
I got constipated super bad once (I usually poop 3-4 times a day) from eating an entire box of Fiber One cereal in one sitting.
I poop once every two days or so. I really don't understand how some people have to do the whole morning routine where they sit on the shitter with their magazines or phone for 20 minutes at a time. Every time I go to take a shit I'm done within a minute or two at most.
Three times ish a day.
But I had part of my sphincter removed.
I'd want you to sit on my face and rip ass
once a day sometimes twice
usually in the morning when the shower is warming up. Wake up, turn the shower on, have a nice poo while checking the boards and off I go to my day
2-3 times a day. Fiber supplements are your friend.
Girlfriend makes me yell, "Poooop" right before I have to go.
No I don't
Same, like once every 7-9 days.
3+ per day. Can't even remember a time when I didn't go twice in a single day.
Wow, it looks like I'm the top shitter on Veeky Forums. I guess this is what I am an outlier in.
once every 2-3 days but i only eat 800 calories a day
I used to before I lost my gallbladder. After that, it's an unpredictable, torrential pure liquid nightmare at the drop of a hat. I'm getting to the point I can pick out what will trigger episodes like that - most oils, obviously, but any large amount of leafy greens in a single sitting as well.
I derive sexual pleasure from holding in my poops for as long as physically possible. Sometimes my body pushes so hard I have to pinch my cheeks together to keep it in and not shit my pants.
When I finally do go it's an intense experience. Sometimes I cry out while trying to pass it. I've dropped logs almost as long as my forarm with one end above the water. I clog the toilet often so I keep a snake nearby.
How do I get myself to shit more often?
I end up taking a dump every 5 days and you can tell it's stewing in there because it comes out dark and stinks up the bathroom so bad I can feel the extremely moist odor hitting my face when i walk back in.
At least twice a day. Very regular, one of those times is always after lunch
I'm glad you've found something that makes you happy, mate.
This is kinda gay. I bet you would enjoy cocks.
Holy...shit? What the hell do you eat?