Increasing focus & concentration?

Veeky Forums, are there any scientific methods that would help me increase my focus? I have trouble concentrating for more than 10 minutes. My mind just wonders and I do something else after working on something. Is there a way for me to improve?

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try meditation.

isn't meditation nonsense and pseudoscience?

Depends on how you approach it. For most of it it's a pretty simple, but difficult exercise. But obviously new age retards take it as some voodoo shit.

Yes, pretty much every nook and cranny of self help and new age exercises like yoga and meditation has been infested by charlatans, but let's put it this way: meditation is the perfect starting exercise, because it's essentially nothing. How do you expect to start and maintain habits if you can't even consistently do nothing? How do you expect to build focus if you can't even focus for progressively longer periods of nothing? It is the most bare minimum, dead simple non-negative habit to practice.

Meditation is literally just sitting quietly with oneself and focusing on your experiences.

It develops focus and clarity of thought. Its literally practice in focusing on one thing, while keeping an open mind.

Its filled with psuedoscience and woo because its part of the wisdom tradition of most religions that aren't Abrahamic, and was traditionally used to gain a more direct perception of the world as a method of dissolving the ego. It got filled with woo after the practice was brought to the US in the 50's alongside an interest in eastern religion, and horribly misunderstood.

Think of it like this: you look at a tree and think "tree", but the word or idea of "tree" only symbolizes the tree. The purpose of mediation is to perceive the tree directly, and understand on a fundamental level that the word or idea of "tree" is only a convention to communicate about the tree. Then hippies fucked shit up.

Remember how you are able to stay completely focused and concentrated when watching your retarded chinese cartoons or movies? It is called investment. Feel invested in what you study and reading a chapter of a calculus book will feel like reading Jojo.

If you are not invested then just switch majors dumbo because clearly you do not even like what you are doing.

All those drug companies selling focus pills are basically scamming you because investment is emotional. All they do is increase your tolerance for boredom and that is exactly what the "advanced studying methods" do. Increasing your tolerance for boredom for maybe 5 extra minutes and at the expense of your own mental health.

This girl in my major told me a few days how she has been so stressed because of the upcoming calc 2 final that she is taking fucking anxiety pills.

Yup, study harder but better get those anxiety and depression pills ready to swallow.

She should drop out and go study something she can study without feeling like shit. The same for you.

You may have undiagnosed ADD or ADHD. Get medication.

dude theres loads of science about meditation improving attention and executive function. This is distinct from its religious connotations.

Just the fact that meditation is an exercise that requires great ammounts of effort and attention and so its a good way to train it.

its good because as you get better at it, it lets you get better at inhibiting interfering thoughts and when those thoughts happen, switching back your concentration.. which obviously has implications in real life studying.

he would have noticed it as a kid. why do people overdiagnose so much. its not like attention problems are not common in people without mental illnesses. problems concentrating and things like procrastination are everyday problems. i would say try something like meditation and also just exercise, diet and sleep first rather than medication which has side effects and is unreliably prescribed.

I was supporting meditation, in both its functional and spiritual forms.

I've always exercised, done lots of maths/thinking, ate sardines/chocolate/eggs, slept 8 hours, drank 8L of water a day etc etc. Still my focus was crap.
I honestly think mindless internet browsing damages your attention span like nothing else.
I quit mindless internet surfing, apart from Veeky Forums at dinner. Less thsn an hour a day, and I do honestly learn a lot of stuff from here.
Replace it with content that requires you to focus. Read a lot of books, read articles on Aeon and Nautillus on your lunch break (looking for suggestions)
I started meditating.
I feel like my executive function has tripled

Quit eating sugar.
Get enough sleep at regular times.
Find something interesting to work on.
Use that to practice focusing.


here's a good source for why not:

Fuck prescription medication. Mental illnesses are predominantly a government construct to control the population.

Instead, focus on holistic medicine. Drugs "fix" symptoms by putting you out of homeostasis and releasing neurotransmitters that you don't have.

So, how do u meditate to increase concentration? I've done some googling and everyone wants me to pay them to teach me how to meditate. They mention something called "mindful meditation".

Isn't there an easy method that's free?

There's literally only one way to meditate: stop what you're doing, focus on your breathing. You can sit down, close your eyes, and make it a ritual if you like. "Mindfulness" in Jew-Age speak just means focusing on the present moment instead of the potential future.

I understand but I'd like a step-by-step process that is proven to work.

Quit internet browsing, don't use your PC if you don't need it for work/studying.


Maybe a bit extreme. Don't pull a fucking Steve Jobs.

But yeah, I'd say a large majority of prescribed medication is just bullshit. The longer you are on it, too, the more money they make.

Look into the pomodoro technique, and before study time record how many pomodoros you plan on doing.

Then do them - allowing nothing to interrupt you when you're on the clock. This is how I went from 1hr of work throughout the day to 6-8 hours on average over the course of a year.

Step 1.) Sit down
Step 2.) Close eyes
Step 3.) Spend minute banishing all thoughts, focusing only on nothing, but the sensation of your own breathing. Imagine a black or a white background in your mind's eye. If you find you start drifting away from that image, just return to your blank slate.
Step 4.) End meditation. Get up.
Step 5.) Update blog, if you have one
Step 6.) Do the same thing for a week.
Step 7.) Upgrade to 2 minutes next week.
Step 8.) On your n-th week in a row of meditation, do n minutes of meditation. You could probably stop at 20 if you wanted.

thanks user!

Thank you

that was supposed to be an admonishment by sarcastically spelling out a simple, self evident process like meditation in detail, especially since the goal of meditation is to filter out complexity, but, y-yeah, you're welcome anons, good luck... we're all gonna make it...