Whats the game plan on the 25th?

Whats the game plan on the 25th?

Attached: ICX.jpg (1400x789, 148K)

Hold. If it goes down, buy more.

Get dumped on.

sell the rumor and buy the news

will it go down more or is it a good idea to buy now?

sold yesterday desu


well depends what bitcoin will do


Activated for trading in large korean exchanges, then public mainnet opens the next week.

I'm holding till 500$ . I'm getting Antshare vibes from this.

Either us December fags are gonna eat more shit or we’ll finally get that bullrun we got shilled into believing would happen in January and February. Probably about to get dumped on fucking again just like the mainnet release. Although there is a chance we got a moon mission because I haven’t seen a alt coin posted on a major exchange besides Bitcoin Cash and that shitcoin mooned fucking hard

dropped my bags at 3.90$, glad i did. game for 25th is that gooks will dump it back to below 2$. will triple my stack while u autistic bag holders carrying my bag

On the 25th we'll get to see a repeat of the Mainnet launch which people hyped just like they're now hyping an exchange. It will fall down to under $2. I sold mine yesterday..

>he thinks it'll just pump more
>thinks Koreans haven't bought in yet
>thinks the Koreans are killing each other to buy this coin
I'll be buying in at ~$2.40

no you won't faggot

I will be sure to dump my bags on you when you FOMO back in and buy high. Thanks.

I have mastered patience in the game you fomo cuck
You think i would have bought in already by now? With that super pump that just happened
I sold early into that pump
Don't you think i would FOMO'd in like you by now seeing it rise above my sell point?
No, because i know the game now. I made my mistakes. A gook pump like this, gets a gook dump after. I may be waiting a week, so be it

>"super pump" kek
looks like you haven't experience one yet
>mastered the patience in the game KEK
>FOMO'd in kek,
got in at 1.90 sold at 3.87, don't think you know how big upbit and bitthumb are.

Fell out of a rising wedge, overbought on the 4hr, i wouldn't buy in now. Anything could happen on the 25th though.

I was here during EOY 2017 bull run... i've seen some shit
If you don't think this was a super pump you are retarded. Especially in this bear market

Sorry but you are going to halve your stack, not triple.

The biggest listings aren't even trading yet (Upbit, Bitthumb and possibly Coinone).

And in April we will get staking rewards and ICO platform.

Sell the news don't really apply when there is a constant stream of news that heavily impact the product in practice. With staking you want to hold the coins, that's the biggest incentive there is to keep a coin and with KRW pairing and ICX unironically advertised as "Korean ethereum" by exchanges it is going to drastically increase the demand while supply just get lower and lower.

Don't get me wrong I'm a fan of selling tops even if I like the project because I want a bigger stack but at this point you are doing nothing but straight up gambling.

There are incredibly small and short margins for flipping now. You have to have down syndrome to think you will even double your stack let alone triple.

There is no way the sell-off is that big before 25th and all the other news coming in.

its not likely to go on coinone exchange because of possible conflict of interest. The CEO of coinone WITH (not for) ICX. they dont want that kind of bad publicity, really goes to show how professional the team is. Thats another good reason why i invest in them.

as usual..
>buy high, sell low

OMG you were here in december?
Me too faggot. So were like 75% of all crypto traders who ever even existed.


The only game plan for ICX is hold and buy any dips. There's a very good chance of a short-term 10x, long-term 100x here.

Is it better to wait for a significant dip right now or just invest now

I have 4 asic rigs mining this coin and getting over 25 million a day, no one person should every be able to mine so many of any coin in 1 day and thus is the fundamental problem with icon, the price is doomed to be extremely low.

you might as well go on bitmex and test your luck there. none knows what bitcoin will do in few hours

very nice user... just don't forget to take you anti-psychotics today ok?

Agreed, BUT.. if BTC crashes back down to 7k this is going to get murdered, regardless. This useless fucking digital gold shit is ruining my alts.

I have 4 asic rigs mining this coin and getting over 25 million a day, no one person should every be able to mine so many of any coin in 1 day and thus is the fundamental problem with ICX, the price is doomed to be extremely low.

bad larp faggot

Low effort FUD.

Pic related

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