And why is it Absinthe?
What is your favorite Spirit?
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It's rum
It's tequila.
Where do you get Absinthe? Not Pernod, not the same
There's Lucid, it's a brand that follows traditional distillation and recipe. It should be available in the US. There just wasn't any nice pictures of it.
There's a Canadian brand called Taboo but it's kind of shit.
White, spiced, dark?
It's gin.
God that shit fucks you up. That is a WEIRD hangover.
That'd be the natural stimulants in the herbs I bet.
It's not. Absinthe taste like shit. It was only ever popular because it was strong and cheap. I like tequila.
You aren't meant to drink it straight eh? Also no, it became popular because of a period where the grape crop failed in France resulting in the price of wine skyrocketing.
not the op, but
I actually like Pernod, in small amounts. With some icewater it turns milky white.
Even tried the obvious with lighting the sugarcube, gotta try it, right?
I'm new to whiskey and bourbon, should I get Wild Turkey 101 or Monarch of the Glen 12 year? Any other affordable ones that are decent?
Pernod has a bunch of variants, some of which are mouthwash and others that are closer to the real thing.
Actually the lighting the sugar cube came about during the ban. Russian Absinth didn't contain wormwood or anise and thus wouldn't go cloudy. So bartenders started lighting it on fire for a flashy way to serve it.
So it was cheap compared to the price of wine, so it was cheap. You proved me right. I'm also aware of the proper method of drinking it, which changes fuck all. It tastes like shit.
Rum man.
Has anybody here ever compared the Eastern European absinthes that aren't governed by the EU with American absinthes? How potent IS the wormwood content they allow over there?
I've had only american/EU absinthe. I have noticed it gives you a much clearer-headed drunk with the stimulant it provides. I'd love to get my hands on the non-EU-regulated stuff, but don't want to splurge without knowing it will be worth it.
Well if you don't like Anise then you won't like Absinthe. It's basically Gin with added herbs so it's not like it'd be that pricey.
Just avoid most of the Russian stuff.
I like tequila and whiskey. Burbon, Scotch, Rye, don't really care. Just like whiskey. Tequila has to be good tequila.
This site has pretty detailed reviews by people who make the stuff.
I've been meaning to try Tequila, what's a good brand to start with?
I like dark rum
What brands do you usually get? Most of the stuff I've tried is only good for mixing.
When I can afford to I will get Mount Gay or myers
Usually I can't so it's stuff meant for mixing.
Now I want to kill androids...
Thanks, user!
You are very welcome user.
Espolon is pretty good for a bottle that's available and isn't that pricey. Get a clear one if you want more of a clear agave flavour or a darker one if you want more of a barrel flavour. Whatever you do get something that's 100% agave and not some disgusting flavoured grain alcohol.
You literal fucking plebian
Nowadays mostly scotch, but fernets and zubrowka will always have special places in my heart. As for absinthe, vodka saz is nice, as well as the occasional chilled shooter,
The Holy Spirit
Ouzo is easily my favourite.
I wish I could afford absinthe but i'm not paying $150+ to get a proper french bottle since the cheaper ones here are just garbage czech shit.
Wormwood in absinthe was never potent, historical recipes are well below EU regulations.
Any non-alcoholic effect was from bathtub rotgut being dyed green with poisons and heavy metals.