Korea's ethereum will reach $1000 EOY, no? need to buy this place
Korea's ethereum will reach $1000 EOY, no? need to buy this place
>only 1 wall is a window
it's trash
*snipes your heart*
i know. i can't ask for too much in these trying times. just something humble and livable.
why doesn't the tub face the window?
you'd be lounging with ur bbw from craigslist staring at a sink
>a literal shitting hole
where is this located
nah, i'm just being reasonable about my expected returns from icon
Also holding a non-trivial amount of ICX, but can't see it hitting $1k mate. If we see mid-$30's by EOY, that would be great.
Also, check 'em
he shits in the streets
Damn that's a nice pad
actually this is terrible. I am gonna get sniped from the woods.
unfortunately we the real rich people live in golden prisons
>no curtains for privacy
>huge bath
>tiny tub
why even
>Implying the windows won't be tinted or reflective from the outside
Where is this?
The tub is full size, the place is massive
This place looks so zen, I love it.
Why not a bigger tub though?
So poverty the only selling point is calling it a shit countries ethereum.
>exit scam
>so little IQ doesn't realise it will not return to ATH ever lmao
Why wouldn't they have the bathtub face the window? Fuck this bathroom OP.
wow that looks really good
Why dont fucking reply chains work anymore? I cant click or link anyones post anymore. The fuck Veeky Forums
its a bathtub retard
>not wanting everyone to see your glorious body and rich abode and be envious