Partnership with intel and ibm confirmed and nobody even knows about it. When normies discover this, we will never see iexec below $5 again
Do you hate money, Veeky Forums?
Proof of the partnership ?
what more do you need?
biz doesn't deserve RLC and they won't listen until $5 anyway.
"The Startup iExec is very successful, this includes being one of the awardees of the NETVA’2017 competition that allowed you to have a first experience with the USA market, can you tell us what you learned from this experience and the impact on the development of the company?"
>NETVA’2017 was an incredible experience for iExec. The two co-founders spent an entire week in San Francisco and the bay area meeting outstanding people from the largest IT companies (Docker, Intel, Apple, Sony, BNPParisbas and more). Although blockchain and cryptocurrencies is a rather young topic, we always received enthusiastic welcome and had fruitful discussions with key repesentatives. We were also pleased to meet researchers at Berkeley who are already very involved in every aspects of Blockchain. Directly or indirectly, the contacts initiated during the NETVA immersion week are now being transformed in actual collaborations and partnerships with several key players like Intel and IBM, and several startups from the Bay area.
Hope you didn't pajeet me, bought 2k
nice, just bought 2k
Only have 1100
How much longer can I aquire this for a decent price? I want at least 5000 but man, my paycheck this month has already been spent for another coin.
Don't think they 'partnered' with IBM and Intel
They partnered with Ethereum Enterprise Alliance which intel is a member of, and they were asked to speak at an IBM event that a bunch of other blockchain tech companies spoke at.
I don't know desu this part say they are really in parnership :
> Directly or indirectly, the contacts initiated during the NETVA immersion week are now being transformed in actual collaborations and partnerships with several key players like Intel and IBM, and several startups from the Bay area.
Doesn't mean much. Why do partnerships set people off to buy in? How about having a product out to use. I am a fan of this and will buy again.
See what happened with xlm after ibm partnership announcement
Stellar was extremely bullish until they started giving away their coins to niggers in Africa
NETVA appears to be a french company that tries to get startups integrated into Western markets. I can't find any link between Intel and NETVA besides the few times NETVA name drops them to promote their activity in San Francisco.
"The driving force behind this economy is situated in Silicon Valley, a region known around the world for being the birthplace of or housing the major technology players like Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Apple, Oracle, Google, and Facebook."
Still finding nothing on IBM aside from speaking at one of there conferences, alongside other blockchain solution providers.
they openly on slack they were asked to meet with them in november of last year (around the time of devcon 3)
Accumulate boys but remember this is not a quick moon mission. We had a binance listing 2x but otherwise this is a long hold. With patience you will be rewarded
RLC will make me wealthy af
Bought 0.0000001k thanks nigger
I have only 500 RLC because I'm poor.
What should I do ?
lol 49 volume lol lol
I have exactly the same but any gains will make me happy
I have 4 asic rigs mining this coin and getting over 25 million a day, no one person should every be able to mine so many of any coin in 1 day and thus is the fundamental problem with iExec, the price is doomed to be extremely low.
Are RLC shills still doing the
>shhhhh, don't let anyone know yet
campaign...Top lol...They've been doing this shit for months. I hope user isn't still falling for this.
faggot this coin cannot be mined, please go pajeet
what you just typed makes no sense at all.
people have already figured out that decentralized cloud computing is worse than centralized services in pretty much every way. maybe in 10 years this will moon but not anytime soon
Can someone explain to me why dogshits like WTC with crooks on board are top 30 when this gem isn't even top 100? They are literally directly linked to the most prestigious universities and tech companies in the world, they have the ONLY functiunal decentralized cloud computing platform and already BTFO Golem on 3D rendering.
People are monkeys buying TRX and not even able to type a message with a correct syntax, neck yourself retard.
>Can someone explain to me why dogshits like WTC with crooks on board are top 30 when this gem isn't even top 100?
The latest wave of crypto investors are still uninformed about which coins have real tech behind them. Wait a year and see. I hope we get RLC below 0.8 usd again and Ill go from 5k to 10k.