Hosting a wine party this weekend. What do you guys like in your baked brie? Boss suggested apricot preserves but I'm not a fan.
Hosting a wine party this weekend. What do you guys like in your baked brie...
i think your boss would prefer to have your wife rather than food
lots of cocks and I'd serve your balls if you still have any
>Hosting a wine party
Jesus fucking christ, how can you even look into the mirror you spineless faggot
Because I have friends you useless NEET
Caramelized onion is pretty good/smoked panchetta
Yesterday I made blondies with an apple/blood orange/oro blanco compote. I feel like something along those lines would be stellar with baked brie
>having to invite your boss
>inviting the guy that takes a huge cut from the money you earn into your own house spending even more money to "impress" him
Yeah dude I bet you have a LOT of friends.
>hosting a wine party
Be honest how many cocks do you suck on a weekly basis?
Thanks man
My boss took me to a wine tasting a few months back. I host this every year and initiated him because we get along, unlike you and your company because of your "social anxiety". Fucking liberal cucks don't understand shit. Enjoy your friendless bitterass life.
Dude you are official gay
That's pretty queer bro.
>wine party
Lol, things plebs do to sound classy
I bet you'll have a nice little pre-cut tray of "real cheddar" cubes to go with your La Crema and Apothic Red while listening to some Johann Strauss
I had a trailer trash roommate like you in college, I still cringe thinking about her attempts to not seem like a swamp creature
>hosts a wine party for his boss
>calls other people liberal cucks
What sort of wine are you serving?
Lingonberry and Walnut goes pretty well with anything darker than a medium red.
Apricot would go well with sweeter whites. A barely sweetened, harsh lemon curd might work with harder whites... yuzu even.
Prosciutto/bacon and leek works if you want a savoury kinda thing. Or if you really want to fuck with your boss, pickled plum and pumpkin
>being so obsessed with cucking that you're unable to function in the world
Devil's advocate here, but...
Sometimes you just don't want to be a swamp creature.
I like to get my fellow metalheads together every now and then bumming around my kitchen eating shit like stuffed brie pastries, drinking moderately priced wine and cocktails that don't look like cola, and wearing something that isn't torn denim. Judging by how often I have to cordon off space to cook and serve, I think they might enjoy it too.
Some of them come into my restaurant, presumably to eat, but also to leave cryptic notes on the bill.
>almost guaranteed to be an alcoholic
And nordic.
I drink. I don't drink every day, and I rarely drink heavily, but when I do, it's expensive.
Look, it works everyway
>Fucking liberal cucks don't understand shit
Since when were any of these neets liberal?
You stupid fuck, I've been doing this for ten years. I just started working for this dude last year, we're bros. He goes to wine tastings a few times a month (is a certified wine taster, whatever that means). He told me about baked brie so I asked for recipes. Veeky Forums apparently was not the place to do this, as some of these degenerates can barely hold a two minute conversation with a stranger, let alone the owner of the company they work at. Sorry you guys lack fun in your life. Enjoy those meals you make for one.
>Wine party
>Baked Brie
Is the semen from all the real men who fuck your wife behind your back count as a preserve, if so do you think she will be able to save enough instead of slurping it down her gullet?
>torn denim
1987 called and asked for its dress sense back.
Hey Gaybow stop crying and post your pretentious faggot questions to the appropriate audience.
Seriously what did you expect from a Chinese cartoon imageboard?
>wine party
how about you just call it a party, faggot?
Last weekend I had a bunch of people over and we drank scotch but I didn't refer to it as a scotch party because I'm not a pretentious fuckwit. The
Apples are the most commonplace
Jesus fuck how insecure you faggots are.
>Oh no! Somebody appreciates something i am too shit to know anything about!
>I better repeatetly call him a faggot! Because that is not at all gay.
Go back to your chicken tendies and mountain dew, and leave men to their drinking.
Good on you man.
I suggest bacon jam, cranberry preserve, or a rosemary and port jus depending on pairings
Let me know what you are drinking and I could come up with some ideas
Ignore the autists, they need their own fast food and alcoholism board.
I never called anyone gay, sorry you don't know what good wine is
>Ignore the autists
What kind off fucking twat are you to announce yourself on an anonymous imageboard. Fuck off back.
What seems to be the Problem here?
Dont get so fucking triggered over fast food nerds flipping their shit.
Plenty of people replied seriously and many on this board are into wine/cheese/fine dining. I personally wouldn't even reply to memelords beyond a aloof reaction image.
>tfw literally eating oyster, frog and quail for 7 bucks RN
Life is great
Be a hipster faggot and use pears instead of apples