Heel of the bread

Do you eat it?

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Only from fresh-baked break, in which case it is the GOAT piece.

Hell yea. I like to toast it til it's just shy of burnt and use it for dunking in stew.

Pretty much never

But I acknowledge both these as valid

I save it to toast, blather in butter and eat with soup. Or for breadcrumbs...

It's the best piece when toasted and used for dunking, as is the consensus.

>Do you eat it?

Yes, because I know how it feels to be unloved.

I feed it to the chickens.

I think if the bread had feelings it would prefer not to be eaten.

Why u getting rid of that couch

This. We are the heel of the bread that is society.

Yes. If it's good bread then that is the best part. If it's shit bread then you can at least toast it.

Don't you give them to the servants?

I fucking hate those red/white plastic feeder things. My chickens always trip over it.

So now I use a tin bucket with a stone in it. Works perfectly

I didn't came here to feel.

They also shatter in the cold. So I cant smash the ice out in the mornings .

I cut it into pieces along with some other slices, dry it in the oven, and throw it in the food processor to become bread crumbs. I guess that counts as eating it.

Yeah, but only after I've eaten the rest of it, and it's not as good then. I was always told to leave it because it keeps the rest of bread fresh, I'm pretty sure that's true. It at least keeps the next piece from drying out.

Better you eat it than the mold


crust is best part of bread who agree

No, I'm not poor.

Black neighbor sat on it.

they're the butts, and I don't eat butts!

I agree, there best buttered and dipped in egg yolks. or toasted, buttered and eatin with sweet grits. And the heels are great made into French toast.

I put it in the food to soak up the moisture in it. Else than that, yes, but not when it tastes slightly burned.

Only from fresh bread with good crust

>Do you eat it?

No, I tear it into little pieces and toss it out in the backyard for the squirrels.

Red squirrels are bros, but fuck the gray cunts.

>helping squirrels propagate

>not eating ass in 2017


>feeding plagues
Way to go retard



ouch, the truth sure is painful

yes I try to eat all of the food I purchase unless it is clearly unsafe or gross.

The parallels are scary

These are excellent slices of bread for their extra crustiness. Those that don't recognize why are probably not the most creative.

Toast until hot and bone dry, do not burn. Apply generously with salted butter and top with over easy eggs.

la mejor comida del mundo es la de lima peru si amigos de eeuu

Oh sure, I eat it first. I can't ever get the fucking rest of the bread back in the bag the right direction, but that first sandwich of the loaf is always the "heel sandwich"
but not with shitty whole grain or five oat bread

>whole grain

12 year olds are not allowed on Veeky Forums.

IT'S ALWAYS STALE! it's hard and ruins the sandwich
come up with soft whole grain and it's fine


Of course.
The heels of bread make fantastic bases for things like tuna melts, poached eggs, kentucky hot browns or any open-faced hefty sandwich.

>Feeding the wild animals

You do realize you're only adding to a problem right?

i would buy a bag of just heels if i could. noone would eat all my bread before i can have any, they're mostly crust so they hold up to condiments and dagwood-style sandwich shenanigans, and they take to toasting well.

>falling for the storebought bread jew
literally paying for air and preservatives

but it's bread. Its only purpose is to be eaten.


really makes you think

My family was always tight on money when I growing up, so fuck yes I ate them.

Now I could afford to buy another loaf each day, but I still eat the heels

>they toast the best

Clean up your fucking yard, Cletus. I bet you've got a broken down Trans-Am half covered with a tarp somewhere off camera too.

>He thinks only storebought bread comes with heels

All sliced bread from a loaf has heels, bro, even fancy pants bakery shit.


user, I....

do americans really call loafstops 'heels'?

a proper loaf of crusty bread just tapers away to a point, and the crust is pleasant, it isn't a square slice of nasty technically edible sponge



And we call turdwozzlers 'plungers'.

in scotland we call these ootsiders, all i have to add


While a baking pan bread is a thing, and still may have a whole "heel" loaf like in op's pic, and still be quite good, it needs to be a BREAD. What OP posted is a synthetic sponge that's barely edible when toasted and the "end caps" are pure trash.

best part


only children dont.

I throw that shit in the fucking trash can.

I wish I could buy heel-only bread

They call it the ass where I come from.

And there's a saying, loose translation, when someone is called nice or a good person someone says:

Yeah, bread is nice too, and it gets its ass chewed out twice.

Which means be nice, but not be a punk.

it's called a scone.

Not sure if you can find a real scone in this century anymore.

sounds like a job for hunting season

> the .22

I use it for Burgers whenever I get the chance

You're a fucking idiot.

I find it's great for grilled cheese and dunking in soup.

I get a loaf of rye baked fresh from a deli and they slice it for me. The heel is the tastiest part.

I soak my heels in leftover bacon grease when I get the chance. It cleans the pan and goes good with whatever leftover liquor I have from the night before.

if its the only thing left and I don't feel like going shopping for just bread then yeah sure

I toast it.

Fucking kys

No, I save them up then drive downtown at the end of the month and throw them at bums

The hero we deserve

Man, that's some truth and love.

I use them to reshingle my roof

I dip them in soups

Yes, because I am an adult.

Burnt carbohydrates such as bread crust increase the risk of cancer. Selling and making burnt carbohydrates for consumption should be illegal.


If you have chickens then it's an unwritten rule that you must have a bunch of garbage in your yard for them to shit on.

After I got chickens I just started accumulating junk, as if by magic.

Yes I'm not 8 years old

Jesus Christ why

If it isn't stale by the time I get to it, it makes good sandwich bread, especially for things like meatball or steak sandwiches.
In all other cases, I take it down to the local duck pond.

i leave it so it's the first piece to get stale if i dont finish a loaf fast enough.

i feed it to the birds

I'm trying but am so far unsuccessful


having chickens here means that you donate more money than you make and send your kids to a montessori school

give them kiss for me

Chicken pedo

>not toasting it and adding an inch of butter

>a problem
The only problem is that there isn't enough of them.


Squirrels are awesome.

If your bread isn't shit it's the best piece.

With full-swing counterpart.
Best piece on good bread.
Worst piece on bad bread.
What OP posted is pure shit.

Best part when toasted regardless, if it's a shit loaf to start with it's still the best part