This economy is way too fucking overheated and inflation is non existent. I have too much extra money. Better raise them rates to slow this 1.9% GDP growth. Wouldn't want to over do it.
Is Powell a fucking LARP
This economy is way too fucking overheated and inflation is non existent. I have too much extra money. Better raise them rates to slow this 1.9% GDP growth. Wouldn't want to over do it.
Is Powell a fucking LARP
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this is punishing Trump for daring to attempt to get rid of the spics and keep them out
big money wants a constant wave of new brain dead consumers
They know the economy is shit, they just have to keep raising rates to keep up the Illusion of a good economy, which we have nothing close to. We have a trade deficit of around 45 Billion a year because our entire economy is based on banking and fast food. We de-industrialized and exported our factory capital to the second and third world to save a buck. Now we have a deficit of 21 Trillion dollars, that the world is starting to realize that we'll never pay back. I'm expecting something like the 2008 mortgage bonds but with GOVT BONDS, which will be such a fucking distaster for western economies that sold all their gold reserves to the Chinese and Russians. It's gonna get bad bros
>raising rates to keep up the Illusion of a good economy
Lowering the rates artificially pumps the market, brainlet. Raising them crashes it.
>fed doesn't know what its doing, just hitting buttons in a daze of rote responses hoping it works.
Trump is autistic enough to actually end the fed
Do you how to read, its the illusion they are trying to maintain. If they started lowering rates the market will get scared because they'll think that the Fed thinks that the economy is weakening. They have to raise rates to prevent a panic, but by raising rates they're also going to kill the economy. It's a lose lose situation for the Fed and their retarded and unconstitutional system.
>If they started lowering rates the market will get scared
Stop posting any time. Also they were already zero.
They don't have to lower rates. They can just do nothing.
Donald might interrupt the spic-nig cycle
see attached diagram
Inflation is old paradigm that is getting rekt by automation. Deflation, failing governments, and murder will be the new economy.
Fed has no choice but to raise rates. If rates stay too low for much longer there will be massive pension fund defaults. Many pension plans are currently underfunded because the return on safe investments is too low, mainly due to low interest rates.
Why aren't they raising it already? A bunch of niggers losing their jobs?
requesting the spurdo image that was one of the smgs op yesterday
you know, the feb, chima, donald
My good man. Lowering rates says "we think the economy is in the shitter". Raising them is a bluff. It says "hey everyone, economy is great!".
It is not.
>hurr muh psychology
Do you even know what interest rates do? The lower they are, the easier it makes loans to come by, speeding up the economy. That's what people care about, not wtf politicians and bureaucrats think.
t. doesn't understand the argument
according to peter schiff, our economy is too addicted to the low interest rate "heroin" and any interest rate spike would cause the whole thing to collapse. can anyone confirm
The thing is money has been too easy to come by for too long. How long have interest rates been bellow 1%? Since like 2008.
Kind of. The people who are used to it (((boomers and money changers))) are going to get absolutely fucked by it. Anyone with adjustable rate loans will get absolutely fucked by it. People who actually save money will benefit... which is almost nobody right now because everyone is used to free money thanks to low interest rates. Point is this has been needed for years and we need to take the poison away at some point.
He could be right. Lower rates make bubbles more likely cause it makes people a bit more careless with their money. And when free money stops pouring in, the price needs to adjust. And in the case of bubbles, they don't come down easy. They pop. So if there are any it's probably not gonna be pretty. That being said, he does trade with gold afaik. I wouldn't listen to goldbugs all the time. They always say the economy is gonna crash cause they're shilling for gold.
just when you think you've seen it all
I know. I'm just explaining to him why he's retarded. Also the poison is here to stay. They do this periodically to make them and their friends filthy rich.
is it too late to surrender to the globalists
they can let in a billion spics IDGAF just stop crashing the market already
>murder will be the new economy.
at long last i can be an early investor
I just wish a select few didn't enrich themselves to basically fuck over the world economy. Feels bad man.
Some day, we'll get rid of them.
This one?