>billionaire businessman as president
>stock market keeps crashing
>billionaire businessman as president
>stock market keeps crashing
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Remember, trade wars are easy, goy. just relax and enjoy the ride.
Fake Billionaire
Bad Businessman
You all got cucked
sell the news
Love the smell of FUD in the morning
Zoom out niggers
This guy will fuck your girl and all the woman in your family without glancing at any of them
He's fucking all of us already.
I'm not sure what this means, but he's already fucked us all. Especially the white man. Wait and see.
Chinks are about to get absolutely BTFO
Why do people think passing tax cuts was a great accomplishment? Tax cuts are the easiest fucking legislation you can pass, especially with a single party govt and no intention of ever paying for it.
>Trade wars are good!
Zoom out m8
And easy to win
jpg quality not low enough
He's accumulating
(((They))) are crashing the stock market to punish trump for delaying their globalized, socialist utopia. They hate his nationalist/isolationist/populist rhetoric because it brings exposure to them. Not to mention he put a filthy goy in charge of the Fed
You know you can short the stock market too? or is it all in to your 401k and bonds?
Fucking /pol. Fuck off. Crypto won't male you rich this year.
>the greedy corporate Jewish masters desire socialism to replace their oligarchy
What the fuck am I reading.
This is no doubt true. He's trying to play 4d chess with (((them))), but it's a really tough swamp to drain when they keep pouring in toxic compounds. Not gonna say proud, but it felt good voting for Trump. Don't believe the MSM at all.
Socialism for you and the rest of the peasants. Not for them. They are no more socialists than they are capitalists, those ideologies are just a convenient way to keep the goyim in line. Keep them consuming, keep money flowing from the bottom to the top.
watch out guy
if you keep talking shit he may beat you up
he is very tough and stronk
You sir, have been cucked.
>one man runs the stonk market
>obomo pumped market, why can't drum????
>implying capitalism is an ideology and not just the natural way humans do trade with each other in contrast to a forced centralised system
USD about to go on a long decline.
Chinaman is tethered in GLD
Go read every executive order he signed, he is literally selling the country to (((them))). The country is for sale, i wholeheartedly believe this orange clown cannot count from 0-10 on his own.
He's surrounded by (((them))) and by the time he's done he will be totally fleeced also the country will be fleeced as well.
Don't believe me? Just follow this, his two older sons are married to one of (((them))) and in order to be one of (((them))) the mother has to be one of (((them))) so their children are now (((them))). Ivanka married and converted to one of (((them))) so her children are (((them))). Trumps youngest daughter is dating a lawyer and you guessed right, he's one of (((them))) you can find her on Instagram. By the time Trump is dead all his money will (((their))) money. Finally, since he took office he's been removing anyone that's white and replacing him/her with one of (((them))). Say what you want about Dems, Libertarians, Socialists or whatever, this tiny hand clown is a slave to (((them))) and he and (((them))) will definitely ruin the country.
Why did he ban Petro? what is he afraid of?
I wanna buy some but I don't want the feds at my front door. What do anons?
Poor wording on my end. But (((the powers that be))) don’t want true capitalism either, just the illusion of it. Using whatever is the most convenient way to keep your money in their pockets
>He's trying to play 4d chess with (((them))),
>mfw there are people who still seriously, uniroincally believe the 'muh 4d chess' meme
Absolute brainlet.
>Believing in "them"
>Believing "they" would let you elect someone who would work against their interests
Which is it, dickhead? You can't believe both.
He's the type of person that unironically thinsk Cunton rigged the election and still lost when the amount of votes she got was pathetic compared to Obama. Don't expect him to apply any sort of critical thinking.
He's shorting the world.
Don't forget the psychic vampires making the frogs gay
If I marry a jew, do I get to become one? I don't want to wageslave anymore.
Economy is fine, Soros just keeps fucking it all up and shorting like the bitch titty nigger he is.
yeah this is asia (((china))) century
they effectively control the most important mines in africa/australia and are muuuh cmore competitive than europe/us
>more competitive
You mean 'willing to use slave labor', right?
I refuse to believe this
He's a shitface! Protectionism never works and it's already murdering the economy.
I lost almost $50,000 fucking dollars today.
Bitching at China will NEVER bring back manufacturing jobs lost to automation. He is literally telling the shrinking base of redneck retards who voted for him a fairy tale.
Why, why WHY couldn't the Republicans have nominated a normal President? Jeb, Marco, Kasich, any sane Republican would have done better than this dumpster fire.
Oh, and the best part?
After the market is done crashing and mass unemployment starts, Democrats will have a Stalin-level majority in Congress.
Just fuck it all.
Maybe America deserves to let its angry kids kick capitalism to the curb and go full socialist.
Somehow, those pink haired SJWs are looking a whole lot smarter than the skinheads and knuckle-dragging Islamophobes who voted for a man who literally thinks 19th century tariffs are a good idea in a modern economy.
wow thats my whole portfolio, congratulations on that nice portfolio
Best part is how """"""libertarians"""""" supported him.
Jeb, Marco, Kasich, any sane Republican
all of those would have lost. you're lucky you didn't get hillary. trump saved us on that aspect.
However democrats are run by lobbyist and Hillary is a warlock / warmonger like mccain. Trump at least gets along with Russia.
There is nothing trump can do to the debt bomb. He better get out next elections and let the crisis hit democrats
Truth. Hillcuck almost had the entire thing rigged up by her masters. Had it not been for Trump, we'd be at war with Russia by now. That's what the dumb fuckin bitch wanted.
>Trump at least gets along with Russia.
He consistently sucks Russia's dick if that's what you mean. It's not normal to fire your secretary of state for admitting that the Russians killed a guy they clearly killed. Even if you don't believe in there's a conspiracy, Trump has a weird hard-on for Vlad going all the way back to his ONLY request for the Republican platform at the RNC being support for Russia taking Ukraine.
>Dozens of Russians Are Believed Killed in U.S.-Backed Syria Attack
Russians are already attacking US forces in Syria. The only thing Trump has done is weaken NATO, alienate allies and embolden Putin. You guys are literal cucks.
Loool believing she wanted war with Russia. There's a war with Russia today, underground in Syria where we and the Russian bomb these sand niggers trying out new weaponery. While (((they))) are slowly stealing more lands and resources.
> I lost almost $50,000 fucking dollars today.
look at this coinlet
Again, there would be a total cold war if not ww3 with hillary already. Democrats will surely raise your taxes, even thought i think you are broke as fuck voting for them. Raising taxes bring poor down, not the rich. The mega rich and banksters vote democrats ofcourse. This is your false hope.
They sure made you gay.
long SPXU and you will be a rich man in a month
>elect equivalent of used car salesman as president from the upper caste
>shocked at results
>The mega rich and banksters vote democrats ofcourse. This is your false hope.
You know the data is easy to find and check right?
>he forgot about the no-fly zones she said she would enforce around Syria
>literally saying that 'many Syrians would die' if she created the no-fly zone
She was a fucking piece of shit and I'm glad she's dead.
Mega rich don't vote democrat because they don't swallow the propaganda. All they care about is money, so if you run your platform on 'we're not going to fuck you in the ass 24/7 and steal all your money', they're going to probably vote for you.
Republicans did that platform, so they voted in their best interests; keep their money.
Right so the "mega rich and banksters vote democrat" is false. Also following your same argument, it is in the best interest of the lower classes to vote Dem because they benefit the most from tax funded services and programs. This isn't about propoganda so much as people who have money like to keep it and people who lack money want to have more. The only outliers are the poor republicans who actively vote against their best interests as a result of right-wing propaganda.
No one here likes the bitch
no fly zone would kill a lot of Syrians? Loool, we're killing them by the 1000s everyday and tha'ts a fact. The whole ME is shithole because we have to bow down to (((them))) and as much as we thought she was on the same page as (((them))) this orange clown is 10x worst
Different ID's, bud. The only mega wealthy democrats that support the democratic party are the ones pulling the strings that have their money tucked away offshore somewhere safe from the very tax man they enforce on the masses.
The middle east is a shithole because people like Hillcuck headed the State Department and sold millions of dollars of armaments to the regional terrorists in a successful effort to further destabilize and fuck it up.
She was then going to move into the throne and move the pieces she had spent the last 4 years setting on the board. Trump basically stole the chess board away and is proceeding to suck on the pieces.
She's extremely assblasted about it all.
You really think that Democrats wouldn't cut taxes if there weren't any consequences? Giving away money is the easiest thing to sell to voters. The deficit is exploding under Trump and it will have long term negative consequences. The tax cut benefits people who are currently wealthy (boomers) at the expense of everyone else who will have to deal with it after the boomers are dead.
I'm by no means a rich man and the tax cuts are helping me tremendously. I usually have to pay in each year, but next year I'm getting close to 3k back from the fed due to the lower rate.
Yeah I know the ID is different, I'm just hammering the point home for this dipshit
No bud the ME is a shithole because of (((them))) in case you didnt know almost all science, math, algebra, physics and chemistry was all originated from the ME. (((Them))) been kicked out 73 countries throughout history and we let them settle there, forcing (((them))) on the original population. Shit wont stop til (((they))) are out of the picture and the way things are set up with the orange clown its not going to happen. He's literally selling off the country to them privatizing every inch of public lands and bunch of other disgusting things taking place. Just research every EO he signed so far and its amazing that no one is speaking out.
If that was all true about the whole (((them))) thing, don't you think one of /ourguys/ would have infiltrated the secret (((them))) club thing by now and started leaking shit to everyone?
I don't buy that whole conspiracy sandwich there sir.
The problem is that the tax cut isn't funded. They're basically just taking out a huge loan that you (the tax payer) is liable for and giving you a small cut of it. I'm not even against tax cuts, especially the corporate tax cuts which are backed by most economists, but the way they've enacted them is completely irresponsible and disproportionately benefits the already wealthy.
One day you'll learn
meanwhile Trump touts about how we are increasing our military spending this year to record highs.
If the population spent 1/10th the time I did in econ classes in college our society would be exponentially better off.
Well, what it would take to balance is cutting the shit out of most of the fed, which I think we should do anyways. Unfortunately, neither party does that. Now, Trump's cut taxes, which is a good step 1, but then he increases the fuck out of military spending, which is retarded.
With Dems, they raise taxes, then raise the amount of payouts while operating solely on a deficit.
If the republicans would fucking do the tax cut, then taper back our military spending, we'd be fuckin peachy. You could almost justify the entire cut just by cutting back on military alone.
If you had some hard evidence, you'd probably have an entire army of people ready and willing to help you strike down the perceived enemy here.
Everytime with you folks, you go on and on about some dumbass anti-semite shit, but you don't got jack to back it up with. You could change my mind instantly if you had an iota of proof.
Guy inherited a billion dollar empire and drove it into the ground. Only survived doing reality TV shows because he was famous as a playboy rich kid in the 80s. RIP USA.
Trump and his businesses are still worth billions. Didn't really drive it into the ground.
Really, he hasn't affected the wealth much at all. It's just kinda grown on its own. It's still growing.
If you're gonna sling shit, at least make it sticky.
McMaster was just replaced, I want to get off of cheeto benito's wild ride.
Yeah he pretty much did actually drive it into the ground. When his dad died, 2 years later Trump was effectively insolvent. He dad build the entire company, Trump was just a figure head because his dad was this mobster-esque slum lord no one would do business in because he was under investigation for fraud, discrimination, etc. Trump was the token CEO but obviously never did jack shit, he spend most of time trying to be a celebrity.
The best idea Trump has was to put is big name on everything, so when he almost went bankrupt his creditors forgave the debt to avoid damaging the Trump brand, but he actually had to promise to never take an active management role in any of his future business. That's how fucking bad of a business man he his. The rest is just reality TV bullshit. Hes a celebrity president.
>ultra rich jewish capitalists want socialism
Jesus reddit please go back. Go back.
You keep saying 'drove it into the ground', but I know for a fact that the Trump family still has like 4 billion dollars.
Got anything that actually shows the decline?
Mitt Romney would've beat Hillary easily.
>I know for a fact that the Trump family still has like 4 billion dollars.
Are you literally Trump? Nobody knows how much money he has.
>I lost almost $50,000 fucking dollars today.
lol it's been on a downtrend for like two weeks now. I went short on Friday and felt like I was dumb for waiting that long. You're not gonna make it if you're this clueless.
>killed a guy
The investigation isn't even done yet. I doubt Russia would have been retarded enough to actually use an easily traceable chemical weapon against one of their own spies.
Britain, on the other hand, has much to gain from framing Russia for the attack. They can certainly foment dissent and start pushing for retaliation over the whole thing. Given the UK is one of the leading chemical weapon producers on the planet, it sure would be easy for them to go ahead and stage an attack like this.
Whole thing screams false flag to me. I'm interested to see what they actually come up with.
You have no idea how much money Trump has. You may have an idea of what the value of buildings he has at least some share of ownership in, but you have no idea how much debt he has against them.
Yet yo know his finances so well you're sure the entire company has plummeted in value?
No, I don't know his actual worth, but neither do you.
Muhammad was a pedo and is rotting in hell you shitskin faggot.
It's not even the first time they've done it. What does the UK have to gain from this? How much is Putin paying you?
Wtf is a neocn?
neocnodon which means nothing
Yet he pays a porn star to sleep with him and his wife is 99.9% likely fucking another dude.
>he doesn't know who funded the soviets
Because he himself in interviews, and from 3rd parties, described his finances in the early 90s when he renegotiated his debt in lieu of bankruptcy.
Its amazing how many Trump supporters have never even bothered to read even the history of his business career (or lack thereof) on Wikipedia.
He inherited money and owns real estate but he hasn't actually ever managed his businesses except for a brief year or two which caused him to almost go bankrupt.
He paid a porn star to not talk about the affair, you moron. Ivanka is obviously a trophy. Do you even fuck yourself?
Yeah because the porn start sleeps with the obese 60+ yo purely for personal pleasure, not for any financial incentive or for valuable gifts. LMAO.
>receives massive capital from rich daddy
>declares bankruptcy 6 times
>bunch of cucks believe he is good with money anyways
I mean I commend his ability to cuck his voterbase (and the rest of us taxpayers) into supporting his own personal wealth. That's more of a corrupt politician move than a businessman move tho desu.
That dumb motherfucker can't play 1d chess