Guess what? You aren't getting any posts this week...

Guess what? You aren't getting any posts this week. They never deliver anything on time and if they do ever actually make that post (They won't) it will be trash and cause it to dump as well it should. Anyone holding this is an absolute retard at this point as they fail to meet even a SINGLE deadline. It is your fault if you keep holding this dead weight.

Enjoy waiting a few weeks for them to keep dragging out posting the details so they have more time to dump. They don't want you to know because it shows how fucked they actually are.

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fuck bought at 60c cdn

I dont give a fuck most of the actual good shit is coming later in the year when the market wont be complete shit, plus i dont think anyone who is seriously invested in this gives a shit about what happens in the short term, if anything more bleeding means increasing your stack more.

Dump what retard? Their tokens are locked for 5 years.

motorcycle user here. not selling kiddo. the worse this gets the more i'll accumulate.

>It's okay that it's going down
>I'm an investor and these bags aren't crushing me as I see it keep bleeding

Bought at 35-40 cents and don't give a fuck about what the price is this year. I didn't buy into this project for a short term gain. Half my portfolio is long term, the other half I use to jump around.

I bought some more today. I have a feeling this is going to pop off soon.

It's only a problem for brainlets who are trying to sell, for people holding for longer than 2 quarters it makes no difference. I don't understand how you people don't get this concept.

Nobody is expecting much short term with JNT, keep fudding bud

the only thing that sucks about seeing it go down is knowing that I could have bought more for less

I can see myself buying more as it gets cheaper

Never fear. It's going to get MUCH cheaper when anyone with 10K more decides to sell when alts start gaining and this piece of shit is at a stand still. It's going to tank right down to 1K sats if you are lucky. Realistically probably lower.

I can only hope so, would love to pick up more of these babies for dirt cheap.

That is admirable in a way. You can be a shitcoin whale. It's a interesting way of living out a whale fantasy. Buy a bunch of a shitcoin and pretend it mooned.


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>it's a long term hold
>it's for institutions, not for you poorfags he he

Mind if I ask what you're holding?

This, i hope it gets to 0.20, i only buy with fiat and 2k would get you 10k coins. OP keep fudding

40% BTC,30% ETH, 10% each Ven/ICX/Neo.

So you dont really care if VEN fluctuates in price right now right? Thats his point

Ven has volume. Regardless of fluctuations I can sell if I want to. Jibrel is dead in the water and you can't get out.

And once JNT is on big exchanges it'll have volume, dont worry just accumulate.

think its fair to say most people who buy jnt know its something you hold til at least eoy. by that time it'll be more well known. worse comes to worse you can just sell to the dao lel

>40% BTC
kek yeah let's listen to this fag

IM gay. Its hard 2 fuck gotta go on baackpaged. Imagine being gay in liddle east, even harder cuz the stigma. Nevertheless despite low volume we still get the suckin