You are getting poorer every day anons. You are losing 2% of your wealth to the system every second of every day and to rub salt in the wound, you are being robbed of at least 6% of your entire life. If someone was in your house stealing your stuff, you would shoot them dead. but when I tell you the system is designed to rob you, you act like there is some difference.
You are being fucking robbed.
Watch these videos if you think that you care about your money:
You need to learn about the Federal Reserve RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Other urls found in this thread:
Ya dude, we get it. Waiting for the system to collapse on itself. Not much a small minority of people can do that know the truth.
print 300m tethers
paump it
so sum this one up.
The federal reserve is run by the federal government to create new bills based on how many are calculable lost per year, nothing more and nothing less.
Why the fuck do you think this board is non stop crypto with a dash of metals discussion?
>nothing more nothing less
you left out that we all get poorer due to inflation, thanks to the fed.
oh yeah, who bought out all those banks that were too big to fail?
The create more than just what’s required to replace lost notes. The system is designed to have an inflation rate of about 3% each year
Why aren't you running on the banks user? Do you hate cheese burgers?
Don't worry user I'll take care of everything. Soon cheeseburgers will be no object
The economic collapses they cause are much worse than a little inflation. You'd get periods of inflation under the gold standard as well. And it's arguably beneficial. I'd vastly prefer something like Friedman's k-percent rule to the current nonsense.
Why would I give the people I literally want to die money?
Even if your enemies could make you money, you would sacrifice your morals for cash?
>What good is it if a man gains the entire world but loses his soul?
Actually you only lose 2 percent a year and even most savings accounts can give around 1.5%
No shit, this was known a hundred years ago, and gold isn't the answer, ((they)) have always loved it and used it.
The question is, what are (You) gonna do about it?
lol this is the funny part, everyone uses BofA and WellFag-o which give like .05% interests when ally and others give 1.5%.
Still losing money over all.
I'm not losing jack because I don't keep my wealth in fucking money. What kinda brainlet does that anyway?
Never take out any loans ever agian. Im already debt free. If you dont participate in the system by borrowing, the system collapse will accelerate.
Doing my duty as a true American.
the dollar is brought to existence by debt, even if you dont borrow, someone else will, they'll just lower interest rates. The solution is bloody, as always
This is why Im in crypto
how do you store your wealth?
My wealth is in antiques, property, bonds, precious metals, art and crypto son
The absolute fucking state of Veeky Forums
>losing 2% of your wealth every second of every day
0.98^(60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day)
if i started with 10^759 dollars at the beginning of the day, i would end the day with less than 1 dollar.
100. The system is designed for you to borrow so you're enslaved for the rest of your life. Contrary to popular belief the largest owner of the governments debt are national banks, the government is enslaved to them.
dear lord please don't tell me you're this retarded
if you can't beat em, join em OP.
dropped chemistry and just started working in investment banking.
lets make some shekels.
Based quads
the fed is a private central bank newfag
Its much more than 2% you brainlet the 2% is measured against the decrease in cost of consumer goods (cpi) consumer goods have been getting exponentially cheaper simce the industrial revolution
The only way to measure the value of the dollar is with gold, which shows that if youre not worth 5x what you were in 2000 you havent even briken even
Trump got a 1 million loan from his dad to start a business in totally uncharted territory and he was fearless (it was across the hudson river 10km away). Very Businessmanlike!
Hilarious that /bizpol/ hates Musk for making shit for the future, while loving trump for his "rags to riches success".
Hilarious how /pol/ liked him ironically, until they were replaced with legitimate brainlets that loved him
This is why you are poor and resort to shitty right wing propaganda to win. Hillary is a shill and a cunt but she wiuld have done a way better job than Trump.
I would have voted for Sanders, by the way.
Its nice walking though galleries of art in my home and I love going into the arms and armour room. Makes me feel like highlander. The PM safe makes me feel like smaug. To be honest the property I the biggest pain in the ass because maintenance and taxes especially foreign property because the paperwork is all in foreignerspeak. Least effort is bonds. Literally a thing comes in the post once a year and tells me they exist. I'm working towards a small castle
wrong country kid, this is the indian board.
Ah fuck off commie no one gives a shit
that last part is basically a "JUST fuck my shit up senpai"
you are so wrong
It wasn't across the Hudson you dipshit it was across the East River
I like Jews. They understand intergenerational wealth. I want to do that and pass on wealth. I want my kids to rule butthurt milennials forever with an iron rod
If only you knew how bad things really are.
>I like the synogogue of satan
You know not what you speak, user. Although I agree with your point about generational wealth.