How do you pronounce pic related in your country?

How do you pronounce pic related in your country?



Pop, if you're retarded.

In the south, a lot of old timers pronounce it "coe-cola", all one word


koka kola


fellow pastalander?



It's fine if you're in Michigan



Pop in canuckistan

>It's fine to e retarded in Michigan

Explains Detroit and Flint.

Kokis. Or koka kola. Pronounced exactly as written.

Most southerners say "coke". Living in the official state of coke that should be its name.

In states where "coke" is the term for "soda," how does it work?
>gimme a coke
>what kind of coke
Or ????????

I understand the person could just say Sprite, but do waiters still have to double-check when they say want to drink coke?

Its a general term. Like if someone comes over to your house, "Hey what a coke or something? Ive got sprite, diet, etc..."

Most of the time if coke is said, coke is what you get

We always used it just to mean coca cola. If you wanted a sprite or anything else you'd just ask for sprite

>Hey man, can I have a sprite?
>Sorry dude, only got 7up :(


it's a meme that southerners say "coke" to refer to any soft drink. we don't actually do that.

we're well aware of the existence of dr. pepper, pepsi, sprite. it's just that a lot of fucking people in the south drink coke, so you see it more often because atlanta, georgia is coke's home base.

Where are you in GA, buddy?

Hoha hola

kukra kora


Nah we also say it like that in France

Cock a cohla. Or simply Coca.

Goga Gola


Gola Glog