BTC will hit 9k again tomorrow night or Saturday morning

>work at predictive analytics
>have been contracted by a major investment firm for unbiased TA and market analysis

>TA showed an uptick in BTC price tonight

Attached: YZSi-eXg_400x400.jpg (400x400, 14K)


Odd because my TA says it will take a miracle for us to not crash below the 7700 trendline if we cannot break the 200 ma.

hahahah wrong.

Odd because in my very specific scenario that's exactly what must happen. If we cannot break the 200 ma we will break down, very simple. You are a larping faggot.

each of you should explain your methodology in detail so us impartial observers can judge

Odd because ta is unscientific mysticism and you’re both cancer.

Found the retail guy

your TA?

The firm has over 200 employees analyzing all social media trends, google, all exchanges and market, etc....

You are some idiot with .07 BTC thinking he knows everything.

>larper here
>work at (((team goyim)))
>bitcoin will do x

Attached: 1520941811038.jpg (480x640, 59K)

>predictive analytics
>predict deez nutz in your mouth

pathetic larp

my dad works at bitfinex, the prices are predetermined from an excel file. same basic idea as TBC but more ups and downs.

I can check the excel file and see what it says one sec

Great job, now make another thread saying your amazing TA shows BTC will head down to 8k. Screenshot both threads and then post the correct screenshot tomorrow. Nobody else will remember and they'll think you're a genius. The only thing you're doing wrong is posting this shit here and not on YouTube or Twitter where you can get followers and monetize.

I like how larpers can't even be bothered to throw out some bullshit numbers to make it seem more believable, now it's just "TA says"

>no rsi support until 30 on the 4hr
>TD indicator suggests end of the uptrend
>bearish volume confirms
>Touched the 200 ma near death cross
>Only firm support is at the uptrend line at 7700 that was already touched twice and broken once.
>pit of air below it.
It needs to break up above the moving averages and consolidate before breaching the downtrend line. Which is the exact opposite of what it's suggesting.

Everyone is bearish
They are no hidden signals in the charts saying btc can do its own thing and go against what the market is doing...
I don't know why people think ta is magic and not just calculated predictions for actions of traders based on previous experiences and probability

>the firm
Your larp firm isn't a real firm.

>> He thinks there are no hidden signals

Attached: hidden1.png (1450x904, 92K)

Larp confirmed. Opening 50x short thanks user

Dude called 7200 bottom also. I called 7200 off my own seperate TA as well. We wont be below 9k for long.Might hit 8200 before bouncing.

where the fuck is your hidden bullish divergence now idiot. where's the price now?

Find it yourself or stay poor. Enjoy that mcdoanlds job my g.

anybody who has to say they work at a firm is deez nuts!

Found one

Attached: foundone.png (1962x1107, 170K)

Maybe I'm just stupid/ new, but does anyone think we're forming a pretty good bearish fractal on the daily chart? Am I missing something fundamental, kinda new to this...

>bought at 9k

Was sleeping for the night and I just had a dream where I fell to my death. I woke up in a cold sweat. Checked price while taking a shit. Started REEEE'ing and just got up ran around and REEEE'd for a little bit and now there is poo poo and pee pee all over my house.

Attached: 1517510728066.jpg (1023x682, 194K)

We are going to 4800 or lower. I’ll bet my nuts on it. Challenge me OP. Loser has to chop off their testicles.

we boutta moon!!

Using Price Quadrant Analysis, BTC make a 7% move in the next 5 days in a direction orthogonal to the dominant Price Tunnel trend. Screencap this.

This is Satoshi. Moon mission back to ATH in one hour.

I want at least 13k, make it happen.

Minister you Satoshi!!!

>all this delusion
First time in years BTC has gone below 5MA in the monthly charts. If you work at an investment firm and aren't larping, tell your employers to fire you and be replaced by me instead. They're going to lose money because of you.

Attached: Screenshot_20180323-132455.png (540x960, 86K)