Get an insider

Anyone here not into shitcoins and desperately searching for an insider contact? To learn from? To work with? To finally make it? Senpai desu ne.

> Currently making it
> From 300 to 10k in 2weeks
> For the gang
Looking for nietzsche inspired soon to be ubermenschen to join the gang

Attached: 1509613619676.gif (250x250, 106K)

Yeah no? Wrong board?


You mean 300k to 10k.
Roleplaying if for faggots.

Currently planing oir next move. Supposed to happen next week. We are all in with 10k, maybe 15k. Aiming for the 82k.

What about you? Who are you?

So, when is the part where you tell us how much we have to pay you for this "insider" information? This is a board for the free and unregulated exchange of ideas, so you are at best wasting your time, and at worst, a scumbag charlatan.
Your pitch sounds undeniably like marketing.

Never said anything about paying mkay. Looking for gang members to share the spoils and the blood mkay.

Ok I want in what do I do?


oh nice user... do we post our ETH or BTC wallets so you can send us all cash and prove you're not just another larping loser faggot.

I mean what's 5-10k if you're so rich right?

Put up the coins or shut the fuck up
so... eth or btc wallets?

kinda yeah

Well who are you? Are you interesting? Why should I let you be nakama. Tell me about the fire burning inside. Tell me about your passion, your vision, your struggles


Spill the bean already, you cocktease! You people that claim to have something to say (but never actually say it), are fucking insufferable.
A brap posting thread died so you could make this one, and honestly it's a shame.

searching for insight not giving.

ahh got it a larping roleplay faggot.

sage in all fields

Anomaly Whale here. Already made it. Run one of the largest presale syndicates, also an active shiller of PowH3D, been killing it in the bear market also.

I'm interested in connecting with potential insiders.

poorfag with 1k looking to turn it into 1mill im in

hey larping loser... ETH or BTC wallets? what one do we post so you can prove you're not just another basement dwelling virgin playing pretend.

If not just another faggot roleplayer and sage in all fields

You already made it. Grats brother. I only got a gang and several opportunities in exchange for loyalty to offer. Your call, cowboy.

Doesn't sound like you are that hungry for ur first mil.

hey op?

Not gonna stop posting this til you provide answers and provide coins.. Otherwise you can fuck off and die larping loser

Nice jew trick. No, I don't want a million dollars, you fucking dummy. Why would I want that?

You gotta suck his dick if you want those millions. It's the only way.

i need to get out of this wretched wageslave existence, i can in no way be the best me when I have to punch in and punch out for 10 hours a day
please help

I hear you, brother. How is your situation looking? Are you liquid? Any particularly useful skillset? Any experience outside of wage slaving?

I work night shift tech support. Useful skillset? I build small electronics, IoT devices from scratch. Also I program, all self taught tho, too poor for community college

Sweet. Let's get in touch. Leave a throwaway mail for me to contact you


>sage in all fields
>does NOT put sage in all fields

[email protected]

Mail is out

Attached: villain_laugh.gif (320x240, 803K)

>try putting sage in name
>site says upload failed
>remove sage from name

do you have something for a wagecuck that recently quitted? that's me

let me in homes. Havent waged cucked over a year margin trading alts and making a killing in this bear

Drop some mail addresses. Let's get to know each other better

Interested in partnership. Documenteur. High energy. Small liquidity due to the crash, but am useful in many other ways. Seems like you dig Japan. Currently live in Asia and can advise on a few different type of things. Let's talk. [email protected]


Funny cuz i've targeted japan for the next step of my plan. A local contact is bound to be useful. Contacting u right away

Protonmail. /g/entooman reporting in. Lots of programmers here. Mail incoming

> Also proof of capital

Attached: 20180323_130702.jpg (2050x2836, 3.98M)

Interested in partnership. Documenteur. High energy. Small liquidity due to the crash, but am useful in many other ways. Seems like you dig Japan. Currently live in Asia and can advise on a few different type of things. Let's talk. [email protected]

[email protected]

Thanks brother.

Hey, here's my email. I'm interested in your gang and loyalty ;)

[email protected]

OP I'm interested. I might not be as useful, but I always grind for information, be it on Telegram and such, to get the update before it's announced.

[email protected]

Sorry guys, gotta interview some plebs. Will answer you all later.

[email protected] thank you op

[email protected]
Small whale reporting in. Developer & international tax strategys


6 figure dolphin reporting in

[email protected]

U just made this the best thread ever. 1000 KETTEN SO WIE MISTER T!!!!

So glad the best of biz is coming together. We are bound to pull something decent off. Will be more active after work. Talk to you soon

I hope you idiots have 2fa on your emails otherwise someone will fuck you right in the ass

[email protected]
Hmu we going places

Im loyal and always interested in learning new things. Hit me up OP [email protected]
