Get an insider

Anyone here not into shitcoins and desperately searching for an insider contact? To learn from? To work with? To finally make it? Senpai desu ne.

> Currently making it
> From 300 to 10k in 2weeks
> For the gang
Looking for nietzsche inspired soon to be ubermenschen to join the gang

Attached: 1509613619676.gif (250x250, 106K)

Yeah no? Wrong board?


You mean 300k to 10k.
Roleplaying if for faggots.

Currently planing oir next move. Supposed to happen next week. We are all in with 10k, maybe 15k. Aiming for the 82k.

What about you? Who are you?

So, when is the part where you tell us how much we have to pay you for this "insider" information? This is a board for the free and unregulated exchange of ideas, so you are at best wasting your time, and at worst, a scumbag charlatan.
Your pitch sounds undeniably like marketing.

Never said anything about paying mkay. Looking for gang members to share the spoils and the blood mkay.

Ok I want in what do I do?


oh nice user... do we post our ETH or BTC wallets so you can send us all cash and prove you're not just another larping loser faggot.

I mean what's 5-10k if you're so rich right?

Put up the coins or shut the fuck up
so... eth or btc wallets?