DataWallet is backed by some seriously heavyweight supporters in the field – one of which being Tim Draper, which you may have heard from Tezos fame. Marc Benioff is also listed in their page as being an investor, with Marc himself being the CEO of the tech giant Salesforce. It’s these kind of connections that make me more bullish on DataWallet – an app like Salesforce could have plenty of use of the DataWallet solution, and possible future partnerships or communications between the two parties could certainly lead to some great things.
>use cases are really cool and so is design of the site
mikä vitun shizzle?? langan aiheena on Datawallet eikä mikään vitun shizzle?
mitä haluat datawallet projektista tarkalleenottaen tietää? sano mistä haluat tietää, käyttötarkoituksista, tulevaisuuden potentiaalista..?
Elijah Powell
mikä tekee tästä hyvän projektin? yksinkertaisesti mikä tekee tästä hyvän. mikä tekee tästä jotain muuta kuin kasan paskaa?
William Rodriguez
mitä sä tarkoitat nyt tällä mikä tekee tästä hyvän?
miksei aloituspostauksen syyt riitä kertomaan? entäpä jos sä itsekin etsisit tietoa etkä hakis täältä jotain spoonfeedaajaa
Adrian Long
Ive noticed that there is many "dump" groups for Datawallet. Can any1 come up with an explanation for that? Are they making it look like a meme coin from the outside (like it does, so it could be working) but once you actually research it, its pure diamond. So they are making it look like a pajeetcoin but actually its just a decent team working on a very potential hidden gem. Im going to put small position since im not that sure and I dont like to "gamble" that much. Ill wait for some news and stuff and buy from the dip more if it turns out to be what I think it is.
Jose Jones
joo luin aloituksen. siinä sanotaan lyhennettynä "here is this piece of shit that nobody wants to buy ever, pls buy"
Xavier Davis
why would they need the token?
Ayden Green
so why do you want to wait for this total shitfuck to dip? you are going to by the dip so you can sell when it dips more to 0.5m market cap? makes no sense son.
James Fisher
Why not?
Nathaniel Collins
What ??
Aaron Clark
I agree
Chase Rogers
you are so fucking gay and niggerish
Eli Hughes
Zachary Campbell
imetkö mun persereikää tunnin jos sanon että tää on "hyvä" projekti
ei se tee homoksi jos puhuu totta. oletko vittu neekeri?
Aaron Lee
Oletko itse? Mikä sun ongelma on
Kayden Hughes
neekerit neekeröi. kenties itse olet neekeri?
Angel Evans
i genuinely can't understand the mindset of someone who looks at a picture like this and not only still wants to invest, but thinks this is a bragging point worth showing in their shill thread it sounds like propaganda has utterly annihilated your capacity for pattern recognition
Anthony Russell
Why you don't like Datawallet's team? they are all-star
Tyler Thomas
What about buying a worth of 3 btc on btc, you idiot?