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I dont want to fud, BUT he literally admitted QASH tokens will be used pretty much like Binance Coin (BNB) to pay for fees.

Also he admitted he wont dump his tokens but WILL if he gets lots of liquidity - ''wont impact the market''. Yeah right.

That's a bummer, I thought it would go 100$-500$ EOY 2019

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am I a brainlet or what. Shill me because this dude on AMA just admitted our worst fear. A BNB like coin.

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you're retarded as shit, part of its functionality was always planned to be a BNB like coin, go read some more and stop being so fucking stupid

Well explain my brainlet brain how do you see it going 50+?

I read their website and so on, but how will the price go higher (as speculated to 100$-500$)?

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Coin will be used to give fiat pairs to all alts essentially, read the whitepaper for specifics

not sure why you're so triggered by it being a discount token anyway, even simple discount tokens go 1000x pretty easily, and this is much more than that

also stop being such a fucking brainlet and go read the whitepaper

Well what's your EOY 2018, 2019-20?

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LMAO are you guys retarded? Of course it's a BNB coin. WTF were you expecting a fucking privacy smartcontract dapp platform???

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Im hopeful they can get some of that sweet asia pac banking money on board by virtue of quite possibly being a legitimate/credible company

Pajeet ID

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why would I want something as stupid and overproduced as that?

idk dude, its gonna be big if the alt market grows, gonna be not so big if it doesn't. Lets pray more legit projects hit the top 100, not looking great atm but getting better

Mate you're the one getting JUSTed here, not me.
I don't know how shitting on your idiot price projections could be considered shilling but OK

can you go shit up another board?

>pls stop ruining my delusions

Discount token on liquid platforms. More utility when its on its own blockhain and is used by third party fintech companies to build financial services

So it depends on third party fintechg companies $$$ that will invest - more they invest - more the discount token will rise in $$ ? Could we see 50-500$ in best case scenario?%

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It's not investing. They're making their own services that use QASH. Think of it like ethereum, but specifically targeted at fintech.

>Could we see 50-500$ in best case scenario?
Absolutely not. user where are you getting these figures from? 500 would put Qash at a larger mcap than BTC at the peak of the bubble!

yes. If it takes off it will be used, directly or indirectly, more than any other token on the market right now

really stupid not to accumulate this shit

>peak of the bubble

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Yes the peak of the bubble. Is there a problem with that statement? Go look at the .com peak and tell me how long it took to reach ATH again.

>crypto is going through a 10 year bear market

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So I've seen a lot of FUD surrounding QASH and I want to try and dispell some of the bullshit I've seen posted recently. I'll go through the most common FUD that I've seen posted and give my perspective on why I feel It's either overstated or just flat out wrong. Full disclosure, I own 10,000 QASH and it's 40% of my portfolio
>It's just a 5% discount token!
This is disingenuous. It implies that QASH is just like any other exchange token while disregarding or being ignorant of it's other uses. A) it's used for all of the services that'll be on the liquid platform which according to the whitepaper and the roadmap includes: The Worldbook exchange, Prime brokerage and "other services"(which are pretty irrelevant). The important part which is overlooked by this FUD is the prime brokerage. The idea is to optimize moving a huge amount of fiat into crypto and is what'll entice the large institutional investors to use the liquid platform, that's what'll make QASH's discount relevant. B) It's not just a single exchange's discount by the nature of the worldbook. It's a discount on all exchanges that are part of the worldbook. C) The most important fact. It won't always just be a discount token. Q2 2019 QASH is going onto it's own blockchain with the intent of being a platform for fintech companies to build services which can incorporate the liquid platform and use QASH as the token of use. THAT'S where the utility for QASH comes from. Think Ethereum, but a focus on fintech. Additionally, QASH will be POS so coins will be locked up which will drive up the value even more.

>The UI for Qryptos and Quionex is shit so the worldbooks will be shit as well, so no one will use it
There's truth to this. The UI is shit for the two current exchanges. All I can say is that they're aware of this and are planning on discontinuing their two current exchanges and merging it all into one exchange as the liquid platform; hence why there have been no updates to improve them currently. We'll see how it'll look once the world book beta is out at the start of April and after the merge a few months after that.
>The investors, fucking kek, they didn't invest in Qash....they invested in QUOINE
If you look at token allocation, 20% is held by the Shareholders and 15% is reserved for strategic partners/investors. Guess who those holders are? I don't really need to address it since it's fucking dumb but yes, investors care about the token of the company they invested in doing well. And the money they bring in will insure the liquid platform is up to scratch and that'll make it have more usage which will then make QASH more valuable. It's rather simple stuff.

The summary is that in the short term, it is just a platform utility token, but it's the utility token for the most ambitious platform being developed at the moment, with a focus on getting the big fish on board. Long term, it'll have even more utility when 3rd party companies build services with the blockchain. So if you ever read someone saying QASH has no utility, read through the bullshit and DYOR.

Nice pasta

stop lying. The whitepaper doesn't say the QASH token will be used for this purpose.

Thanks, I hope it puts your mind at ease a bit.

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I literally asked on the AMA if it is basically like a BNB coin like and he said ''pretty much, yes ''. I dunnoo what it means basically in long term .

I hate this website. I can screenshot the rest of the whitepaper too if you'd like

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It's completely possible to reach 50-500$.
BTC will be around 80k $ bz EOY.

And where does it say QASH will be used in that process?

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kek, 500$ = bitcoin marketcap.

are you this deluded

sure let me post the next 5 pages of the whitepaper too. idiot

Because it's not there retard. You're confusing services provided by the worldbook and attributing it to the QASH token.

Pajeet FUD retard your ID is the color of your skin

What times in the ama does he say these things? 5 mins in he confirms that QASH will be POS. That's already even more than what BNB does

towards the end, you can see my question in the comments.

found it. He just says they are very similar...because they are? I don't know what you were expecting user.

the biggest thing is that he confirmed that binance is not part of the worldbook and it's looking more and more like they won't ever be. That's really fucking bad. Hopefully binance moving to Malta for regulation means a deal can be made.

my point is that it wont be 100$-500$ EOY, pretty much will cover fees like BNB so a 10$-20$max

I think they will want BNB to become the pairing standard coin, FIAT onramp to BNB to all the rest.