Do you buy bulk dry foods, Veeky Forums? I notice a lot of threads around here along the lines of "I'm poor...

Do you buy bulk dry foods, Veeky Forums? I notice a lot of threads around here along the lines of "I'm poor, what should I buy?" Well, the answer is, bulk beans/grains/etc. I recently saw lentils and split peas on sale for $0.75/lb, or $1.65/kg in US dollars. In other words, 75 cents for over 1,500 calories of split peas. Why do many people seem to ignore this option for budget eating?

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the issue is that while bulk dry goods are edible, they're not tasty.

People want whats cheap and that they won't fuck up

You have to get out of your car to buy them.

Yes. 1.65 USD per kg is expensive, I can buy beans in Australia for less than that, lentils are even cheaper

where do you get your bulk stuff senpai?

>You have to get out of your car to buy them.
This. Even when it comes to WIC/food stamps that are intended to only cover those kinds of food basics that require you to cook healthy at home, it skips convenience foods, a really good chance that grandma from puerto rico isn't at home sauteeing some sofrito rich in flavor and soaking and slow simmering those beans in inexpensive but flavorful smoky fatty pork, and folding in some culantro from the garden. It also neglects the fact that only some cultures will tolerate rice daily, or beans daily. It lacks variety. And only educated people would value basic nutritional needs over treating yourself well and eating your every whim or mood instead. People who want to eat well, need a little planning and time to do it right day after day and keep a budget, or they skip variety that makes you happy. And, yea, your prices aren't so hot.

Latinos and asians I know? They do buy rice in those giant feed-the-hungry sized bags that you can barely lift, that they keep in their pantry and dip out of until 6 months is up and they get more. I buy it in more manageable 1-3lb sizes, because I worry about spoilage. Rice can have pest eggs that hatch moths in warm temps in Florida and I don't want that in my house. Also I don't eat rice more than once a week, if that. Beans and rice are kind of just accompaniments if I'm making food that it goes with, culturally speaking. If I'm making masas de puerco with mojo, I might want moros y cristianos as my side with my plantains. If it's a curry, my basmati is cooked. My meals are planned around the protein, not the starch. The poorer you get the less meat or meat quality.

You bet your tits I do. I'm cheap as fuck.

Bought 10lbs of pinto beans a month ago for $4.00. I buy bread flour once a year (around Christmas annually, when it's at its cheapest) at $1.89 per 5lb bag. I buy six bags (about 13.6kg), enough for a small loaf of sourdough every week. Every now and again, 20lb sacks of rice go on offer at $5.99 each, so I stock up on those, too.
Beyond dry goods, I also buy meat in bulk. For example, I buy beef mince once a year, the end of every June, when it's around $1.49-$1.99/lb and freeze the lot. I do the same with chicken wings when the Superb Owl comes around. And whole tenderloin goes on offer in my area this week for $4.99/lb so I'm gonna buy a couple, break them down into fillet steaks then bag and freeze'em.
Eating cheap doesn't have to mean eating poor.

The only place here in town that sells in bulk is an organic health food store. Needless to say it's way cheaper to buy dry food in ethnic food markets.
I remember living in a town that had a food coop once. They had tons of local produce and spices in bulk. Shit was awesome. Especially the spices were like a 5th the price of what you'd pay for McCormick & Co.

> I do the same with chicken wings when the Superb Owl comes around.

I thought I was the only one that the superb owl visited every year, clutching a bag of chicken wings in his wonderful talons...

Lentils, not beans, you faggot.
Lentils are always more expensive than beans.

Food stamps are $28/month for an autistic male that pays 70% of his bux in bills/rent per month.

Explain what we are to do.
I have one gouged grocery store and one family dollar in this town. Nothing else.
I can not shop in luxurious places like wal-mart as you would, friend.
Two cans of green beans and four sticks of butter left until wednesday.

The Superb Owl brings to all who believe in His glory, not only you and me, bounties of chicken wings, pork ribs and seven-layer dip as well as the celery sticks which will go ignored and forgotten in the back of the fridge until Trash Day as is mandated by His divine plan.

Local bulk store in a shitty suburb

What can you even do with lentils that's not lentil soup.

When you say "buy bulk" you mean like purchase from a bulk dispenser? Or hoard like a crazy fucking apocalypse fantasizer survivalist?

If the former, yes. If the latter, lolno.

>family dollar
This is a store that rips off the poor with shruken sizes and higher prices. Fact. Too bad you can't shop at WalMart. Is it something that you could do once a month making it worth the drive? I wonder if you couldn't find decent delivered prices such as or something for some items. They have decent sales. Primepantry?

Lentil eater here.

Lentil salad.
Lentil sprouts salad.
Lentil croquettes.
Lentil ball soup/stew/curry.
Pasta/spätzle with lentils.
Lentil curry.
Red lentil hummus.
Lentil "tofu."
Lentil fried rice.
Eggs poached in red lentils.
Lentil bread (more like crêpes but made with lentil flour, plain flour and water).
There're likely many, many more things than that, but those are what come immediately to mind.

Lentils, chickpeas, peanuts and soybeans are the most useful legumes, IMO.

The same people who make threads like
>"I'm poor, what should I buy?"
are no cooking noobs who can barely handle making a cup noodle let along make a tastey pot of beans.

cooked; dry and cool; oil, salt, red pepper, and mix; single layer on foil in a hot over; 8-10 minutes; cool and it's high protein, low fat alternative to chips

I had twice weekly transportation to town 50 miles away, but I got kicked off because I'm "too scary" to ride a van with old people. Yeah.

Have to spend 12-13 bux a meal almost because backwater monopolies, so I only get to eat 2 or 3 meals per week. 2 Or 3 meals, not days. Moving very soon.

I love autism hatred, we have a lower standing in society than black felons.
>homeless 6 years at 25

>Lentil "tofu."
As in treat lentils like you would soy beans and make milk and then a curdled cheese/tofu from them? Interesting. How does that turn out?

Rough lot, kiddo. I hope things improve for you.

No, it's more like polenta.
There are three types of this "tofu" made in Myanmar and surrounding regions in bordering countries, one of chickpeas or yellow spit peas, one of lentils and one of starchy (IE non-glutinous) rice. Finely ground flour made from each of those starches is boiled in water to make a polenta-like goop which is poured out onto a tray and allow to cool until set. Thereafter, you can cut it into cubes or slices and dry it out a little further to use in various things like tofu salad (served cold) or dressed tofu (served hot in a sauce made usually either of tomato, tamarind or both). Tofu slices are also served pan-fried with eggs. Sliced thin enough, you can dy it out completely then deep-fry it to puff up into a cracker.
The lentil version is usually made with turmeric powder so as to mimic the colour of the chickpea and split pea versions. The rice version is typically kept white.

is Veeky Forums redpilled on dumpster diving yet?

Transportation is definitely a poorfag issue, the upfront costs of buying bulk, storage, space for storage, and they probably don't have a stand-alone freezer.

If I had to deal with all that, I'd probably go Prime Pantry if just because it's cheaper and less of a hassle than public transportation. $10 a month for unlimited 2-day shipping, versus whatever you were spending on travel. And I guarantee Amazon has better deals than your local non-chain grocery store.

i fucking love buying bulk

i buy all sorts of dry beans and can them at home

think i might do chickpeas tonight

The only dry foods I buy in bulk are rice, beans, and lentils.

At that point it probably would just be better to fast and cleanse the body.

Based Prime Pantry...

>because I'm "too scary" to ride a van with old people.




There really isn't one, the driver told me this and when I called her boss, the story was changed to "you're too young to ride."
I didn:'t do shit. It's a service for elderly and disabled. She even told me how I did nothing wrong, but "it might be scary for the old people."

It's literally just discrimination. Society fucking HATES and tortures the autustic worse than any race, social class, age group or disabled people.

The same lady also called HUD and made sure I was denied a house here last month. This is year 7 of being denied every single house I have attempted to rent and every job I have applied for.
I'm a normal looking, well groomed, intelligent person. The only problem is I get social security at 25 and the entire world fucking hates me for it.
I have lupus too, my body caves in on me every day of my life, people just assume I'm healthy.

I just want a fucking house and a job.

Look up the story on youtube about the man with aspergers who has been denied a job driving new york trains for 40 years even though he is 100% capable of doing the job.

This is not the diagnosis you want. Life is fucked up. I will likely be homeless and hated my entire life.

for what you save buying like that all year you can afford to make it taste like basically what the fuck ever you want.
the cheaper cuts of meat can be cooked to wonderful textures and paired with so many cheap grains and beans to make a healthy filling meal.
it's a win if you like food and have time to cook.

>can't drive and doesn't have a job

yeah man you're a regular Alvin Einstein. Other autists get jobs, but the world probably just let's them slide because they're not as smart and well groomed. You probably neglect to address the fact that you don't make any effort to work and that you have no skills to be honest.

That sperg is a criminal, you probably are too, hope it doesn't get too cold out there though.