I recently had my 25th birthday and my parents bought me a cake and have me a birthday card even though I didn't want to celebrate it. Why are they enabling my lifestyle? Why don't they just kick me out and give me an excuse to KMS already?
How do I stop being a NEET Veeky Forums?
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This is all you need to know.
You have been intentionally infantalized, made inept as an adult so that you are kept captive by your parents (largely your mothers instincts).
I have been like you also, it is important to get out. Most mass shooters are like this, they have been de-manned and take out their rage, often killing their mother/parents first due to them being the ones responsible.
I too live with parents and am 24.
Instead i actually like my parents and im there for them whenever they need me and the other way also.
Sucks to have a shit son like you desu lad
If they actually cared they would clip your wings. They're keeping you there because they're afraid to be alone. They're selfish but actually think they're helping you.
Now if you have a job, a gf and you're just trying to save up money for a house/school/major expense, then nvm they're awesome for supporting you.
this guy knows what he's talking about OP. ironically if they were to kick you out on the street, you'd be happier than you've ever been in your infantile state of comfort. you'd wake up from your depression, embrace struggle and become a man. you wouldn't even recognize your former depression. you're depressed because you don't strive, and you don't strive because you don't have to. your parents enable it because they love you, but it is the worst thing possible for you. they will never kick you out, (my mom is the same). the only thing you can do is do it yourself. get a job, start taking on some struggle, and then move out. you're depressed because you're waiting for someone else to do it for you, because they always have, but breaking that mental chain will be the most important thing you ever do. once you begin to steer your own ship, i promise your depression will be gone. godspeed user
Americans are ungrateful as fuck especially the ones that "make it"
I just want you to know even if you weren't a NEET your parents would probably still hate you.
>Be 18
>Go to college/military
>Become successful
>Proceed to ignore parents until they die
I see mother fuckers hit that decline when their parents call ALL THE TIME
they probably know that you're a loser that's not going to make it, so they accept that you'll live with them forever, doing nothing
kid at home keeps the marriage together.
your mom definitely benefits from you being @ home. IF she is a latent narcissist, she could have easily set your life up to be a social failure and be unable to make actual human interactions so you stay home for life.
women thrive on love. they prefer being loved by successful men, but being loved by close son is good enough, and it also makes it much easier for her to keep her husband.
that's just 1 scenario, you're can easily be just an actually inept piece of shit, but if they're pushing your role that's suspicious.
>Why are they enabling my lifestyle? Why don't they just kick me out and give me an excuse to KMS already?
Cause they know you're a drama queen and a poof, and they don't want you to KYS cause the poor fucks love you.
Stop being a bitch and make something of yourself without whinning and moaning about it. Looks like you at least have some basic support so it's not as hard as it can get out there.
Fucking hell I hate whinny cunts
>if they were to kick you out on the street, you'd be happier than you've ever been
nah, i'll just go straight near some railroad tracks and jump in front of an incoming train
/adv/ is over there, go away.
I'm 25 living at home, working in the meantime, saving up money to pay off loans, trade crypto etc. I could be living in an apartment like everyone else my age but why waste the money? That's an extra grand a month back in my pocket.
Veeky Forums apparently is too machismo and normalfag to understand those feels anymore, OP. You do sound like an entitled cuck, though. I do agree with that.
Ultimately, it comes down to comfort, and complacency as a result of excess comfort. Staying alone or inside for long periods of time will make you a lot more isolationist. You'll find yourself finding external sources to blame since you are ashamed to admit you're actually just very depressed and feel hopeless. Go take some night classes at a community college, or find a job, then move out of your folks. You'll lose the comfy NEET life and your waifu will miss you, but you'll feel more alive.
Life is for the living. Let death stay for the dead.
>nah, i'll just go straight near some railroad tracks and jump in front of an incoming train
That same thing that drives the suicidal instinct is the same thing that drives the shooters such as autistic ginger bowl cut kid.
You need to man your self, lest your rage act out on others or yourself.
find a goal. you have the time, at least. find a goal. find what you want to do with your life.
but if you constantly feel like you want to kill yourself, that very likely means you need to leave your comfort zone. you will gradually feel shittier and shittier until you do. there has to be something you're very afraid of and feel like you'd rather die than put effort into it.
go and pursue that thing and don't give a shit about the consequences.
i have my own appartment, a job since 7 years at 21, and still want to be a neet.
Although with OP it seems to be different, because he wants exactly the opposite.
>is this what it feels like to be a chad?
Finding a job then working and saving money will also give you something to focus on while still at your parents', which will alleviate some of the immediate despair. Go walk dogs or sell your body for Monero of something.
i don't even have access to guns and besides, actual school shooters are extremely psychopathic and narcissistic, which i'm not.
still going to kms alone if push comes to shove though.
>still going to kms alone if push comes to shove though.
I know precisely what you are going through bro. It is like a standard code in the brain that can be triggered.
Do you make money or anything? I mean you are on biz, you must have some aspirations.
Sounds like you asked her through text
In person she would let you know on the spot
>find what you want to do with your life.
I hate when people say this shit. Finding a goal is great, but you don't just
>find out what you want to do with your life.
Life is a process and an exploration. What you want to do one day may become tired and old down the road and it will be time for a change. Change occurs regardless. One's life is constantly changing, along with the rest of the world. Over-specialization seems to tire the body and spirit as that which was previously a passion becomes repetitive and dull under the constrains of "work."
Only do passions and put your all into them. Adapt and diversify as they grow, not restrained by "employment limitations." Anything else is a waste of your short time here. Don't sell out for the false promises a "successful career" tempts you with. The dream is a psyop meant to keep things running as planned. Create your own world. Do not live by the constraints of others or the greater expectations of the normalfag gestalt.
yeah, I would have asked her in person but I just had a vision of being an old man and regretting not doing things like this so fucking went for it
no, why was that your guess?
>worked at retail job for 9 years
>making a living with gf but hours suck
>friend offers me a new job
>m through f mornings fuckyeah
>have to quit 4 months later
>was going to get fired for sucking
>now am jobless with only a degree in a field I haven't been in sense college
user, I feel you. Trying to better myself, but it's hard when you have nothing that sticks out on a resume. Going to have to start from scratch soon and pick up some shitty job.
You deserve to make it user
He deserves to die. We all have been born. Now the only certainty left is death (and the American government taking 96% of my gains on tax day).
chill out blackpillman
Taking chances whether the outcome is good or bad is what will make you feel alive again. Be proud of trying to overcome hurdles, especially so when one finally pans out in your favor.
they love you and want you to be safe and happy.
YOU are enabling your lifestyle.
finding a job is not that difficult, unless you are a complete useless retard (which you may believe you are, but, perhaps, you may realize the knowledge you have in the things thaat interest you could be used by someone out there).
what do you do? what do you like doing? what do you know how to do? what have you done in that area?
make a nice CV, pretend you worked as "freelancer" doing just that, write down your knowledge and experience at that, and look for jobs in companies that use that knowledge. do whatever it takes to get hired (send hundreds of CVs, talk to people in places you'd like to work, inflate your experience and strengths, etc.). you WILL fail a few times. once you get hired, make sure to do your job as well as possible (not more, not less). you will not know everything, and it doesn't matter, you don't need to, you will learn.
sooner or later, you'll find yourself consumed by your job and other responsibilities, and will realize that you aren't a NEET anymore. and then, you'll miss that life...
the TL;DR is: try to be realistic, find out your knowledge and strengths, and use that to get a job.
t. ex NEET who found a nice, well paying job (which I lost some days ago for unrelated reasons)
I'm like that too OP
Somehow I didn't drop out yet after 2years of sucking hard
I even applied for an internship and they liked my work ((altho the email said they were still waiting for all applicants to have their interviews etc))
Ill turn 25 this april and I have almost no field experience
I hate the job market so much where u need 2 years of experience in the field as a junior
thanks user, its 1:40am here so i've turned my phone off till morning and might even go to the beach before checking. It's strangely liberating knowing you will just get a straight answer instead of endlessly comparing yourself to her/other guys to guess what she would say.
and until that day I'm fucked if I'm not going to live life
some tips regarding your CV and interviews:
remember that the person reading the CV and doing the interview only cares about THEIR stuff, so tailor the CV for that specific job ad, and only talk about the things that could be useful for THEM
make SURE NOT TO HAVE ANY spelling mistakes.
go read articles on how to make CVs and how to prepare interviews, they help a lot. for example:
if you need to google something, then do so, don't be ashamed of that.
>and until that day I'm fucked if I'm not going to live life
Exactly. If the only certainty left for you is death and you only have a finite amount of time left here, and left in your 20's, do not spend it wasting away. Work and save up $3,500 to $5,000, then move out. I've moved across the country or too other states many times with only that amount. As long as you have that much, you should be able to cover life for a couple months as long as you rent a room in a house/apartment with other people (Craigslist), and can find new income after you move (or before if you want greater effort in the job junt).
Either live or die but do not fall in between the two worlds. Money should be something you get to the extent it helps you to improve your life and expand into two worlds, but don't think it, or work has to dominate your life. There are many alternative ways to go about it, even if the normalfag population will push only the accepted norm on you.