
so what is Veeky Forumss view on chinese spirit called baiju?

I downed a bottle for spring festival (my gf is jiangsu chinese) and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Let's discuss baiju and how to acquire it cheaply and happily.

Also, general high strength spirits thread.

As an aussie used to drinking beer and occasionally spirits, this shit is next level strong. I've produced several batches of ethanol - mainly for gin production - and baiju is the closest thing to that level strength.

Hmmm. Don't know what kinda brands you are talking about commercially. I've never tried shit in a soda bottle.
The apparently expensive stuff has a nice, uzo style taste to it, at a much higher alcohol of course. I enjoyed that, even though it is punishing on the tastes.

Also tried cheap (and I mean 2 dollars a bottle) stuff when I was in china. Very effective at getting you tragically smashed but you try and get codiene in china without knowing mandarin - good luck.

After several tries and currently downing a litre of it over two days, I've grown to like it.

What shocked me is how much the bloody chinese drink it. At the kind of levels that would flat out knock out a westerner.

Moutai and other premium baijiu have pleasant fragrance and body, but I still won't drink it. Just give me a beer.

t. Chinese

红星 二锅头 56%
五粮液 52%

Stuff like pic related is harder to find.

Shit is strong though. 52% is a common percentage, i've had stuff as high as 68%.

Want US poroducts? Jack daniels single barrel is like 66%. Nice and smooth.

Or pick a 151 rum. Cruzan 151 is good.

Way, way overpriced for the shit quality you get.

I've had two baijus before:
one was "cheap" about $15 for a tiny half bottle, and it was the worst kind of rot-gut I've ever had, and I've had real moonshine before.
The other one cost my friend nearly $80, again for a half sized bottle, and I'd say it was passable.

But considering stuff like Macallan or Henessey is fucking cheaper, there is no excuse for an American to be drinking that swill. It will probably give you cancer too.






this. it feels like schnapps the first few seconds but the aftertaste is worse than cheap tequila. it's always been like this for me regardless of the price tag. i never managed to have more than three shots without feeling nauseated. i don0t really believe there is good baijiu out there

My wife is Chinese and she hates when I get into this stuff. Whenever we go to china I always tell her I'm just going into a store for a beer and sneak a little bottle of this and pound it back. It's just so cheap, and I get stressed around all those people. Really freaks me out. I wanted to buy a big plastic bottle to bring home and share with my friends, but she wouldn't let me. A 5 litre plastic jug of 52% liquor for about $23 cdn is a hell of a deal tho...

Fucking awful. I made my friend drink a couple shots before I drove him to a party and had him take the rest of the bottle in to share with everyone. One person ended up liking it a lot.
It was actually the middle one in OP's picture

My uncle who travels to China a lot for work likes to offer it to family and friends as a joke because he thinks it taste terrible, but I liked it (I have some GI problems so I can only drink hard liquor no beer or wine). Now he always brings some back for me.

I had a half chink room mate who tries way to hard to make everyone think he's chink as fuck and not white at all and he had a bottle of this. I passed because I've had illegal moonshine before and I had better alcohol to drink but my gf took half a shot with him and I was impressed.

When I studied in Shanghai they drank this like water (probably because the water in Shanghai is undrinkable). I don't remember what brand I had, probably not that great, it just tasted like somewhat strong alcohol to me.

I know this is vague as fuck, but I like the one thats sold in little flask sized bottles that come with a red star on the bottle and some mandarin text and no other images/labels

The family hosting me served it and the dad was a (jolly, not mean) alcoholic and would always make me drink it with him

I'd tried getting out of it after the first few days but then he would joke (?) in broken english that he would kick me to the curb for being a disrespectful gwailo if I didn't drink and toast his family's good fortune

someone left a bottle at my party last night. Ive had it once before and this shits unpalitable any good cocktails to make it more apealing

where can I buy this in the US?


apparently they are good for you in moderation

very bad taste

Off the top of my head, Kaiju (Kir/Baiju), Mix either Creme de Cassis or Chambord depending on preferrence with the Baiju. Hell, top it up with Champagne for a King Kaiju or whatever you want to call it

Could do a stronger spin on the Asian Mary using this in place of Sake

Basically any cocktail that uses a clear spirit is an ideal candidate if you're looking for a stronger version. Could try to impress someone with an Oriental Martini

Not vague at all. I immediately knew you were referring to Erguotou (二锅头). *kek* It's arguably the most popular brand in northern China, especially among blue-collar tradies. It's cheap as shit ~> because it tastes like shit ~> because it's distilled from the second pass (hence it's name).

Any decent ABC/package store, but it'd maybe be more difficult to find in a predominantly black neighborhood #noraciss

Are you me?

Baiju is basically the only thing i can buy in china with my broken chinese

I don't know about the US, but in aus I just go into asian groceries, find the cooking wine and ask for the drinking wine.
500 ml for 6USD or so

where can i find a qt asian gf too?



If you have to drink 2 yuan 二锅头 chase with a nice 雪碧 (sprite)

Had some that came in a decorative monkey bottle. Tasted and smelled like hot garbage. Barely got one shot down.

In asia, you basement dwelling fatass.

You're fucking stupid.

The middle one is mao tai. The most expensive. Real mao tai in china retails for like 10000 rmb a bottle, depending on vintage,

I think most fags here have not had real mao tai, since you're all dirt poor.

You're a fucking pussy and fucking illiterate.

Asian liquors are the equivalent of Asian societies.


got some 3 yr mao tai from the chinese medicine store and cost $100+tax for half a bottle size

tastes how old chinese people smell

i busted it out during a new years celebration at the restaurant i work and all the fujianese farmers turned cooks went apeshit