Ambrosus ceo fucking imploding
Can’t admit that his own advisor scammed the shit out of him and doing damage control
Ambrosus ceo fucking imploding
Can’t admit that his own advisor scammed the shit out of him and doing damage control
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That was some Olympic level mental gymnastics there.
what did that drake guy do?
The CEO sounds like a man child. I just don't see this coin turning into anything substantial with this clown running the show.
>swiss fund manager favorite coin
KEK deluded AMBlets will follow this dude to an eternal hell of NO price actions hahahahahaha
I'd never buy this shitcoin but props to the guy for telling it like it is. Fool me once and all that
The dude literally says he knows nothing about blockchain in his bio.. this is some Nigerian prince level type scam shit
Sold a photo for $1mil? I don't understand
he means blockchain is such a huge field u fucking retard
this is some soyboy shit. a chad woulda ignored it and moved forward.
Seems like Drake and chad ceo have something in common now... they both fucked a lot of people
Thought this was another /biz funny FUD photoshops.
Turns out it's real, check that moron's LinkedIn.
How unprofessional can you get?
wow what a dumbass. is he short AMB or something?
>Chad CEO
you are by far the most pathetic person on this website op. seriously get a fucking hobby ffs all you do is fud this coin every fucking day lmfao. i actually cant imagine a more pathetic existence than yours
well what did he do?
Implying anyone gives 2 fucks about something on LinkedIn.
>Imagine being this naive about the real world.
You know why scammers like him do that? They hide in plain sight, this makes sure only the biggest of retards and bottom feeders like yourself take the bait. Just like the bitgrail owner had a bio about him being a scammer and people thought it was just a joke or did you lose you raiblocks on shitgrail and jump straight into this?
Damn I was looking at AMB but seeing this guy acting like a chimp just marked a red flag for me.
Tons of coins left in the market
what the fuck are you talking about you stupid nigger i live next to the swiss there was even a news article about this you must be fucking kidding me if you think this is a SCAM shove off to mumbai motherfucker
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
>I've been found out
Actually believe this coin with Nestle connection and being Swiss (super smart + connections) could be THE project - after seeing him trying to be a chad and people are getting fired/leaving the team. It could only be bad for the long term as investors will see his chadness and be wary.
I sold all and went to REQ few days ago.
I don't think AMB is a scam, but say you're a big pharma company.
Would you even consider doing business with someone who sounds like 4th grader, throwing tantrums in public?
i dont even own amb but you must be a huge retard
did u buy in bitgrail or not
The only reason he is giving it a thought is because AMB hasn't recovered like other alts. I personally sold mine 210 190 just yesterday, I shouldn't have trusted this shin-chan supply chain or his betafaggot SoyEO.
why the fuck would i ??
yess, keep the FUD coming over literally nothing, I love these juicy prices.
This guy is an absolute mongoloid.
>News article equals quality
>What about bitconnect?
>What is marketing or paid promotion?
>Look mom I'm on TV, I'm a movie star!
this wasn't his first chimp out
I’m skeptical of all supply chain coins like VEN, WTC, and AMB, but I thought AMB had the most potential in terms of team talent and industry connections. But AMB is doomed as long as this unprofessional, emotional, and immature CEO is at the helm of the ship.
no but the swiss, their connections and partners equal quality
there is probably nothing more stable than products coming out of switzerland lmao fucking american cunt
You wouldn't be having an aneurism if you hadn't invested don't lie. Your CEO had a meltdown it's okay that happens in the cryptospace sometimes. My reccomendation to you: Sell now even if it's at a loss, your CEO is a manchild and the Chad meme is clearly a lie.
>CEO chimping out
Pick one
The strongest sell signal I've ever seen
he's simply saying that while David was used has a paid prop in other ICOs it wasn't the case with AMB as David Drake was very helpful to them,
but keep the FUD coming ill probably buy more at cheap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This privileged arrogant chancer, who lives the life of riley is probably just saying it how it is. However dont expect him to take any prisoners and I agree with the op theranos entirely. How these people manage to get elevated to positions of power and influence is beyond me.
if you cant see a CEO standing up in public for his company / partners / employees whatever as good thing you should probably invest in in some tranny company like cardano lmao
You can defend your team professionally, too. And not like a kid.
form over substance, nice
Hmmm should I buy based on feelings or buy based on fundamentals. Quite perplexing decision.
I mean it's probably not a great look for CEO to say that investors getting scammed is "natural selection"? Will probably make it hard to work with future partners and investors when they only think your going to scam them
Who's he even defending him to? His wife and her three sons?
Literally nobody cares. AMB is working on B2B solutions. Their customers aren't millennial soyboys who are delusional enough to think that CEO's are supposed to act like PR companies make you think they do.
What Angel said is what CEOs actually say to people behind closed-doors in the corporate world, you're just uncomfortable because you're used to dealing with sterile PR statement from CEOs
user, you or me don't care about form, it doesnt mean there isn't a world of business that does.
Then again, Trump ended up the Prez, so what do I know.
No one cares. No one will believe your retarded FUD campaign. Competition getting desperate now.
You need to accept that not everyone here is a 20-something that’s never worked a professional job in their life. Plenty of anons here have years of industry experience and can spot a weak leader from a mile away. Perception matters to investors, employees, and for the longterm growth of a company. It has nothing do with AMB being B2B or B2C. Angel is unprofessional, immature, and totally out of his element.
Okay, but in my experience in B2B large corporations put PR and protecting their brand above everything else, especially when comes to partnering with startups.
Wow, buy orders for AMB are stacking up....
You know what the biggest giveaway was?
I’m sorry but brainets falling for larps are genetically predisposed to stay poor. Top fucking kek
Just bought 5k more. Angel is a winner in an industry full with neckbeard virgins. AMB will succeed because he wills it to.
Heading back down to 2000 sats. Put a fork in this turd
kek wills it boi
HAHAHAHA, this is so fucking pathetic and unprofessional. Can you imagine a real CEO writing something like this publicly? LOL it would be a PR disaster
LOL AMB is speaking at the Swiss Parliament and EU Commission. I am sure this is part of a bigger game
wtf did david drake do?
he scammed a lot of ICOs lol
what do you mean by scam exactly?
>His wife and wife's kids
>CEO deliberately FUDs to drop the price of his coin
>brainlets panic sell in an instant
>CEO's friends buy up cheap AMB
It's fucking below ICO price and my patience is really getting tested with this shit. But what the hell I might as well hold for a few more days and see what grandpa does. I'm willing to sell my bags low and bitmex the rest if the alt market (BTC) doesn't recover.
damn. I like him, shame for the links tier shill autism that is around the coin.
Jesus Christ you idiots are so stupid.
Coins like amb are not to make money in a few weeks. This coin won’t really take off for at least a year until they getting the sensor systems set up
I bet your week greasy handed ass sold icx at the bottom too
He's an "advisor" for nearly 50 different projects. In all likelihood the projects paid him $1 million dollars to use his name and he didn't advise them on shit.
he has a point
of course, he has that point because nobody is as good at identifying scammers as other scammers
Mommy, mommy protect me from scams.
The fucking children in this thread. Typical biz: buy high, sell low.
This is FUD right? Not a single live link in the thread
Oh. Fuck. Who's badmouthing the Drake guy?
>This coin won’t really take off for at least a year
Thanks just sold 100k after the next (little) pump
A bunch of companies. The funny shit is that NOBODY even knew about this whole Drake shit until he went all out Trump at reddit and LinkedIn
How fucking hard is it actually to keep mouth shut?