You didn't actually think a guy who's retarded enough to publicly defend cp was going to be able to run a successful project did you?
You didn't actually think a guy who's retarded enough to publicly defend cp was going to be able to run a successful...
Is this really the end of ethereum? It feels like it never even got beyond pocs and white papers.
Goddamn he really said that? What an absolute basement dwelling moron with zero understanding of normie mindset.
Can they ban the loli porn too? And Hentai? Like why the fuck are people jacking off to cartoons? RETAUTISM.
Ah yes, this crucial 2 week period where the platform gains winner is decided.
This was the recovery/reversal period. Eth didn't recover and it won't.
I was going to argue with you, but you got trips, so I concede.
>Incidental possession from things out of your control (Veeky Forums thumbnails and downloaded blockchain) being the same as production and distribution
So people are just gonna FUD ETH now LMAO
A true believer in meme magic. As you respect Kek, Kek respects you. Your dubs confirms you're going to make it user. It's a good day.
Whats in the box
This is the problem with extreme autists, Im sure he doesnt condone cp but his deep thinking will not process that its just better to use another type of analogy. I genuinely believe he did not seek to deliberately alienate nor anger people. He just didnt consider the consequences could be so much
He wasn't just talking about incidental possession. And if you don't understand the concept of creating demand then you should buy more eth.
did you stupid fags even stop to think about what he said? he is not defending anything, he is just doing a rational comparison, and actually, he is right.
>creating demand for the child rape industry is the same as taking drugs
I guess my iq is too low to get it
It doesn’t matter. It’s not acceptable to make such a statement publicly.
It’s not a rational comparison. People who like CP are pedos, the lowest kind of human beings who cause harm to the most inocent kind of human beings. Heroin is self harming , no third party envolved. By the way, there’s a reason pedos are the most discriminated among criminals themselves.
Could be that, could be him not caring too much about coddling speculators. He sees Ethereum as a multi-year world changing project, but the dozen billion+ dollar valuation forces developers to proceed more carefully than their expressed preference for "iterate fast and break things".
Ethereum makes more sense at the single billion dollar range ($10 per ETH) in most aspects: maturity of the network, manpower involved, freedom from regulatory oversight. While it wouldn't be ethical to purposefully tank the price, expressing politically incorrect opinions earnestly and having these opinions happen to make non-tech oriented people flee the platform is less of a moral quandary.
Also, there’s an agenda behind it.
>2 weeks
lol, you late adopters
He defended child porn again? Awesome we're going to be mooning again soon. 2k here we come.
You're over analyzing the fuck out of this...
I like it though lol
One more card for the media. Now they can put togueter the cp found in the BTC blockchain with his statements and voila. Alternatively, the idea is to proceed with the idea of legalisation of pedophilia step by step, little by little just like (((Them))) the satanists want.
His views seem pretty clear to me. What do you guys think "uncensorable" will mean in practice?
excellent thotcore posting
Advocation of one illegal thing is the same as advocation of the other? I don't see him saying either is a good thing, just that he doesn't see CP possesion as any different than heroin. Maybe he just really hates junkies? What a fucking retard though
shouldn't we support the opposite of what criminals support
Fucking newfag, fuck off.
>Heroin is self harming , no third party envolved.
More people die from people driving while high than kiddies dying.
Normies wouldn't have come up with crypto. They would just keep using PayPal. Don't base innovation on what normies think.
it is, that brock fag is a faggot pedo, the worst kind, and hes scammed multiple investors ands companies in the past.
meanwhile late adopters who missed out even on ethereum crying about some badly worded tweet, late adopters fucking btfo
>badly worded tweet
You’re more fucked up than he is.
Also, Block One kick that moron out last week.
I meant that pedos are so fucked up that even in jail they are despised and rightly so.
but criminals are bad people. why should we agree with them? are you a criminal or something
I remember this tweet, it mooned for a few hours when he said that for some reason
Lol you’re such a hysterical retard, dishonestly trying to make it out like Vitalik was defending CP when really he was just calling out the hypocrisy of people like you
>b-b-buh heroin doesn’t harm anybody
Your usage funds criminal cartels that are responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people every year. Most junkies commit crimes on a regular basis to fuel their addictions. Heroin use absolutely does harm innocent people faggot, you just don’t care about it because it doesn’t give you the same gut emotional response that pedophilia does. Thankfully the people in charge of these technologies are guided by logic rather than their emotions, this is exactly the kind of trait you’d want in a programmer
what are you, one of those closet pedos? too scared to have a debate about his point of view because you might incriminate yourself?
you soyboys are all the same, with your sjw moral outrage.
sounds familiar, wonder where else ive heard that, hmm...
criminals think that but we don't let them vote for some reason
All humans are animals, though.
Legit can't tell if this is trolling or someone with a sub 90 iq
No, you’re a fucking retard. I wasn’t defending the legalisation of drugs. If you think that sexual abuse of children is equal to consuming or selling drugs you can’t be helped.
Maybe he’s a pedo.
if it moons after that then you know your answer
but i love animals
maybe you should not do crimes if you want your opinions taken seriously
Yeah I'm gonna go with low iq.
most criminals have that which is another reason we shouldn't agree with them
Yes I think a good leader will think through and form solid opinions on many matters. They may not be the mainstream opinions but great leaders are not sheep.
Its the war on drugs that funds the cartels!
1 easy way to take away the funding
Yes I did and I still do. He is doing a good job, and ethereum is the most healthy of all coins at the moment.
Humans are part of the animal kingdom.
Correct. All the power goes to criminals BECAUSE of the war on drugs.
Nobody was defending legalization of child abuse either you retard. But there isn’t any rational reason why child abuse is worse than all of the death, murder and destruction that junkies are funding with innocent people’s stolen dollars. Just because you’re too blinded by your emotions to follow a rational argument isn’t Vitalik’s problem.
Shut up roastie you're just mad kids are taking away your attention
That's how you sound
There's a very good reason. Children are innocent and completely powerless. Drug addiction is a result of teenagers and adults making poor choices for themselves. The difference is light and day and you're a retard if you can't understand that.
Except junkies’ drug use harms innocent people, fuckwit. Do you really think their actions exist in a vacuum with no outside consequences?
I didn't say otherwise. But once again if you can't see the difference between hurting someone close to you because of your addiction, and raping a kid, you are beyond help
Then explain the difference. If some drugged up retard kills a kid because he got behind the wheel of a car then how is that any less harmful?
a good few of those junkies exist because they were molested when young!
can you please leave the house and interact with ppl?
>literally unable to see anything that isn't directly in front of him
>"drug use only hurts the user"
you're actually retarded, sorry for that. the drug trade goes far beyond dealer and customer.
Holy fuck you're stupid. Child abuse REQUIRES THE ABUSE OF CHILDREN BY DEFINITION. Drug addiction doesn't, and usually has nothing to do with hurting kids. You could just as easily argue that cars are as bad as child rape because drunk drivers kill kids.
I just don't want to go to prison and have my life irrevocably fucked because some fuckwad thought it would be funny to put that shit on my machine, or I clicked a dodgy af link on /b/ back in the day
A lot of pedos were molested when they were young too, it doesn’t make it any more excusable
This does not happen that much, shit reason. drink is way more culpable for this..ffs user how old are you?
women and children are literally enslaved/die to produce a good part of the world's drugs, especially in shithole countries, where the drugs are then exported into western countries.
so yeah, sometimes doing coke or heroin means you're standing on top of some stuff you'd rather not think about.
Don’t bother. Some people are just low I.Q and or blinded by their own self interest.
if drugs were legal would this happen? as much at least, ffs fisher men are kept as slaves out to sea.
There is no requirement to hurt children in order to do drugs. This is incidental and context dependent. Jesus Christ the mental gymnastics pedos use to justify being the scum of the earth
>equating simple possession of CP to actually going out and raping children
It goes both ways, just because someone uses heroin doesn’t mean they’ll go out and harm somebody, but it’s perpetuates it all the same.
>other people are low IQ, but not me, i'm smart
even if your point was super great, which it's not, you sound like a fucking moron for going the "hurr low iq" route.
When you create demand for the child rape industry by downloading cp how do you think that affects the children who are used to produce it you dumb nigger
There’s still a difference. Like OP pointed out, Child abuse is Child Abuse BY DEFINITION. In the other examples they are variables.
You don't create demand for CP by downloading it.
I don’t think most pedos pay to fund child sex rings, unlike junkies. This argument is some of the weakest shit I’ve ever seen to try and justify your hypocrisy
there's no requirement, but it does happen.
and harvesting what is necessary and producing the drugs and shipping the drugs and marketing the drugs, and then the effects of the drugs themselves on society, involves a lot of dead bodies, a lot of dead kids, a lot of those kids are probably going to get sexually abused along the way too.
child abuse is bad. drug abuse is bad. it's all bad, but drug abuse specifically isn't just "poor decisions affecting the user and people close to the user", you fucking brainlet.
You are stupid beyond hope and have basically admitted to being a pedo who watches cp. Keep rationalizing being the lowest form of organism in the universe.
Calling everyone a pedo looks pretty fucking suspicious to ME, to be quite fucking frank. Much like a catholic priest preaching morality to the extreme and going out and drinking and fucking an altar boy and generally just being a horrible person in private.
>completely missing the point again after numerous people explaining it
Hey guys. What are you arguing about? I don't understand. Is this reddit? Oh yes sir it is. I thought it's Veeky Forums. Bye!
Notice how your post contains no arguments, just name-calling. That's a sign that you are wrong.
You're a fucking idiot. You choose one side of the argument, cp is bad, which is the right side, but you fuck it all up by being all weird about it. Yeah, everyone's dumber than you for seeing the bigger picture. Everyone's a dumb pedophile.
You fucking moron.
>he thinks child rape is worse than drug abuse! that means he's a pedo
The absolute state of pedos
No, you and some other people are circle jerking trying to justify his defence of child rape. If anything it’s you evidently.
i didn't say that. and neither did vitalik.
what *IM* saying is, your idea of drug abuse being really localized is WRONG and wishful thinking.
>Drug addiction is a result of teenagers and adults making poor choices for themselves.
So simple, and yet everyone else is so dumb and a pedophile. Wew.
If your default is to call anyone a pedophile for talking about the subject, that's a bit creepy and weird. Not all of us need to go hard in the performative to signal we're not pedophiles. Why do you?
Nobody has defended child rape so far you dishonest fuckwit. But after reading this thread, it’s clear to me why cutting edge technology is being developed by people like Vitalik, and not by the people who are too brainlet to comprehend a simple argument
>your idea of drug abuse being really localized is WRONG and wishful thinking
But I never said that much less implied it. I have a brother who was an opiate addict, I know what it does to people around him because I was one of those people. It's still not comparable to child abuse. End of story.
from a pure logical standpoint he is right but thats nothing you should just tweet out
It’s always this projection argument. It’s like when you say I don’t want my young children taking lessons at school about homossexualism. They say ,oh, you must a enclosed homosexual because you don’t want us teaching your young children how great sodomy is.
Yeah, and are you aware of what those drugs do to the world on a wider scale vis production, marketing, distribution, processing, etc etc? yeah, honestly. autism at its finest. kinda like when he picked his nose and wiped it on the wall on tv, he's a smart dude but socially he's just not fucking... totally there.
This is his way of getting back at his poisonous community
Great. Here comes a tumbling of prices for stupid PR moves. Stinky Linky's will by cheaper to scoop up!
Much of the harm from drugs in terms of cartels and slavery and what not comes from unreasonable laws and regulations. It's entirely different. There is no requirement to abuse children in order to produce, sell or consume drugs. On the other hand, abusing children is literally the main ingredient to producing, selling and consuming cp. Without abused children cp would not exist. And if there were no demand for cp, no one would have any reason to produce it on the scale that it is produced.
just to be clear, you guys aren't pedos, right
no, are you?
i'm not sure about you guys, is all