Give me one reason why I shouldn't all-in on pic related.
Give me one reason why I shouldn't all-in on pic related
there is no reason, go all in.
I did that too and dont regret it yet
because you have to stay poor goy
ill invest in it
but it won't go boom until 2020 or so
Its a long shot project that will be #1 market cap if they succeed. With that being said they have a large market cap and there are so many other moon missions within the next 3 months ie link, req and others.
I have a large amount of $ on binance just in case this Q turns out to be big or some other big announcement...until then I don't expect to see any crazy jumps.
becouse you have IoTchina that is shipper
what is this Q i keep hearing about?
You should have some bitcoin as well just in case nigga don't be silly 80% IOTA max
unknown project but search qubit come from beyond...sounds like an incentive layer to iota for running nodes etc. Could also be something to do with trinary processors
Q is a chip for iot devises
IoTChina is developing is chip also
Quarter. As in 3 months.
All in is a crypto meme. No serious investor would ever do that.
When did you buy in?
David Sonstebo is a brainlet, CFB is a manchild and the other dude is like 22 and already has one failed crypto business.
BTW they already scammed a bunch of people into buying shares of a hardware company that died in 2015. That's why they're desperately trying to fit hardware production into the IOTA project even though it doesn't make any business sense.
this is the buy signal I was waiting for. thanks user!
Yeah that's a rational response from someone who is researching them lmao.
Fuck off shill
>Give me one reason why I shouldn't all-in on pic related.
I can give you three.
1. The devs don't understand cryptography and wrote vulnerabilities that allowed people to steal funds.
2. The devs have been caught lying about fake partnerships and other things.
3. The devs threaten to sue anyone that calls them out for their shady behavior.
If I've learned one thing is that the team is the most important factor. Invest in the team. While the project is great the guys behind it are incapable of making it work.
Chips = JINN
Q = ??? ;)
t. insider
Tell me something I don’t know
JINN will be the first ternary chip, you might know this. Off course the project is still active. I'm pretty sure it will incooperated this year, most likely in Norway. JINN will be converted to shares. You will need an accredited investor status.
About Q, a little hint: 12.5 BTC (dig into reddit at discord)
So some kind of BTC / IOTA interoperability?
I'm not going to all in a shitcoin that is the fucking rick and morty of crypto
you people are retarded. How many of you retards have even tried to use this things "wallet"? Also if IOTA's central hub goes down the whole system goes down. Stay away from this shit idiots.
I only have 130 IOTA which I bought last year. It’s not a big holding for me, but last night I had a dream it shot up while all my other coins were down. In my dream it was over $100. I sometimes do have prophetic dreams. Maybe if this post gets dubs I’ll buy some more.
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IOTA is still clearly in a development stage but people on Veeky Forums rate it as a finished product. Huge potential if it accomplishes even a fraction of what it's aiming for.