What went wrong?
What went wrong?
dumped his stocks to invest into crypto
Just some lawsuits, nothing worse than Equifax. Shit's gonna recover in a few months and get back to 185. It's bloody facebook, why won't they.
image being such a pussy you post an end of the world thread when something is down 1%
this is a crypto board kid moves of 20% a day are common
hopefully if they lose a ton of users facebook will just turn into a big meme that people login to for the marketplace and..well... memes.
Gave em the zucc
Because they're losing users and posting activity keeps on decreasing. Not to mention that the information they get is less valuable now since any person who wants to have a good future career uses it like a LinkedIn account.
what went wrong?
Elon Musk doesn't even know what Facebook is
I knew it was over when they let niggers start making accounts. Niggers ruin every neighborhood, real or virtual. This is more proof. Screen cap this
The boomers yesterday that were like
> 3 months of gains lost in a day
How shit is your portfolio if a 2.8% market loss eats three months of gains
buy the dip
Billion dollar companies don't just fall over like that. It's naive to completely ignore the connections, intellectual property and resources this company has. Seriously man, look at Equifax. Those fuckers leaked data and if you bought them after that scandal you'd have made money.
Idk can Zuckerberg make the Facebook brand cool again? It's a company that needs to be cool to be successful and everything they do isn't cool. I'm kind of an old fag 23 and you may not believe this but I watched Facebook become the cool site for young people to post jokes and look at girls in bikinis to a website full of boomers arguing about gay marriage and other stupid shit. Snapchat and Instagram took all the young people and now people millenials and gen z just use it like a LinkedIn. My Facebook is just a bunch of pictures of me doing charity work and so is most of my friends. I dont know how Facebook could ever get it's old image back. It got boomered.
Because they've bought off other companies, own a shitload of data and have entire research teams set up. Facebook is so much more than just the facebook website you wish people happy birthday on.
How about Enron you neet pajeet faggot
>I'm kind of an old fag 23
You're right about one thing
Their data is worth much less than it used to be because people know better than to put up their real selves on there. Everyone use to use it as an outlet to express themselves back in the day which was very profitable socio economic data. Not anymore.
>Idk can Zuckerberg make the Facebook brand cool again?
Nope. FB is fucked it'll carry on with boomers and older Gen X using it cos they can't be bothered with something new but millenials and Gen Zyklon will abandon it asap - and many younger guys were never on it to start with.
FB hasn't been 'cool' since the late 00s when it stopped being available only to guys at elite (and later 'good') colleges only and opened the doors to all plebs so you now had to put up with bullshit from random aunts and uncles and 'friends' from work.
Sure it happens, but not often. If you want to bet agains a board of directors and a few billion dollars then go ahead. I'm just saying the numbers are against you.
Zuckerberg has jumped the shark
But that doesn't matter to facebook. They don't care what you post about. There money is made selling your consumer behaviour to companies. If they can say what you buy and link that to data to predict who will buy what, that's money for facebook. Not to mention the countless other things they make money on. Facebook as a company will be fine.
facebook owns instagram and whatsapp
they are not going anywhere
They don't know what you're buying. People aren't posting what they're into anymore to the same degree. If you like rock and roll, riding dirt bikes, shooting pool, drinking Jack Daniels whiskey, and playing Horror video games they won't know that. Before all that stuff would be posted. Now people just post pictures of themselves with their family, doing charity work and maybe work related stuff if they're free lancers. It's not the same as it used to be.
no no no mm mm m we are coming in waves