If you want to leave and travel the world for a year. How much money would be adviced?

If you want to leave and travel the world for a year. How much money would be adviced?

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just be yourself

Just kys

afterwards, yeah, but i need to get this awnsered first

Depends on where you go and what standard of living you want, genius

you dont need much.
but the more the better.

were do you want to go? SEA?

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mostly 3th world countries and the USA, standard of living, just clean and comfy

yeah, russia, china, SEA, South America, USA

(am from europe, can skip that)

Depends if you like hobo hostels or only want to stay in nice hotels. Also depends if you want to go to a lot of first world countrys mostly or want to spend a long time in places such as "india" and "brazil".

For a whole year? I wouldn’t attempt it with less than $35k

I would guess $20k-$30k

fuck back to plebbit

why the fuck would you travel the world

do you wanna prove something?

because the only thing you gonna prove is your own mortality when you robbed and killed, or raped if ur a fucking whore

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mmm, sounds reasonable thanks

I'd rather get robbed than die bored user

Gonna need more info

Like if you want to go to South East Asia and are fine with living at hostels out of a backpack, about $700 is enough. Want your own fuckpad? $1k at least

Latin America? Maybe twice that


i'd fit perfectly in a asian country. all these fat white idiots would stick out like a sore thumb and any and all activities there would be alien/too demanding to them. thailand is a must go to when im rich

700$ a month? Kind of depends, just staying longer where it's cheaper. Only the travel (plane, trains) would cost much more i'd guess.

Plan: Start in Russia -> China (trans siberian or plane) -> SEA -> Australia -> South America -> USA -> UK -> EU (home)

Really depends on where you go and your standards.
I did it on $600-1000 a month for a year (I was doing freelance translation online and this was how much I made).
SEA, China, Korea, Central Asia, Middle East. Mostly overland travel, & cheap hostels.

was it fun?

Nice, would you recommend? Did you get home sick etc? Had a good time?

>beer from a straw
absolutely degenerate

yeah it was a lot of fun. I've spent most of my life studying/working abroad so I don't really get homesick.

i don't think i got enlightened or had my mind broadened or some of the things people who go on those long trips expect to experience. it was just meeting fun people, seeing beautiful things and not having to care about anything.


i like 3th world countries better than 3rd world countries.

Stay in united states then

nice quads
I did russia -> mongolia -> china -> thailand last year. good shit. take the train and get cheeki breeki with dem russians

I want to travel as well and calculated €12,000 for a year in Asia. I'm planning to work abroad as well.
Keep in mind that you are unemployed when you come back, make sure you have enough money for 1-2 months to live in your home country without a job. Also, you might have unforseen costs like getting robbed, lose stuff, bribes...

To really travel you need zero cash and you can work for food and accommodation, travel slow etc. It's all about how much comfort and activities you want to do.

This is kinda like a trick question.
So many variables to determine the cost. Will you be flying? Rail? Etc.
Will you be ok with a hostel or hotel?
Are you looking for simple nourishment or extravagant seafood dinners.
All this matters bro

Isn't mongolia really difficult to travel?

as cheap as possible to be honest, not really want to waste a shitton on a flight which takes 5 hours less time while you have all the time. Normal food, sometimes hostel, sometimes hotel, sometimes airbnb. Just a normal average


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You can get to the capital by train or plane easily. From there you can arrange tours to the gobi desert, horseback riding etc. I can recommend staying with a mongolian family in a traditional tent, they get drunk as shit on fermented milk.

I did SEA for a year I averaged 1000 a month. Stay in dorms it's cheap and you meet euro whores. Pro tip find Danish girls if they want to fuck they make it very clear

Interesting, they ask for money?? How much??

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I travelled for 35 days across Norway as a pilgrim on a tiny budget. If you don't mind living in a shitty tent and eating bread + dried sausages or nuts every day, you'd be suprised how far you can go with minimal bucks. That said, the population was very receptive and often offered me food stuff when i asked for water.

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Spent 9 months in Australia and a month in South Murica, cost me 25k euro.
Didnt camp n shit but didnt splurge either

You're looking at $15k in plane tickets.

living the dram user living the dream

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The plane tickets literally was 70% of my budget. And that's including occasional stays at pilgrim hostels in one of the most expensive countries in the world.

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Lmao nice life you pathetic faggot. Stop projecting.

didn't you get utterly bored and homesick after a while?

I traveled around for 2 years in china, vietnam, japan, laos etc. with 10k
I could have go longer but flights and expensive countries like japan are really money draining
But i think you can easily life in poor countries like vietnam or burma inexpensive with a tight budget
I also recommend tinder
Alot of times i lived at random sluts home
Free food and fuckin and insight into culture/circle of friends

Nah, i've always had the intense desire to wander over hills and into horizons since i was a kid. My home is where my camp is.
It could get boring sometimes though. I'd break the boredom by singing or humming nostalgic music, or daydreaming while walking. I met my waifu (Holo) a dozens of times on my journey. Thank god for a strong imagination.

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good advice thanks. 400$ a month is really good

not him, but after ~4 days in a place traveling i got bored as fuck.
sometimes i just want to play video games.
There's only so much to do in a place without blowing the bank.

might be a different for a roaming hiking type

how much money/hr to fuck qt japs that look like my anime girls?

Funny you should say that, since i was so god damn thirsty for vidya games by the end of my travels. I recall practically fantazising about sitting down playing Rune Factory or Crusader kinds the moment i got home. It's just human nature to miss the things you can't do there and then.

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Looks fun though, but i'd last a week at most. Also, did you have trouble finding food in the nature

right? if i had a PC i'd just play games once or twice a month when traveling.

Kun hvis du er meget grim

I've done a years travel and all up it cost me $50,000AUD. Only regret is that I wish I had done it sooner. I would love to do it all over again, but I have other commitments now

You underestimate yourself. I'm no athtlete. Can't run 100 meters without spitting blood and crying myself to sweet release of death. Yet walking 12 hours a day carrying 40kg on my back is entirely fine, something i never expected. Never believe you can't do something until you actually have proof you can't.
If i had a laptop or even an android phone i know i'd still not play anything since every day i were simply exhausted from walking. Many dusks i had planned to watch yet fell asleep the moment my tent was set up a few hours before dusk arrived.

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Oh and no, no issues with food, since there were always a village at least a day away. The longest part without a store was 5 days when crossing the grand Dovre mountain range. Oddly, despite rather hard extertion, my appetite was at a minimal. A 1/4 bread and 1/5 meat ration was enough to drive me on each day, and a handful of nuts and raisins basically gave me overdrive boost. Lost 15kg on the trip despite always feeling full.

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>t. basement dweller

I do engineering consulting for my own company, how is the net over there? I might take on a couple of contracts and just do it forever.

OP. I just got back from a month long trip in HCMC.

I spent $2000 because I stayed in a five star hotel for a week, did a lot of expensive touristy things, and ate in the City.

I spent $1500 of that in one week in luxe. The rest I just hung out in coffee shops and ate $5 massive dinners.

If I really wanted to stretch it out, $5 a day. If I REALLY wanted to pinch dollars, going to Thailand would be even cheaper at $1000/year and eat well. I can't understate how cheap food and living is.

nice story user, thanks

Always a pleasure to help a fellow user who might one day be on the road like i have. World's too big and beautiful to be properly appreciated from the bedroom window.

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Who is that goddess?


a third will suffice if you stay in each place for a while and dont fly from continent to continent

Raiden's daughter

She looks like a gook version of Milana Vayntrub

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how would you get to another continent then?

What's insane is how much wearing that hat shaped the bottom of her face.

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1 link EOY should suffice

good effort sadly thread died

Kek. Will she fuck up everything she does too?

How much for that is the question

if you can leave and have no expenses back home (vehicle loan,mortgage etc) you could go buck wild with 60k.
1000 bucks a week for you dummies. If you go to Ching Chong land though it's way cheaper, you would be a rich westerner with big ah Mercian penus