Who here an opi trader?
Who here an opi trader?
I took kratom non-habitually for about 8 years and then got addicted and took it daily for 2 years before finally quitting. AMA.
just took my afternoon dose of super green Malaysia. ahhhh comfiness awaits
Bali was always my fave.
I switched over to Kava, which is alright but unfortunately expensive as FUCK compared to kratom.
I just ordered some. What am I in for?
Depends, what strain & vendor?
green vein from Orgeon Kratom
Never tried them but I read they are good.
Expect to feel warm and comfy and somewhat euphoric, but without the drowsiness you would get with a real opiate.
Start small, classic rookie mistake is taking too much and yakking. Lemme tell ya, kratom puke tastes even worse than normal puke.
kratom is a weak shit
The opi trader is calm and collective. Does not panic sell when emotions are high like the caffeinated traders. He makes decisions based on logic in a calm headspace when deciding to buy or sell.
this guy gets it. Kratom wakes me up and gets me comfy
Isn't this really addictive
>it's a degenerate teens who are waiting to turn 18 LARP on Veeky Forums because they hear about kids doing drugs in high school thread
Whats a good starting amount?
not everyone's a coward/incel user, some people like to live
Can i buy this in australia?
nope, you live in the nanny state
Kratom isn't an opiod
Try 2-3 grams, if your Kratom is somewhat good that's a comfy dose.
Just started taking Kratom, I started slow with like 10g a day. it's about 3 weeks on and last night I took 30g. The only way for me to take it and not puke it to mix it into a smoothie like those naked smoothies or really any I suppose. I like the feeling it gives you and it's definitely a better way to relax than alcohol. Al thought the feeling is very addictive.
6 I'd say, I started on 3g after reading some website but felt nothing at all.
Yes. Unhealthy? I'm not so sure.
Holy fucking checked. It certainly isnt.
why'd you quit? I've been addicted for years and quit multiple times, but I don't see why not to just keep doing it. Shits just like having a cup of joe unless you are taking huge amounts.
Then why does the DEA want to make it a controlled substance?
I received multiple notifications that krakenkratom dot com had to recall many batches due to their sources reporting a salmonella outbreak. Make sure to DYOR about who you're buying from my dudes.
For anyone considering to take Kratom regularly, here are some tips from a daily user on how to minimize tolerance and withdrawals:
Buy as many different strains and "colors" as you can e.g. Malay Green, Malay White, Malay Red, Bali Green / White / Red etc.
Overall effects of the different colors:
- Green (slow): Great body high, relaxed feeling, euphoria effects and general comfiness
- Red (fast): Stimulating effects, great for workouts or work where you have to move, tends to have little less euphoria and a weaker body high but will keep you awake better
- White (medium): A balanced mix of effects from both green and red
Always cycle your strains and colors, if you use a different one every day your tolerance won't go up.
I'm using the same dose every day (3 grams 2 times daily) and haven't increased it since I started about 3 years ago.
Your week could look like this:
Day 1: Bali Red
Day 2: Malay White
Day 3: Borneo Green
Day 4: Malay Red
Day 5: Borneo White
Day 6: Bali Green
Day 7: Borneo Red
As you can see the more strains you have the easier it is to rotate, but the most important factor is to use a different color than the day before.
Always use it on an empty stomach and don't eat anything for at least 1 hour after to get the best effect.
Never use Kratom extracts, your tolerance will go the moon very fast, simply not worth it.
Start out with a 2-3 gram dose, if that doesn't work try 3-5 grams.
If you are getting tired after the first dose you are taking too much, try using less.
If you still don't get any effects with 5 grams, your Kratom is probably shit and you should order from a different shop.
Wait 6-8 hours before redosing to get the most out of it.
You can still easily get mentally addicted to Kratom with this method but the physical withdrawals are very minor and disappear after only 2-3 days.
The withdrawal horror stories online come from people who always use the same strain and color and thus have to up their dose to get the same effect.
So the public is forced to buy pharmaceuticals for self medication?
dose kratom everyday at the mining farm, play vaporwave, /comfy/ its the best shit ever withdrawals suck but are orders of magnitude milder than pharmaceutical opioids
30g a day after 3 weeks? Dafuq? You must have the shittiest kratom on the planet. I took it every single day for more than a year and never went beyond 15g. Usually 10g was plenty.
Thank you user, this is very valuable wisdom. I have been taking the same strain (Borneo red) for months, and my tolerance level is embarassing. I take a minimum of 3 grams every two hours while working until the evening. Then I have one or two 5-7 gram doses. Changing strains daily is exactly what I need to be doing.
This user knows what's up. The only thing I would add is that potency varies WILDLY between vendors, so try a bunch. Unironically check plebbit to get some ideas on what vendors are worth trying.
>Start out with a 2-3 gram dose
This is key. You can always take more if you underdose, but if you take too much you will feel like shit for hours and may end up projectile vomiting.
Being dependent on it seemed to kick my anxiety into high gear. If I missed my morning dose, I'd have the sweats and be anxious as shit by lunch time. I don't plan on quitting forever, but I don't want it to become an every day thing again.
I buy pounds off borneohale, straight from indonesia its super cheap and potent. their super maeng da is great. if you're in canada you might not want to order more than 1kg to your own place. if you have friends try and ship the extra there. shipping is the most expensive part but at these prices it wont matter. literally like 30-40 USD a KILO
Good on you user, it curbs my anxiety and that is a key reason I use it. I get not wanting to be dependent on something though. Personally I've tapered down to practically noting so many times, with little effort, I don't see the point of stopping.
Holy crap, what a deal