Oh, it's mooning again?

What a surprise.

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This thing I bought purely on the shills is the only thing keeping me afloat right now. Actually looked into wtf this coin is and reading up on unionpay now I having serious fomo wanting to dump some more money into this

>dyor after you buy

never change Veeky Forums

Attached: 5YjYpra.jpg (1000x800, 56K)

literal definition of vaporware

Could of picked this up @ $0.04! Didn't bother.

Attached: 2f7.jpg (200x169, 7K)

What the fuck does it even do?

Is this DBC/ITC/Gookcoin 2.0?

Based BBN, refuses to dip

This is just the P&D flavour of the month . Enjoy the gains sell on time

best thing is it's not even on bigger yt channels or reddit yet

Not on any major exchanges yet too. Based user that started shilling this may bring my portfolio back to even.

Attached: 1521846439665s.jpg (249x243, 9K)

it's crashing

Every time this thing drops a bit it rebounds even harder. 20c by Sunday.

team and partnerships are way too strong for that


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Wtf was green dildo??? Shot up 300 sats lol, then down 250

Bots dump to btc when btc runs like that.

Which user just bought 140k banyanas at ATH?


Attached: 1513914422064.png (300x300, 82K)

When you clear an order book like that for example, it went from 1710 to 1980 sats, then right back down to the sats prior to the order, due to bots I guess? Could he have driven the price up to 1980 and have it stay there if he individually bought each order slowly instead?

Lol, crazy. Someone with that kind of money doesn't fat finger. He wanted in and he wanted in now.

>That kind of money
That's really not a lot of money. I have 250k of these (granted I bought at 8 cents). But yes, someone wanted in now and be done with it, it's atleast 50 cents in April

Fair, I guess it's just more than a biz $50 pocket money amount.
Mirin you boys who got in so early, not sure how I missed it. Biz is actually good for early shit, it's the only benefit of this toxic pit of abuse and hatred.

You and everyone else very very soon. This one is such an easy DYOR. People will soon know.

You are welcome. Not even kidding bud. Enjoy the gains.

Lmao I have heard this for 2 weeks straight now.

Watch what happens.

>didn't want to fomo in because I don't fomo in to chink coins
>knew about this beginning of march
>has 4xed since then
>know that it will dump precisely when I fomo in
Oh well

You should change your investing strategy. Not all Chinese coins are scams, and with minimal research and half a brain you can figure out which ones. Try harder.

i bough in at 0.128$ and shilled it yesterday but nobody seemed to care :D

Anything Chinese should be presumed a scam until proven otherwise desu. I also have no fiat that I'm willing to spend left, and every coin trade costs me money since I'm American.

"alibaba"/"neo"/HPB/UnionPay/bunchofothershit partnering with them what do you expect :D this is something really special.

>and every coin trade costs me money since I'm American.

are you stupid? do people actually think this? it only costs money if you have a profit

Realized short term capital gain

Freedom land, lol

If you would have spent 10 minutes looking into Banyan it would have been proven otherwise you idiot. Not sure why I even have to explain this to you right now. Stay poor.

Yea. I was just making sure you realized that you don't pay taxes on literally every trade (people actually think this)

Such is life in the land of the free.

Yeah, NEO, HPB, BBN, NAS I think are some of the chink scams that aren't actually scams. VEN might not be a scam in the long run but it's been looking less than promising.

>Enjoy the gains.
I can't believe! Thank you Elon!
Tfw was likely the first user mentioned it here but honestly didn't shill. Didn't expect this amount of shilling.

Okay I take back my comment. Don't stay poor.

Neo's problems can't be solved imo.
Follow neo's money and invest in zilliqa.

>VEN might not be a scam in the long run but it's been looking less than promising.

What makes you think that? I think it's just been looking juicier and juicier the past few months. It's a direct competitor to Ethereum.

Pay it forward when you find a gem.

Burgerland laws suck. Most of my remaining fiat needs to go towards paying taxes, pretty sure I set myself up to pay taxes when I cash out some coins to pay last years' taxes, too. The laws need to be changed.

NEO is invested in HPB, no?

The twitter sketchiness I guess, and the hilarious dump on rebrand. I sold the news at $6 but still...

I 100% agree. Innovation is happening so fast, we need to lower short term gains taxes. Speculation needs to be encouraged now more than ever. Sorry for the snark, there are a lot of idiots on here that still think Banyan is a scam.

>NEO is invested in HPB, no?
Yes. I hold hpb too but this thing becomes shady day after day. Not that I think they're pure scammers but what if their software will be complete shit and only their hardware will be used by another chinese projects? And anyway I expect something completely centralized.


HPB is also invested in BBN though. Pretty sure it isn't a scam, though whether or not it will work is another matter.

The co founder left his comfy CEO position at Union Pay Smart to start this. I have a feeling they will be successful. They have access to the big data from every advertising firm in China, as well as Union Pay, and Unicom.

Thank you for all the shills I made some profit over this. Reminds me that Veeky Forums is a great place and anons actually want other random strangers to be rich.

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Have 3500 of these sluts for the shiggles

That will be a nice years salary someday user, good work.

We aren't all malicious idiots here. When there is an inevitable moon mission, I will tell you. I am not looking to dump my bag on anyone here. I will however very much enjoy dumping on Reddit in about 1 - 2 years.

Probably the best and biggest and most awesomest moments in my whole short crypto history was when i found this out at 0.03+- and sametime ledu tokens were listed, i swapped all my ledus which 85% of them was referrals into BBN, got a nice 70k stack basically free.

That is sick man! This has been my best play so far as well. Went all in at $0.045.

Is it too late to get in?

when sell?

Marketcap even at this close to ATH price is only $18 mil. May experience some dips, but the only direction to go is up.

if BTC goes past 9.1j we will blast 20 cents im sure.
suppoman has yet to make a video on BBN + news and new exchange end of the month

Oh man this ride is gonna be so good

I have 1 million of this coin and I don't know what it does when do I dump it all?