And now this is looking very bullish. Who knows what about this coin>??>
looks like mainnet soon
Calm down Ranjeet
did he died?
You sound like a fag who likes to miss trains.
Go back to your college life, kid.
Big boys only.
>I called storm
Link to the archived thread then.
Here's from this morning. Looking for the ones from the last three days.
Here ya go fag
Now that that's over with.
I'm getting good indicators on IOST.
Who the fuck knows what about it? Let's make some money
>"called it" when it' already started.
In >8481302 you claim you said to get in on monday. How about you post that? I'm not interested in somebody "calling" something that's already started
Check the next post bruh.
So your calling coins that have seen a 25% growth and claiming to have seen it coming and advised people to get in? R U MAGIC?
In the next post you link 2 threads after it was already starting to moon. In the last link of this post you said you called it on monday prior to the moon. I need to see it being called before it was already breaking out before i'm going to do anything based on something somebody on Veeky Forums said.
Now maybe i'll miss out on this moon but if I just trusted everybody on here i'd already be broke. So I need to see the original call that happened before the moon began.
Not really.
Listen guys: I don't know why the hostility. I don't care. I bought that shit on Monday before the burst. But who gives a fuck? I made 4x my money.
Do you want to make 4x your money?
Found something interesting. Sure, it's already started (maybe completed) its first leg. Does that mean it's not good for more? No, it does not.
Clearly you like to posture instead of collaborate and make money. Go run your vagina in the corner while the big boys strategize.
>I don't know why the hostility.
It's not hositility. It's healthy skepticism. If somebody came up to you on the street and asked to give them 4 grand and in a week they'll give you 16 grand would you believe them? Or would you need to see something concrete?
Fair enough.
I'm not calling anything right now. All I'm saying is that IOST has the same bullish indicators that I saw on Storm. Doesn't mean it'll moon.
I'm just wondering if anyone has any info on this coin. Something more that what I can see on the chart or in a google search.
He walked it off
I want to believe and its appreciated what your trying to do, but no one knows. And jumping into something after a 200% increase is just suicidal IMO. But hopefully we can all catch the next one.
Haha go shit on the street you filthy shill
Yeah met with AirBNB co-founder, college professors, and they're working on dApps.
Ooooh, Dapps. Buzzword of 2018. I like it.
If it passes
290, then it's onto its next leg. IMO - not advice.
IOST or ENG? Both looking bullish in 1day charts. Which should i fomo into
Checking ENG out now.
I’d like to buy but I already got burned once today
Too late already bought ENG. Only cause looks like a better long term coin. Plus its my fav logo haha
Def. a longterm hold - looks great on that front.
Short term: looks like it needs to correct a bit after its run.
>long term coins