My wife won't allow me to invest in cryptocurrencies. She forces me to bring home my paychecks and has total control over the money. Biz how can I fix this? She's really good at paying the bills but I would really like to be able to have some say in the matter. Its been like this for 7 years now. I want to finally take control of my life.
My wife won't allow me to invest in cryptocurrencies...
If you have no kids drop the bitch now.
If you do have kids take time to contemplate how it will effect them, then drop the bitch.
A relationship is a two way street, total domination never works and you should do anything in this short window of mortality you have to be happy.
>asking biz for relationship advice
Sorry user your wife is right to take your money. You need a firm hand to stop you going all in on BTCP
Yes I don't have any kids. But I've been with her for 7 years now. There's no way I can find another wife. Im already 27. Way past prime age for finding marriage
Kek you haven't even hit your prime. Way to cash in early user. That's like selling btc at $100
Stop depending on other people, you can do anything with your life.
Who says you need another wife?
Maybe tell her how you feel.
But user, I'm 30 without a gf, what does that mean for me?
Start looking now
>woman cucks your finances
divorce her, i hope you guys dont have kids
Atleast you have somebody who loves you and doesn't wan't you to lose your money by gambling on shitcoins. You are lucky
you sound weak OP. kinda like pic related. he lost to apples.
seriously, you skinny armed cuckold, just kys right now
It means you're a Cuck and an Incel to top it off. Grow a pair and find a proper girl, someone YOU can control because two-way street relationships are a fuckig meme. You either control your property or you don't.
>t. Asian dude with submissive wife
Suck dick on the side, create a separate bank account and make your purchases that way.
Ah the old "men age like wine" meme.
You are going to be disappointed.
you fucking morons. a man's sexual market value INCREASES, it's women who need to find a good partner before they hit 30. life is too short to spend it with some dried up bitch
As long as you're outgoing and have focused on advancing your career its true, of course this is Veeky Forums so the likelihood that both applies to someone on here is low.
>My wife won't allow me to invest in cryptocurrencies. She forces me to bring home my paychecks and has total control over the money. Biz how can I fix this? She's really good at paying the bills but I would really like to be able to have some say in the matter. Its been like this for 7 years now. I want to finally take control of my life.
Dont invest in crytos. Crypto was just trend bubble that became meme when it got out of hand. Even the the spreading on social media was done by big players. And the old rule of market is when a noob makes as nuch as you make, its time to get out. There will be bubble on something else now.
Dont ruin tge marriage.
Great bait if LARP. If not holy shit user get out of there right now, you sound brainwashed as fuck.
>a man's sexual market value INCREASES
You forgot to add - relative to his peers
no i didnt
a man's sexual market value increases as he ages as opposed to a woman's who's decreases