HUMAN meat

What does human meat taste like?

I have eaten shark before.

It was a fillet, cooked on a skillet, with a little white wine, and cracked pepper. The taste was absolutely amazing.

Now when a Shark eats a human, do you think they enjoy the taste?

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It tastes like pork. We are the long pig. Sharks don't enjoy the taste of us, we are too lean.

Probably like a shitty version of pork

They probably don't enjoy it. The average human probably tastes like stale french fries and rotten pig.

>people eat what tastes good
>people wouldn't taste good

The long pig?

yeah, humans are called "long pig" i think by cannibals because we taste like pork.

or some shit idk

It's actually because human meat was sold as pork in times of famine such as in Germany after WW1.

The meat is good, very lean, don't bother with the fat though it's shit.

>Cow eats grass
>Doesnt taste like it
Really makes your brain engine overheat

Yet their bodies are literally composed of the compounds from the grass. Human bodies are composed of all the delicious complex compounds they've been eating.

For maximum flavor, force your victim to eat every meal with you for a couple years THEN eat them. Or possibly eat someone who's only eaten human for two previous years?

Also, I'm pretty sure eating so much human, especially rare would give you supernatural powers? Or prion disease? Or both?

Would an american taste any different from a european?

The japanese soldiers would eat POW meat during WW2 too. Referring to it ass waito piggu longu

human meat is quite sweet. I don't recommend eating human brains that can give prion disease. My favourite cut is the cut from the buttocks of Indian children. Each year I buy about a dozen to eat with my friends absolutely delicious and it pairs well with cognac.

>eating poor people

From a medical standpoint, it's probably safer if you eat someone from a Western country where vaccines are typically given at an early age and reduce the risk of getting some sort of nasty third-worlder disease

>Eating GM meat
Enjoy your autism.

I had a chance to taste some monkey meat when I was at China, those tasted nothing like pork. The taste is distinct and unique.

I laughed for ten minutes even though this thread is shit.

Children are akin to veal in terms of texture, adults are grainy and tough, adolescents tend to make the best cuts in terms of texture to flavor ratio. Much like animals the diet of the human has a strong affect on the taste. Think something along the lines of a sweeter wild boar.

Why would you think we tasted anything like monkeys

For prions just avoid eating brain and stuff related. Thats where most power is tho, so kinda pity.
Anyway the stuff you eat is broke down into basic nutrients so it has little to nothing to do with flavour. A healthy diet probably brings out best flavour tho

Depends on the cut although human ass meat in it's raw form tastes like salmon sushi

Eat it every year or so a few times, hunting's hard though

Not if you separate the young ones from the herd


Isn't that what Hannibal was doing in Season 3 with the pretty lady

>burger meat

Because we share an enormous amount of DNA, probably. It would be like comparing zebra and horse meat.

>zebras and horses eat literally the same food

>monkeys eat fuckton of leaves and mostly fruits, while humans eat mostly processed grains and fuckton of meat

yeah no, there is no way that human tastes like monkey, the taste should be more similiar to pigs since they get fed with a lot of animal byproducts

would downers taste like a potato

>eating a man filled with cum vs eating a man filled with cheeseburgers
Really puts the old noggin into hyperdrive

From what I understand, human flesh tastes a lot like pork.

just like pork but a bit harder to chew

It probably enjoys the process of feeding, but I doubt they are able to taste much as that isn't really a skill they need to rely on. I assume something like a bullshark would have a much better sense of taste than a great white.

>Unlike the human tongue, or the tongue of other animals, the shark's tongue can't really move. It has no taste buds. The shark does have taste buds on the lining of its mouth and throat.

He said it tasted like pork and veal.


the cannibals of new guinea say white people are salty. apparently Japanese tourists are the tastiest .

Speak for yourself.

I heard about that too. Apparently the Jews in Germany would kidnap children/use orphans as meat to sell to financially effected Germans. Apparently they'd make a lot of sausages out of the children so people wouldn't know what they were eating.

Fucking Jews man. Evil people. No wonder why the Germans wanted retribution in WW2

C'mon, didn't you guys hear? Cannibalism isn't cool anymore.

it's okay I guess

>Cannibalism is fine Goyim. Eating babies is just a cultural difference!

Every. Fucking. Time.


That's a crazy serial killer who happened to be German. It's a literal part of Judaism to sacrifice children in blood rituals.

Insanity, the post!

Suggest a quick evaluation at Bedlam for you, crazyman.

From personal experience it's rather sweet for a meat. A little bit gamey but depending on how you season it, it can be good. I can see it being better if you were to combine human meat, pork chops, beef chunks and a bit of lamb into a stew of some kind or maybe ground it all together and make a sort of shepherds pie with mushrooms.

>Uninformed: The Post

There's a professor of cultural anthropology I read about who in his course got students to eat tofu that he somehow made to taste what human meat would taste like so they could experience the sensation of living in a cannabalistic society.

That article confirms that it was not a normal, and in fact almost unheard of activity, you foul white trash.

>in the earliest cases which claimed that then-contemporary Jews reenacted the crucifixion
>the blood of the children of Christians is especially coveted
Yeah, I'm sure they gave a shit and this wasn't self-aggrandizing Christian paranoia

You'd literally have to be as dumb as or dumber than some bumfuck 17th century Puritan to believe it

Haha so naive. I really hope you don't learn the truth the hard way. God bless and be safe.

Watch out, sticking your head that far up your own ass is a form of self-cannibalism.

Maybe he's confusing Jews with Incans?

How long can i store a human body in a freezer?, I always thought that if I kill someone I would eat him some parts of him and some for my cats, just to get rid of the evidence

I'm not.

Hawaiians sat it tastes like spam.

>Veeky Forums Food & Ritual Sacrifice

Yet you believe Professor Shekelbergman when he cites those "facts" about Hitler having one testicle and injecting bull semen into his veins and worshipping extraterrestrial gods, right? kek

would drunkenly scarf this down then do cocaine in the bathroom to persuade a bowel movement

there's only one way to find out

You sound like fun. I would hang out with you.

I'm sure most of you are lying but seriously, in what context have you ever actually been able to try human meant?

/pol/ pls go

I'm sure most of you are lying, but seriously, in what context have you actually been able to try human meat?

Does that arm come with the watch?