Taxation is theft, and (((theft))) is Jewish.
Friendly reminder
Don't you worry, my friend. The day of helicopter is drawing nigh.
This isn't /pol/ you utter mongoloid.
Economics is a valid topic on Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums complains all the time about getting fucked in the ass on crypto taxes by the (((IRS))) so it's a good idea to shed some light on who is responsible.
I don't have a problem paying taxes, I do however disagree with a) the amounts and b) how badly they fucking spend it
sage all replies
report all /pol/ threads
property is theft
k stop using roads
At least my imaginary friend likes me--you anti-semites have persecutory hallucinations, and that's just sad.
/pol/ is always right
Time for jew pills
Christ it's like staring into a trashcan, can you fuckers not post your shitty memes all over Veeky Forums? Can't you go frolic in shit with your friends from the_donald over on /pol/?
>live in USSR
>land expropriated
>forced to work on commune land
>half of my friends taken away to Gulag
>good old Vladimir arrested as Kulak for being beloved and influential in the community
>ask my friend if farmland would be better in private hands and tell him that i think we're being abused
>"k stop using farms"
>plz be nice like reddit
Sorry shlomo you can't hide here
just admit the jews are superior to filthy caucazoid aryan goyim trash! long live judea!
Taxation is pretty much necessary for healthy society to function desu.
> Sacrificed his foreskin to Yahweh
>necessary for healthy society to function