"WE MADE HOW MUCH IN CRYPTO? Oh my god what are we gonna use our gains on? We need to go on a vacation...

>"WE MADE HOW MUCH IN CRYPTO? Oh my god what are we gonna use our gains on? We need to go on a vacation. We need to pay for my sisters college debts. We need to donate to refugees.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>We need to be JUSTED

Women literally have the worst risk/reward ratio. How can they live?

>We need to send my black son to college!

"Uh, 'We'?"

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always tell women you are a dead poor hard and honest worker that can’t afford anything mildly expensive and therefore need to save every penny, even if you have a cellar stacked with to the top with goldbars.

pro tip

Sit down user, we really need to talk....

Listen, I heard on the news that your internet money isn't doing too well anymore. I remember, I promised you I would love you forever and held you so tight that day you told me you bought a "dank amount of BTC" when it was cheap, but something has changed and the feeling just isn't there anymore... I still love you but I'm just not IN love with you anymore okay?!

I think I'll be okay though, I heard Chad invested in NVIDIA, a real company that produces real things and has real cash flow. Listen now and don't freak out, I think I'm going to stay at his house for a few days and work through my emotions, I just need some time, I'm not ready for a relationship right now, I'm still emotionally sore.

Bye user...

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>doesn't tel wife about money

This. I make a shit ton of money but portray myself as broke when meeting new women. Golddiggers will play nice and rock your world, but they're not there for you.

What’s the point in having all this money if you keep living like a NEET and never use it?

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Financial security, but people who are rich and live extremely frugally are just stupid.

To get more money?

And/or just rich.

I have about 400k in cash and a net worth over $1 million but I spend the bare minimum in every single situation. I'm not rich but I'm not an idiot. I would keep doing this til I got to $10 million.

this is how you do it


i can feel the tumor growing in my brain

you will keep doing this forever. my office is rented from this guy who owns huge amounts of property in this city and is now a crusty old fuck with trustifarian children. i have seen him personally adjusting our thermostat. we occupy probably 0.01% of his total rental property.

But that would be lying and good relationships can't be based on lies.

>brown eyes
Good riddance.

>What’s the point in having all this money if you keep living like a NEET and never use it?
Freedom. That's the real value money has, not buying some useless shit.

This, this and this. So much this.

Literally, this actually happened to me when Bitcoin went down 2% on that run to 10k in November lmao

"Heard in news, sell it"



>Listen now and don't freak out, I think I'm going to stay at his house for a few days and work through my emotions


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>We need to donate to refugees.

Do girls really say this shit? I can't help but think it's their betabux orbiters who do it first.

lol roasties arent human never expose yourself or be open to them there is no possible upside

women truly are the niggers of genders


Back in January I was showing my GF my blockfolio which was @ 550K... I even heard her tell her daughter that we would be able to pay her way through college blah blah blah... she rolls her eyes when Im on the computer and cant be bothered with our issues. I had made the comment that when I made 4 million I would retire and we would travel. The other day she saw an article in some fashion mag about how crypto had shit the bed and the bubble had burst. She came home and asked how my crypto was doing and I said fine i had added about 20% to my positions. She looked confused and wanted to see my blockfolio "thingy"... I showed her the 110K its worth now and you could see her face drop like a rock. Now I'm the stupid fucker that didn't cash out at 500K blah blah.

unironically just broke with my gf today
i'm not even going to use my gains on anything anymore except more gains
there's no comfier life than neet spending 0


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>showing my GF my blockfolio
what the actual fuck?

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This is your wife not your mom.
>her daughter
Oh gosh...

I was excited. She was going parabolic. There was no one to show it to. /biz poisoned me.

>her daughter
Cash out and pay the whore's daughter for college, goy. And then kys, you trash.

You're a fucking beta user

Fight me

Yeah, I know that feeling because I was in the exact same situation as you at that time. Except I told LITERALLY NO ONE. My gf knows I am interested in this stuff but doesn't have the slightest clue how much I have.

You had me up until "donate to refugees".

"We need to go on vacation" is real. "We can pay off my sister's college debts" is real. "We need to donate to refugees" is a /pol/ meme.

Go outside dude.

Sucking dick

Maybe you should date a woman who is capable of understanding a long term investment strategy and trusts you to carry it out well. Even better: stop being a stingy kike and give her a little bit, even $50 worth if you’re a poorfag, to get her involved personally. Wouldn’t you like her to be by your side in this instead of a potential landmine to step on? Or are you dating someone you don’t even love like most of the fucks here that are just too far gone/ruined from past abuse?

Would you rather buy random expensive shit or never have to work a day in your life again?

>her daughter
Top bait my man.

>date a woman who is capable of understanding a long term investment strategy
That's the kind of thinking that gets you into a predicament like the OP. I don't want her to understand my long term investment strategies, I want her to cook, clean, and pop out some babies eventually.

Good opsec user. My waifu thought I was cheating because I was always on my phone, always distracted. I told her I had some small investments, a few thousand in a few coins. Soon as I did, she took an interest, wanted to know how much, when I'm going to sell, what we are going to do with our money- I gave it a few days, then showed her the January TRX crash on coingecko. "We've lost everything, anonwaifu".

That's why you have to make sure they prequalify. Mine has returns of about 200-300% over the past seven years.

>We need to go on a vacation
>We need to pay for my sisters college debts
not sure about this, but may be we can
>We need to donate to refugees.
fuck off bitch, stay poor and blacked. dropped


Yeah right. That's why you get a gf who is into crypto. Me and my bf both have separate portfolios.

You are doing it wrong.

Your paragraph of greentext makes me sick.

The point is to beat jeff bezos eventually

is she hot? post pics

My reactions:
>“thats all my money you whore now get the fuck out I already ordered 5 escorts who are all younger, hotter and more willing to suck my cock 24/7 so it never stays dry, now fuck off I also have to go to the Lambo dealership today cunt“

Maybe he has a tulpa, don't jump to conclusions.

its that simple

>I heard Chad invested in NVIDIA
poor Chad

True freedom. Not this watered down socialist crap.

Basically this. I pull the poor graduate student card. Managed to pull a girl from a rich family and she constantly buys me things.

Lol 3D
Just Monika.

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>Women literally have the worst risk/reward ratio. How can they live?

Nature thinks men are expendable because you really only need one man (theoretically) and the future of the species is secure.

This is why men are supposed to take risks and push the species forward. Women on the other hand take control of what resources they can for their infants.

If they don't have infants, then their own insecurity and personal misery becomes their infant, so they must buy it handbags and other stupid shit.

Hmm... Those all sound like not my problem. Babe you're making good money since you got hired at that engineering firm because of diversity quotas, why don't you help out your sister and those poor refugees?

You didn't study science, did you ? Is this you ? Pic related

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I got my degree from /pol/

why not both?

do you return them and buy more crypto?

So much this!!! If they leave you because they don’t like that you’re poor then they were never worth it to begin with. Perfect way to root out the gold diggers and materialistic whores.

THE ETERNAL STACY STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Lol, ironically I just realized that one of the only reasons why Nvidia even went up in the first place was because of the massive influx of bitcoin miners using their graphics cards last year.

This man knows da wae

Because you'll end up spending more than what you have

>>you really only need one man and the future of the species is secure

Down Syndrome, Haemophilia.

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Hopefully the female population provides genetic variation. The point is, individual men are less important than women to the survival of the species, which is why we have more female than male incestors.


is right, you fucking roastie


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i have felt this feel. its a feely feeling that feels feely.