If you are not spanish, italian or french you might as well felate a shotgun when the food subject comes up

If you are not spanish, italian or french you might as well felate a shotgun when the food subject comes up.

If you are not born in Germany and German you might as well hang yourself when philosophy is brought up

>implying that these countries know food just because of chicken, spaghetti and baguettes.

I am a Polish, German, and Russian mutt, from America, and I always get complimented on my cooking. Even won a few fair competitions. Though I'm sure you'll say that means nothing as Americans, especially flyover Americans that participate in fairs and fair competitions, all have no taste anyway.

India, China and Mexico easily surpass any individual european country in terms of quality and diversity of food.

Sorry you are so myopic in your pleb tier tastes

>Mexican """"""FOOD"""""


>diversity of food

Bitch, please. I'm 'Merican. Your food is whatever shit I didn't want. We will liberate whatever cuisine we choose, and make a fucking casserole of it.

Bitch please, how many times have the Danes forcefed the world rotten moss and laughed their way to the top of the food chain? The only French restaurant in the top 10 is run by an Italian Argentine.



And this is why you're fat

> We will liberate whatever cuisine we choose, and make a fucking casserole of it.

This needs to be a banner.

where did it all go wrong lads, and laddies?

>amerifat fair food

What'd you win with, a stick of deep fried, bacon wrapped butter?


that's not food you moron

I want to fuck the bunny

this is a weird way to say Brazil, OP


>He's a shitty skin


>bland, fatty, peasant food
>fattest country on earth
how about no


>mexico = fattest country on earth

US is ranked 12th fattest in the world. Mexico isn't even in the top 29, nignog.

fuck you mexinigger your food is still lower-than-dogshit tier

Ha ha, you've really gotten me good, sir. Truly devastating.

>thirdies think they have good food

>spanish, italian or french
Three cultures that tend to be food centered and thus have excellent cuisines. But certainly not the only three. South Asians, SEAs, some regions of China, most of the former Ottoman Empire, Mexico, Japan and Korea all have pretty legit food cultures as well.

>gets told
>"y-y-y-you're a nigger, and h-h-have shit tier food!"
