This is what $100 of meat and cheese looks like

this is what $100 of meat and cheese looks like

you know what's good is cheese


>this is what $100 of heart disease looks like


vegans pls leave

Well, dude? Open them up and show up what kind of meat and what cut you got, and what cheese you have, so we can judge you harshly as a collective whole.

*i am bad

decade aged cheddar and a pepperjack for quesdillas

Yea let's just put this cheese directly on top of raw meat, that's totally a good idea.

treat yourself, my man

If it's red meat : disgusting.

Now fuck off.

proshoot from italia

it was in plastic, i'm not worried

i forget what this is, outside round? rump?
whatever it's lean and i'm braising it

Because when you do shit like that, I already know the type of person you are, I hope you get food poisoning.

Ok I dont really hope that, but cmon dude, dont do dumb shit.

>wrap your cheese in plastic

enjoy your estrogen leaching

Cheese in Canada is too fucking expensive.

and finally,
prime rib

If that's prime grade, then I'm an amoeba and you got ripped bad.

your bait is weak

Not OP, but it's wrapped in butcher paper. Don't be such a little puss. What would you rather have him do, put the meat on top of the cheese? What a fucking faggot.

Cheese is plenty estrogenic as is

it's more like just saying 'Creepy'

I'd rather have my food that I enjoy eating uncooked not be physically touching raw fucking meat. Yea its wrapped in butchers paper, who said they washed their fucking hands when wrapping the plastic around it? And then they used those same unwashed hands to grab the butchers paper? I mean, sure you can be a fucking idiot about it, but when it's literally as simple as "Dont place these two items in such a way that they are physically touching", I mean, how can you not fucking do that.

And you can go the route of saying wow dude ur such a pussy bro ur not gonna get sick, how about just practice good food habits. That's literally it, literally all I'm saying, and your fucking Philistine ass is gonna come and talk shit. Choke on a fat one, you piece of shit.

'My mommy didnt let me play outside because of geeeerrrmsss'

>physically touching

It's isn't physically touching raw meat. The cheese is physically touching butchers paper.



>I've taken a couple Japanese classes and now I roleplay as a real Japanese
>on a Mongolian shadow puppet theatre imageboard

i'm gonna make black bean e-coli quesadillas just for you

I must be getting stronger in my old age. When I was a kid, I could barely lift $100 of groceries. Now its easy.

>doesn't know what "physically touching" means
>uses the term 'Philistine'

Everything checks out here


Shadow puppetry is indonesian you stupid bint.

Mongolia is for throat singing, wrestling or ger design.

OP seems like a big guy, keeping all that meat and cheese to eat for himself.

>not buying singles in bulk

Lmao newfag

>I live a boring life and can't live a little sometimes: The Post

Fuck off

Not sure if bait but prime rib is merely a cut, not USDA prime graded rib meat

We wear gloves you fucking sperg. We change gloves when switching meats and always when handling a specific customer's order

>prime rib is merely a cut

That really seems kind of silly. The cut is a rib roast. How does it deserve the term "prime" if it's choice or select? I'm american and I've never understood that. It seems more of a marketing term than a reflection of reality.

You'll die anyway, user.

>thinks the red butchet paper is meat and throws an autistic tantrum

great blog


From wikipedia (reliable, I know) "A standing rib roast, also known as prime rib, is a cut of beef from the primal rib, one of the nine primal cuts of beef. While the entire rib section comprises ribs six through 12, a standing rib roast may contain anywhere from two to seven ribs."

"While often referred to as "prime rib", the USDA does not require the cut to be derived from USDA Prime grade beef."

>It seems more of a marketing term than a reflection of reality.

I think you answered your own question for the most part

>It seems more of a marketing term than a reflection of reality.

Yes. Which is true for the vast majority of food names. Or names for anything else for that matter.

' '

eye round it looks like.
maybe bottom.


For you.


At least spell the damn word proper.

>Shadow puppetry is indonesian
Well duh, this imageboard is for Mongolians that appreciate it though.



you're not a pussy you're just autistic as fuck .. but I guess the two go hand in hand. kys


>not getting it frenched

what a pleb

>paying for someone to remove meat