The clearly murdered an innocent black man /pol/ what do you have to say about this?
Dindu Nuffin
wrong board pleb
Just realized, I’ll see myself out. They just need to merge the two boards tbqh
>literally a jewbook meme
>implying the (((media))) wouldn't be covering this 24/7 for a week
This is shit bait even for /pol/ standards.
>apart of the problem
Terrible that happened to that man. Why is burger land so fucked up?
>already fathered 2 goblinos
meanwhile I'm 32 and broke off with the gf because she doesn't want kids until "she's ready"
we're fucked lads
This cuckposting had better fucking stop
what the fuck is that """wife"""?
subtle shill.
should have dealt with your problems 20 years ago.
Now you need to live with it.
good luck guys.
Superior black genetics ladies and gentlemen
should've shot the whore and their race mixed turdlings aswell
Americans.... not even once. Jesus you people are fucked
is he wearing sergey's shirt and trying to tell us bizbros something from the grave? all-in on LINK boyos.
The body camera videos show the brief encounter between police and Clark, lasting less than a minute, from the moment one of the officers yelled: "Hey, show me your hands. Stop. Stop."
Police said the officers entered the front yard and saw the suspect along the side of the home. The man "turned and advanced toward the officers while holding an object" extended in front of him, according to the police account.
"Show me your hands!" one of the officers yelled. "Gun, gun, gun."
how about you just drop your phone before turning to face police? How is this police's fault at all? If I was in pursuit of an armed suspect and he turned towards me with a black object in his hands I would also assume it was a gun.
america is a mess
fine young gentleman breaks windows and attempts to enter multiple houses and cars
fine young gentleman runs from police
fine young gentleman gets cornered by police, is told to put his hands up
fine young gentleman runs towards police with unidentified object in hands
america has a major fine young gentleman problem
It's how the system works. I was arrested for double murder and released 6 months later because witness made a mistake. I could sue the police because they "did their job"
got any sources? I'm trying to google this but it's fucked with sympathy posts
look at the beautiful family
"journalists" are complicit in all of this
the truth always shines through
This is upsetting and pathetic.
But honestly if you don't want to live in the USA come to fucking Canada you get 30% more money just for showing up lol.
I appreciate you.
God damn people let themselves get so carried away without stopping once to look for facts
>fb moms will argue with a police training expert
hoooly shit your comment made me look twice. Her knees are fucking huge, what's going on here
>he doesn't like thicc girls
Low test beta male
> she doesn't want kids until "she's ready"
this woman is a genetical failure
She's ready to have genetically defected kids
you confuse thicc with big boned
that's a goddamn centaur. It looks like they photoshopped the legs of a 250lb black man onto her, especially since her legs are a couple shades darker than her face.
I'm not a fan of "thick" girls, no idea why. I think a lot of people confuse thick with fat, the latter seems to me like a poor excuse for a lack of self-control. Although evolutionarily speaking, we're inclined to prefer "slightly fatter" to "slightly thinner". But I'm not, oh well, is what it is.
it's part of their plan
some people that never leave their house, let alone their town, state, or country, never fully grasp the reality that most people are decent and that we all are incredibly similar to each other. instead, they buy into fear and hatred. we are obviously not all similar in lifestyle, or wealth, or color. what we all share are common rules for society. an old man told me that he used to be scared of africa, until he went to the war torn regions of west africa and saw children. sure, the war shit was still around, but he understood that a society that has children must inevitably have a yearning for safety and peace. a country where police gets away with shit like pic related needs some serious reform to be a place that is worth paying taxes for/building your life in. unfortunately, most people only understand how terrifying a corrupt police force is once it slaps them in the face, lets their house burn down, or shoots their son.
nice bait
fuck niggers, gas kikes
Thanks just bought 100k
evolutionarily speaking, we're inclined to prefer good proportions. A thin woman can just as likely have a good hip to waist ratio as a thick one.
> a country where police gets away with shit like pic related
>"Oops, wrong board, tee hee"
>Doesn't delete his thread
I hope they range ban you and rape your mother.
right, we're definitely inclined to prefer good proportions.
What I'm arguing is slightly different - that when it comes to the dichotomy of being over/underweight, we're evolutionarily selective towards the former. Mainly because there are fertility consequences of being slightly underweight, consequences that do not exist for those slightly overweight.
Hi newfriend! Welcome to Veeky Forums, in case you didn't know this board is anonymous and there is no karma system, you don't have to pretend to be upset about strangers dying like on FB/reddit/real life. Here you're free to express what we're all thinking, which is how hilarious it is that the cops mistook a 'cellphone for a crowbar' and rekt this loser.
lol american cops shooting left and right everyone what the hell
i dont think there has been police shooting someone in the last 20 years in my country
They said "police"
this would have never happened if he was inside his house daytrading crypto. never leave ur house Veeky Forums
and your country hasnt mattered for hundreds of years
>some people that never leave their house, let alone their town, state, or country, never fully grasp the reality that most people are decent and that we all are incredibly similar to each other.
We are different from each other, down to the individual level. The similarity is just an illusion. You see a nice facade, but you don't see the bad stuff behind the facade.
> accident occured in burgerland
> being surprised this happened
Pick one mutts
>apart of the problem
Literally means the exact opposite of what they think it means
we dont want you here though