why aren't there many soyboys in crypto?
Why aren't there many soyboys in crypto?
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you know
maybe we should just let the immigrants flood in and outbreed the white race
what is there to save anyway
Fuck you i have a lactose intolerance. I’m not into crypto because crypto mining literally contributes to global warming. Can we all agree that a decentralized non inflationary currency is problematic if we want to introduce UBI?
Because they waste their money on useless garbage
I have co-workers that get this excited about pop culture shit and I am envious. Shouldn't have done all those psychedelics, I reckon.
>lactose intolerance
not white
yeah drugs definitely change you as a person
Go back to pol you racist piece of shit. Don’t burn yourself with the tiki torch.
Yeah you shouldnt have been a degenerate good call
Crypto tends to attract right wing people who are interested in freedom and individualism because of its nature.
Unless you're an etherium soyboy, fuck those guys and their pencil necked messiah.
.t right wing cryptoanarchist crypto developer
You don't believe that race exists?
Who are you quoting?
It’s a social construct. Why is the melatonin amount of a persons skin important?
too busy playing video games
Because they wanted to overthrow the government. Soyboys are a threat to national security.
Holy shit are you literally straight from reddit or are you just retarded?
splendid LARP. a real soyboy couldn't have been more pathetic.
Because they're afraid of taking risks and only want to stay in their safety bubbles IT, graphic design, and trendy cafe jobs, and the confines of superhero movies, 1980s remakes, and video games. While you might find, "security," in this route, you will also never become anything more than a washed out wageslave drone by the time you hit middle age.
Those who succeed are those who take risk everything and bust their ass to work from nothing to glory. Those who risk it all to start a business, or jumped into Bitcoin early despite all the FUD, and think of new ways and ideas, then put them into action themselves, instead of just following the heard. Soyboys are anything but this.
I’m only active on r/investing. What’s your problem with reddit?
Top lol. Psychedelics changed my outlook on the world so much. I tripped with a small group on and off my senior year of university, and at the same time, got a 4.0 that year, as well as two of the three large scholarships for my department. Top lol.
Twenty to Twenty-six I think is the ideal time to take them. At that point your mind and worldview is already fairly well formed, but you are still open to radical new perceptions. Stick with the classics (mushrooms, mescaline, and acid) to start, instead of going with sketchier research chemicals, imo.
The niggest
Lol that bald feels guy looks psychedelic. Groovy!
Weak hands
really tired of comments like this
What are you talking about? It's a black and white picture...
Did you overdose on melanin?
Chainlink sucks (as do many other crytptos. I agree that the blockchain technology is interesting and can be used for good)
Go back to pol racist
Nice try good sir
Because they're risk adverse babies
Veeky Forums is a /pol/ colony, nigger.
fuck all you racist pieces of shit. goddam children that have never left their parents basement and think they are edgy by making racist comments on this stupid basket weaving forum. race exists, but we are all homo sapiens sapiens.
also smolk moar spice.
my id is the most green, so i must be the most right. fuck all yall. :)
No it’s not. Biz stands for business. /v stands for video games /vr stands for videogames retro, etc
If I could give you gold here, I would *clap*
The fact that you even brought up video games is how I know you are a faggot.
Veeky Forums is where /pol/ comes to make money.
nice trips, chek'd
I thought you guys like vidiya? Who doesn’t like video games? EA is shit though.
Because crypto involves risk.
Risk involves testosterone.
Reminder that this is the face of alt right butterboys because they guzzle dairy products with orders of magnitude more estrogen than soy.
Thank you (:
More """"""""high test"""""""""" butterboys
>Impliying that estrogen is a bad thing
>I agree with the rest of your statement. Drumpfidiots are pathetic.
>implying these fags trade for a living
I would like to punch that guy. Fucking nazi.
>Wanting to surrender
Found the ((goyboy))
Jordan Peterson is a pseudo intellectual who empowers transphobes
Video games are a waste of time, you'll grow out of them when you mature. And anime was a mistake.
Please refrain from calling DMT "spice". Everywhere outside of dmt-nexus, that word means "legal" synthetic weed laced with JWH and now even more dangerous and retarded research chemicals. DMT does not need to be associated with that garbage.
Go away.
Oh look, even more butterboys.
>don't drink soy
>don't drink milk
>don't eat diary products
All the butterboys you could ever want
I’m 32. When I come home from work I like to relax playing BotW. Nothing wrong with that.
this is now a dmt thread
Well I'm 33 and I haven't been able to get into a game since I was 20. There's either something wrong with me, or something wrong with you, lol!
Alright you faggots are taking my obvious larp too seriously. I’m out.
Veeky Forums always has been, and always will be, a /pol/ colony!
signed sasha shulgin glassware
>he doesn't know this is just ancap containment board for /pol/
Fucking soboys get out REEEEEEEEE
and....eww... a pube? loool
So this is capeshit power...not bad.
Similar here, I still would be a cynical cunt but it made evident the patterns of why mental cotton candy is trash.
Even the layout of grocery/convince stores feels manipulative.
>also "spice"
C'mon man, at least call it "deemsters" if you are going to use a nickname, "spice" is not a good look at this point in history. Have you met people who smoke that fake weed? It's worse than meth.
If he lived in china the gooks would literally lock him up in crush cage and keep him half alive with while milking his pinneal gland trough a soy extractor tube going into an open wound in the back of his neck.
Just from that the whole of inner Mongolia would be sustained for several decades.
>didn't that movie blow your mind, user?
>yeah, hehe heh
Don't let it bother you, nig.
We're all in this hellhole together.
but race is a social construct.