Why do women like to go to the beach?

Why do women like to go to the beach?

Is it about spending money? Being seen in a bikini? Status? Wtf is it?

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to slut it up you fucking retard, what do you think?

So how do I talk my gf out of it? Do I just organise one good BBC session so she can get it out of her system so we can go visit Norway?


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Are you stupid?

People go to the beach because they have fun there. Or to get a suntan.

its nice at the beach u sound like a fucking cunt

its relaxing sitting around and doing nothing all day

>because they have fun there

About 1% plays volleyball, swims and has a good time. The rest just lays there like rotting fish. What is fun about that? I can't sit still at the beach.

we go because its fun, wtf else would we go?

Basically, how to seduce men and get them to see them while being not self-centered but being self-centered but having fun but no, don't come near me. Creating envyness but creating a don't stare at me attitude.

Creating desire from men basically and subconsciously choosing and looking who can potentially be their future men.

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Wow imagine being this autistic

It's nice for about 20 minutes and then you start dying of boredom.

she wants bbc since you don't beat her enough yourself, women love that shit and you're not fulfilling that role for her

start by slapping her ass as hard as you can while you rail her. Work your way into punching her gut and then slapping her face full force. From there literally break her fucking nose, she will cum on the spot and it will instantly impregnate her with only the most powerful sperm and egg combination and you will have amazing children

Maybe you should wait until you graduate from High School first.

Just sitting out looking at the ocean is relaxing.

Shoo. Go away!

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>start by slapping her ass as hard as you can while you rail her. Work your way into punching her gut and then slapping her face full force. From there literally break her fucking nose, she will cum on the spot and it will instantly impregnate her with only the most powerful sperm and egg combination and you will have amazing children

Why would I perform physical labour, when I can employ a strong and supple African to do it for me?

And to think thats a mother with her son...

where is your address, I think I'll just fuck you instead and break your fucking nose while I rail your tight soy anus

i go to the beach all the time and its a mix of factors.
1. a nice sunny day with a blue sky makes me happy for some reason and you can't really enjoy it unless you're outside so why not just do it at the beach?
2. half naked women
3. vitamin D makes you happy and is healthy
4. i have a good muscular body so get admired alot which causes my brain to secrete dopamine

i think if any of the above factors was missing i wouldn't be bothered to go but because of the combination of all those factors i'm ultimately swayed to go.

being homeless is relaxing lads

For about 20 minutes. Then you just want to morph into a fish and swim away.

So be part of the 1% and stop whining.

Even if you are not actively swimming, playing volleyball or whatever just floating in the water on a tropical island and watching the world go by is incredibly satisfying. Especially after a busy few days.

It's a place where they can flaunt their bodies without being judged harshly for being 99% naked

She eyein' her son's bulge

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lol that's her son

>mommy milky


>So be part of the 1% and stop whining.

You can only prance and swing your dick around in swim shorts for so long. I want to go to some cold places.

holy fuck I got 4444 quads yesterday

what is kek trying to tell me

It means things are going to get better for you, user.

What do I buy

indeed brother. For all of us as I am part of this hivemind.

Are you insecure about your body mate? Don't worry 80% of American beaches are populated by fat/flabby people these days.

based chad making her deny being a slut while one night standing

Holy fuck, you need treatment for autism.
>why won't everyone spend 16h per day in front of computer like I do?

Something hidden that you've spent hours of your own research on. My coins are doing poorly atm so I won't share.

kek @ the defensive replies in this thread. Is it because this is how you spend every holiday and you don't want to think this makes you boring?

replenishing vitamin D, destressing. It's immensely pleasurable to lie in the sun if your vitamin D depleted.

go for a swim faggot

Now this is interesting. Maybe this is the explanation.

what a lucky guy fucking his hot mom

He's gay btw. Still, I struggle to understand what is going on here.

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seriously what the fuck??

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Sminem's blessing

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wew calm down he just doesn't like the beach

People who are on the sensing and feeling axis enjoy the beach. Women are more likely to be these people. There are plenty of men who enjoy the beach, though probably not in equal proportion.

As a rational person, you cannot enjoy the beach because, in it, you see no struggle to improve you, and few insights to be observed. You will never understand it because it is not who you are.

Wtf to visit a beach dont costs money. Some beaches are very empty and comfy. The best beaches for a breath of nature are the danish north sea beaches.

i like going to uncrowded beaches. it's fun to lay out in the sun reading a book after eating a sativa edible and maybe drinking a beer, soaking up that much-needed vitamin d, and then go run into the water and splash around like an idiot, like when i was a kid.

i dont see the problem with beaches. i get that some people do (body issues, crowd anxiety, etc). if girls like going to the beach more to you, idk, ive noticed girls just really like doing things. experiences. and who doesn't like chilling all lazy in the sun and maybe going swimming too.

The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.

>you see no struggle to improve you, and few insights to be observed
>rational person
if you don't get insights sitting on the beach your just a brainlet. if you conflate being rational with eternal struggle, your just a upper-middle class bubble dwelling shitstain who never had to struggle for anything

Beaches can be beautiful. I'm a dude and I like them quite a bit. Not a fan of super crowded ones though.

I live by a beach, it's a mixture of getting out, like you would going to a park. Socialising, sports/ exercise, showing off, and getting fresh air and sun. Vitamin d is healthy. Most girls avoid talking to strangers, and would be awkward if random guys hit on them. Could be different in a spring break scenario though as I'm not familiar with that.

If he doesn't, he will not eat any sheep and will die.

Oedipal to the maximum.

This is a very self-flattering way of looking at it.

Why didn't he just fuck her over the nearest rock then?

>i dont see the problem with beaches. i get that some people do (body issues, crowd anxiety, etc). if girls like going to the beach more to you, idk, ive noticed girls just really like doing things. experiences. and who doesn't like chilling all lazy in the sun and maybe going swimming too.

Add crushing boredom to the list. I can't sit still when sunbathing.

Anywhere else, sitting in one place and staring at one thing all day is boring to the point of being considered unhealthy. Not so when it is a beach for some reason. He has a point.

>where is your address

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA

Come and get me faggot

weak faggots will never get it

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Muh boi wants the DDDD

All normal people, regardless of sex, like to go to the beach.

Stupid autist neet faggots

It's legit fun to go to the beach.

Why is this mother fucking her son?

because the father is a soyboy with money.

beer faggot

post pics

this thread is pure autism

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the beach is awesome retardo
sage back to /r9k/ you go

Haha shes just mad she got PnD'd by Chad

Meanwhile it's totally fine to judge men on penis size.

>the beach is awesome
little tiny bits of rock and fucking masses of saltwater

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Girls just like to have fun.

>she (mom) will never tongue your asshole
Why even bathe

Oedipus didnt know he was banging his mother . He killed himself when he found out. Not accurate at all

Here's what happens.
She spend 1hr+ preparing to go to the beach.
you both spend 1hr+ driving to the beach.
you get to the beach and she reads her crappy book for half an hour.
Then she gets cold/hungry and makes you take her out to a seafood dinner AT THE FUCKING PIER that costs like $60 for the both of you.

beaches are extremely overrated in my opinion.

>1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
top fucking kek

>Wtf to visit a beach dont costs money.

In America most beaches are private and even the few free ones have super expensive parking.

Women 'like' doing a lot of things. By that I mean the idea of it, so they can get Instagram pictures. Most of the time they get bored after an hour after they get their pics and snapchat story then make you drive them home after they already complained enough that you don't do enough spontaneous and 'fun' things.

It's all for social media

What is wrong with you autizmos


>after they already complained enough that you don't do enough spontaneous and 'fun' things.
this is what chads do. she wants you to be chad

This has nothing to do with business you stupid fucking nigger, go back to redpill plebbit

I can drink beer on my porch without getting sand in my ass.

>sorry Janice, I'm "gay"
>can't hang out either, I'm helping my mom, uh, clean the house tonight

east coast fag detected.


this , well done bro, this is why im working out

god damn bitch it was a compliment fuck

damn man Norway is definitely better than resting your ass on some beach. I mean if you are 40+ beach maybe for you. If younger, Norway has some places. Not many faggots as well, 6 million people over such large chunk of land.


that was an excellent fap, great images op

I feel violated

>get outside
>breathe fresh air, feel the sun
>check out the hot babes
>show off 8 pack
>get a nice tan going
>your old lady is happy with you for gaining her social media points
>she is jealous other girls are checking you out
>fuck her brains out later
Its all about perspective

>For about 20 minutes.
I sat on the bench all alone looking out at the ocean for like 2 hours. Until I was cold and my butt really hurt and I had to go to the bathroom.

One of the best moments in my life desu.

>son, you're getting an erection
>follow me, young man. We need to get rid of that right now.

It's where water meets dirt



btw these two are biologically mother and son

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