Holy shit... is Steve Bannon "our guy"?
Holy shit... is Steve Bannon "our guy"?
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wtf is digital sovereignty? nationally? down to the very individual? we do need a way to control our own data and who we allow access to it, though. like i should be able to choose who can and cannot buy my information on an individual scale.
Paul/Bannon 2020
I liked Bannon. Once trump got rid of him I knew he was a paper tiger
Op go back to /pol/ u faggot
Op state of mind is mention crypto once and "he is our guy"
That's weird to hear. Needs a further confirmation.
Literally flailing around and grabbing hold of whatever is floating around current society.
>hello fellow crypto users
He is /our guy/ he ran a WoW gold farming business.
this retarded alcoholic monkey doesn't know shit about crypto
Paul/Bannon 2020
Nationalism is shit tier, shame cryptos are associated with that trash a lot.
based (((civic nationalist)))
Did he really say this ? I'd love to see the original article where Bannon said this.
Ethnic nationalism is literally fascism by definition. Shoo shoo, stinky collectivist.
>Nationalism is shit tier
Nationalism can work in homogeneous nations. It will never work in America and the only thing we can hope for is balkanized anarchic ethnic reigons
>Nationalism is shit
Found the pajeet.
found the communist retard
That tweet is embarrassing. whose cock did this guy have to suck to become editor of kikebart?
Lmao no. Literally an ideology for babies that think the world owes them something just for being born.
are you looking in a mirror or something?
no you should definitely kill yourself after pledging yourself to the government
>liking nationalism means you're a communist
What did he mean by this?
>implying there's any difference
not the brightest crayon in the box, I see.
I bet you unironically hold Verge
great retort communist scum
remember to tuck your trumpy bear in at night or you'll be sent to the gallows faggot
Woah.. 2020 will be a big year guys.
and what shithole country do you reside in, hmm?
by the way, pic related
Libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism are communist scams. Shoo shoo, commie.
unironically this. would be a culmination of a good chunk of time, blood, sweat and redpills for a lot of people.
>nationalism is communism
Nationalism just means having a government accountable to the people, it doesn't mean militaristic jingoism.
What all anti-nationalists don't realize is that they advocate an even more powerful and centralized replacement as an alternative. Globalism means a global government which is far less accountable compared to a national government.
haha, got ya didn't i ya fucking queer
>afraid to post home country for fear of being ridiculed
>continues to be edgelord
well who didn't see that coming
Brannon is way too nationalistic for a libertarian like Paul.
That's your shitty interpretation of nationalism. Nationalism in reality is a blind love for your homeland that eventually leads to biased viewpoints, war, and hatred for others based on their origin.
It has nothing to do with keeping your government accountable for anything. It's a veil the government uses to keep the sheep, like you, blind. Congrats on falling for ((their)) tactics to keep you controlled.
>implying anyone on at this time isn't from murica
cmon faggot try harder
Are you genuinely retarded?
>confusing love of country with love of government
Thanks for confirming you're mentally handicapped.
>implying they aren't the same thing
>implying if you say you hate your country, nationalists ((government shills)) won't jump down your throat
>implying they aren't the same thing
They aren't.
>implying if you say you hate your country, nationalists ((government shills)) won't jump down your throat
Maybe you should be more clear about the aspects you hate instead of painting everything with such a broad brush. You most likely live in a shithole country, but I'm sure there are at least a couple redeeming qualities you like about it. You can love the food or the music or w/e and still hate the government.
He "dropped" him so Steve could prepare the biggest blockchain related leaks known to mankind
>Maybe you should be more clear about the aspects you hate instead of painting everything with such a broad brush
>implying most of the country isn't complete shit
stop lying to yourself faggot
>You most likely live in a shithole country
Yep, murica, land of the shitholes
> I'm sure there are at least a couple redeeming qualities you like about it
The food is pretty good
>You can love the food or the music or w/e and still hate the government.
You seem to be missing the point, willingly. The point is, if I simply say "I hate this country" around a bunch of nationalists, I will get shit on for simply having that opinion, which is my right to have. An overall "hatred" for one's country is a blanket statement, yes, but a statement in such that it tells all it needs to tell. Why do I have to go into detail? What if there are hundreds of things someone hates from the government, to the school systems, to the people that continue to allow the country to be sub-par in nature simply because of their low IQ's? You seem to not realize that having a nationalist bias makes it so that you are ignorant to the world you live in, and the people you share it with.
Nationalism IS NOT Imperialism, learn the difference kid, and not from cosmopolitan propaganda outlets.
Read Thucydides
Funny that we live in a nationalistic society yet we're constantly subverted by russian/chinese propaganda and our government doesn't give 2 fucks about us.
Dude was selling gold in WoW before you people started buying into crypto.
>That's your shitty interpretation of nationalism. Nationalism in reality is a blind love for your homeland that eventually leads to biased viewpoints, war, and hatred for others based on their origin.
So things that have and always will be happening forever?
>Muh sheep
Go fuck off to the woods already, I'm sick of useless fucks like you who only ever talk about problems and whos solutions involve not voting or pipe bombs.
I subscribe to The Spectator and Taki's column last week was about his hour long phone conversation with Bannon. Bannon is touring Europe doing talks and stoking/following populist movements. Taki said Bannon spoke about how he believes cryptocurrencies will be the future of finance and they'll wrestle control from the corrupt financier elite, for the benefit of the people and the detriment of (((them))).
>So things that have and always will be happening forever?
>implying we won't eventually evolve past basic things
The other reality is that we simply cease to exist
>Go fuck off to the woods already, I'm sick of useless fucks like you who only ever talk about problems and whos solutions involve not voting or pipe bombs.
Never implied any of those things, in fact it's quite the opposite, but please continue being an absolute retard government shill
You must be larping desu. Good luck with your ethno sub-tribes that implode with in fighting when they realise that muh small gubmint doesn't let roads get paved
wait what?
I like Bannon, he is a man who takes ideas seriously. when he mentions cryptocurrencies he's not bandwagoning.
What did he mean by this?
>implying we won't eventually evolve past basic things
Wow this isn't an unrealistic expectation kek, I bet you believe evolution stopped at the neck to.
>The other reality is that we simply cease to exist
Some people might have things to lose unlike you and might want to do something about it.
>Never implied any of those things, in fact it's quite the opposite, but please continue being an absolute retard government shill
Keep living in fantasy world where your magical thinking and angry posting is going to solve anything, either that or just eat a bullet so nobody has to listen to your ramblings anymore.
Look up jingoism friendo, that's what you are describing.
/pol/ is always right
Direct pandering to hateful autists. At least he knows his audience.
>You seem to be missing the point,
The irony is strong with this one.
>if I simply say "I hate this country" around a bunch of nationalists, I will get shit on for simply having that opinion, which is my right to have
They have the right to shit on you just like you have the right to shit on your country or anything else. It's called free speech and is guaranteed to you by the first amendment. Do you really believe that only you should have right to free speech and nobody should have the right to disagree with your opinions?
>You seem to not realize that having a nationalist bias makes it so that you are ignorant to the world you live in
That's your opinion and you're free to express it, just like I'm free to express my opinion that you're wrong. That's part of why I'm a nationalist. I love this country and the freedoms we have that a lot of other places don't. In some countries you would get imprisoned or worse for badmouthing the ruler or the government. In some countries you could go to prison for using "offensive" language, but here I can call you a faggot nigger and there is nothing anybody can do about it, it's great.
>Jingoism is nationalism in the form of ...
>That's your opinion and you're free to express it, just like I'm free to express my opinion that you're wrong.
>hurr durr circular logic
kill yourself retard LOOOOOOOOOL
> I love this country and the freedoms we have that a lot of other places don't.
hahaha oh wow he actually believes this
if "digital sovereignty" means "death to all IP laws and any surveillance" then yes, /our fucking guy/
So you have no counter to my points, I guess I win. You're obviously a pajeet or hapa or some other lonely, self loathing, ugly creature who lost the genetic lottery and can't find his way in life. You aren't happy and instead of realizing it's your fault you have to blame everyone and everything around you. Elliot Rodgers 2.0.
>cannot reason
>cannot see the other side
stay in your box peasant
>he didn't deny it
Did your HB-1 visa expire, Sanjay?
Shorts answer, yes
It means preventing PayPal from shutting down right wing websites. Control of capital in our hands.
Yeah okay retard because it didn't work in the United States for 180 years until random fucking brown people started flooding in. The worst fucking thing about you brown people is you take your inferior outlook of the world and try to apply it to White people. Get fucked faggot.
yes always has been
No he’s a fat drunken failure that latches on to whatever is popular at any given time. He did it with Trump, with the “alt right” back in the day, he’s doing it with crypto, and now she latching on to the backlash against Facebook.
He’s a fat cancerous piece of shit who did nothing but leak to the media when he was with Trump. Duck off faggot retard.
He has a very good sense of how to turn general permavirgin angst into weaponised right wing hate.
Ehh, we've got an r/politics libtard here. I think you're lost. This isn't Reddit. Go home.
agreed, and take your pseudo-intellectual garbage with you.
>we live in a nationalistic society
what coins does Steve bannon hold?
Trump coin
The guy is a piece of shit. What has he accomplished? When he was with Trump all he did was leak to the media, then he cried to the media as soon as he left. He's a grifter who latches on to popular things, he never said one word about cryptocurrency in the past but now it's part of his new ideology? Give me a fuckign break, how are you falling for this shit?
To be fair, YouTube paypal and other such centralized services have really been stepping up efforts to shit down right leaning voices. It’s not bandwagoning in the face of that to discover that crypto is a solution.
Exactly, nationalism can take many forms and jingoism is a subset of that.
Only retarded libtards hate nationalism because they have been conditioned to think having a country and having borders is evil.
Bannon, the guy who made that shitty Sarah Palin documentary and raves about muh judeo Christian values? No thanks!